rpannier's JournalThen it will likely be never
Trump state visit to Britain delayed over protest fears: Guardian
U.S. President Donald Trump's planned state visit to Britain has been postponed after he told Prime Minister Theresa May in a phone conversation he did not want to come until the public supported his visit, the Guardian reported on Sunday.
Citing an unnamed adviser at May's Downing Street office who was in the room at the time, the Guardian reported on its website that the conversation between the two leaders took place in recent weeks.
That will likely be NEVER or the 31st of February. Which ever comes first
Pence family cat Oreo passes away
Second lady Karen Pence tweeted photos of the family pet, adding, "Rest in peace Oreo. You touched a lot of hearts in your little life." The photos included shots of the Vice President in a tuxedo holding the black-and-white feline, who moved with the family to the vice president's residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory after the election.
An aide to the vice president said Oreo was 13 years old and was especially endeared to the Pence's youngest daughter, Audrey, who is 23.
In a White House absent of pets and animals, the second family has filled the void with several family pets, including a bunny, Marlon Bundo, which is also black and white and has garnered a national following and even appeared at official White House events.
Ripple (From Community Chest in Singapore)
Very cute. I cried
Leaves us with something to to think about
How we can touch people's lives
And they may have lasting effects
Question for Rebeccah Heinrichs of faux spews
According to her, Mrs Trump not covering her head in Saudi Arabia was a victory for women's freedom.
At the Vatican, she is covering her head.
So my question is this, "Is Mrs Trump covering her head a defeat for women or is it showing respect (because the Pope is Catholic)?"
on note: therightscoop an incredibly conservative website blasted faux spews for lying about Michelle Obama wearing a headscarf. And they also blasted the idiots who bought into the lie. My guess is, they'll be hacked and be down any day now.
Suppose you heard...
Suppose you heard for a very long period of time... longer than a decade that there were powerful forces aligned against you
Suppose this claim was supported by people close to and within the inner circle where dwell those powerful forces
Suppose people around you, both influential and ordinