PCIntern's JournalI had a great moment with Pat Schroeder in 1992...
Here in Philly, there was a fundraiser at a restaurant, called Jacks Firehouse, and the guest speaker was none other than Pat Schroeder. It was a big crowd, we were waiting for her, and I was standing at the top of the steps, and finally she arrived and said hello to everybody with that nice smile that she had shaking hands and when she got up to the top of the steps, she said hello to me and I congratulated her on doing so well against Robert Novak the night before on CNNs Crossfire.
She clasped my hand and started talking to me about the show, and the particulars of what had been discussed, and the state representative, who was escorting her, said representative, we need to go in the back. I presume that she meant that she was going to have to meet with the big money donors .
Well, the representative turned her, and in an extremely harsh voice, said when Im finished speaking with this gentleman, then I will accompany you, and youre just going to have to wait. Then she turned back to me, put the smile back on her face, and said, now where were we?
Oh, yes
And we finished the conversation.
That state representative, whom I knew from various political get togethers, never spoke to me again, - she would walk right past me without saying hello, because she thought that I had dissed her, which, of course I had not. She kind of disappeared from the scene , having married a rich doctor, and not having to worry about much I suppose.
Slightly different approach this morning:
Whilst showering at the ungodly hour of 4:45 AM, I was considering when these indictments might come down and I thought of a passage from Jules Vernes The Mysterious Island wherein a pirate ship threatens the castaways/colonists. All seems lost, but then:
The colonists situation was desperate. Their retreat was discovered. They could not oppose any obstacle to these missiles, nor protect the stone, which flew in splinters around them. There was nothing to be done but to take refuge in the upper passage of Granite House, and leave their dwelling to be devastated, when a deep roar was heard, followed by frightful cries!
Cyrus Harding and his companions rushed to one of the windows
The brig, irresistibly raised on a sort of water-spout, had just split in
two, and in less than ten seconds she was swallowed up with all her criminal crew!
Im awaiting
.with bated breath, the swallowing of this criminal crew. . I believe its going to be a cascade of indictments, but Im often mistaken
From the "You can't make this shit up Dept."
Suella Braverman who is the Home Secretary who made those xenophobic statements which have caused all the ruckus in Great Britain, of Indian descent, was actually named after the Sue Ellen Ewing character from the TV show Dallas.
Which reminds me of a story from many years ago, when I had a patient named Brandy. We got to talking one day, and I mentioned that that was a hit song which I absolutely despised when I was in college. She proceeded to tell me that she was actually named after that song because both her parents loved it so much. It taught me a valuable lesson: to not make such statements in the workplace to people who are essentially strangers . You just never ever know
This is what Fani Willis should do:
Go for broke.
She should find a judge who will sign criminal warrants on the charge of Obstruction of Justice for all the legislators who voted for this law. Have them served and watch the fun begin.
B cause thats EXACTLY what theyre doing.
Lock them up!!
I had a bit of an Aha! moment last night...
I was thinking to myself, as I was driving home from a long day at work, listening to MSNBC live stream on the radio of my car, that the Republicans from the beginning of their, as far as Im concerned, purloined Congress, have utterly and completely fucked up. Its as though theyre a football team that has possession of the ball, fumbles it, kicks it around, and finally gets knocked out the back of their own end zone for a two point safety and loss of possession. Yes, I know most of you hate Football analogies, but this one I believe is apt.
Over the years, I have known a fair number of Philadelphia politicians and their staffs. Now we have had a reasonable number of morons in public office here, and I mean morons. The joke we used to make is that you could add up the IQs of half of the city council and still have a two digit number when you were done . I cannot begin to tell you how incredibly stupid some of these people were, and I have firsthand knowledge of their idiocy. We had one guy who did not renew his drivers license as a sitting council person and decided that that was unnecessary and of course, was caught in the act, and , again of course, it destroyed his political career. He actually had the temerity to say to me personally, that there is no reason for him to have to go through nonsense at the DMV because he was an important person. The absurdity was staggering. We also had elected representatives who were functionally illiterate to the point where they could not read my consent forms prior to treatment and used the famous, well-worn excuse that they had forgotten their glasses.
We also had many uneducated individuals, but they were people who possessed a lot of street smarts and were very very clever, and although they were not formally educated, I would say that they were in their own way. Brilliant in the scope of reading people, manipulating people, and advancing their cause.
One thing each of these individuals had in common is that they had on his or her staff, an absolutely brilliant, educated, substantive person who had terrific insight and abilities which reached far beyond those of the individual for whom they worked. I knew a few of these people, and they were remarkable in their own right. When Frank Rizzo was mayor of Philadelphia, he had two men working for him, who in their prime were extremely bright: Hillel Levinson, and Martin Weinberg. These were two of the shrewdest individuals I have ever met and easily could work at the federal level as policy-makers and fixers.
Which brings me to my point: I dont think idiots like Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Lauren Boebert have anyone like this. They achieve notoriety, and yes, I mean notoriety, by mouthing off in the extreme and being horrifyingly aggressive in all respects. But there is no second act for these people. Thats why it became so easy to parry their now well-worn out thrusts which of course the President did so brilliantly during his State of the Union speech. This is why Jordans attempt at disparaging the Democrats has fallen way short, not only because he has no facts to back up his case but importantly, there is no creativity or shrewdness here. Hes just another dumb fuck who looks and sounds like a dumb fuck. And thats what happens to these people.
The reason I know this to be the case, is this for many years I treated this one popular but incredibly stupid elected official and his staff from his office. As I indicated before, one of his people was one of these very very sharp individuals, who was his legislative aide titularly, but was serving as his brain. This poor gentleman, who was actually a very nice guy, died suddenly of a heart attack, and that was the last anyone ever heard from this elected official, who lost badly in the primary, which, in Philadelphia for elected official, is extremely hard to do. It was as though the puppeteer died, and the puppet thought it could wave around, and continue to perform. As we knew with our former president, in one sense he is sharp, because he was able to snooker a great many Americans into believing that he was their savior, but in fact he did not possess the intellectual capabilities to further his goals, and did not surround himself with individuals who were bright enough and forceful enough to guide him in the right direction by convincing him to show certain restraint or humanism, which, thank God for that, probably saved democracy in America.
I will leave you with an anecdote: those of us old enough to remember Mayor Frank Rizzo, remember the fascist reign which he exercised over the city of Philadelphia, and thus over the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in terms of voting bloc, and the iconic photo of him in a tuxedo with a knight stick in his cummerbund. Rizzo, in his own right was a tinhorn Mussolini, but following his departure, he was remembered by the vast number of people for being the mayor under whom a policy was enacted such that senior citizens could ride free on public transportation, at first in off peak hours, but it quickly evolved to all hours, and all transportation, including trains. This legacy, which continues to today, is a fantastic benefit for the citizens of all ages because younger people dont have to take off work or worry about child care to drive their elderly parents with limited income around. This was conceived by his deputy, and made Rizzo a hero among a great number of individuals of all races in the city. It was positively frightening to hear African Americans positively talking about a man who declared war on their neighborhoods and on their people. He did use the police as the Gestapo, but if mom could get a free ride
well, forget about the public strip searches and clubbing a and grotesque police abuse. Hes the hero. Its funny how you can buy somebodys soul for the equivalent of a sandwich and a cup of coffee.
How many of youse guys here were Crossfire addicts way back when...
Starting with Braden and Buchanan which evolved into Novak, Kinsley, and others.
I mustve watched hundreds of these, but the one I remember, the one I will never forget, is the one where at the end of the show when just the two moderators were there exchanging conclusions and debate points, Pat Buchanan said to Michael Kinsley After abortion were coming after birth control.. And Kinsley just sort of waved his hand dismissively and said Oh come on Pat, dont be ridiculous. I remember thinking that you take these fascists at their word, unlike liberals who tend to overpromise, and then deliver moderation, fascists go for the throat every time. We see that now in this incarnation of 1930s Germany in which we live.
The other more humorous moment which I distinctly recall, was that in one episode Novak had obviously lost one of his crowns on his front tooth, and the cameraman instead of staying back was shooting his face so you could see the preparation of the tooth and the fact that he had lost the crown. If the cameraman and the Director had liked Novak, they wouldve just panned backwards, and on the old analog TV sets you might or might not have noticed it. But there was no missing this. I remember running around my house looking for a camera so I could take a picture of it but had no film.
When Novak died I was pleased that no one would ever again be subjected to that horrifying scowl and sneer. He was mean and nasty.
I would suggest some things which may be done to Tucker Carlson
but many here would take umbrage saying either that we shouldnt sink to his level or cause (non-physical) harm to another or both.
If I lived near him or where he works and saw him in the street or in a restaurant Id be very creative and most certainly cause a modicum of emotional scarring upon this vicious sociopath. People who describe me say that I can be their best friend or their worst enemy, and believe me, if you think Jon Stewart was tough on him, that was nothing. However, DU Rules expressly prohibit me from verbalizing or writing what would come out of my mouth. And believe me, underneath all that bravado on TeeVee is a scared little prepubescent boy who cant take it worth a damn. Id love a verbal shot at him.
Im obviously so fucking mad I could spit
.Goering and Goebbels had nothing on this slimy prick.
Just thinking that saying that election season should put a hold
on investigating the attempted overthrow of the United States government is like saying that you couldnt abandon the Titanic because it was nearly time for First Seating for dinner. What would corporate think if all that food and prep time went to waste?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Philly
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Member since: Sun Feb 22, 2004, 09:01 AM
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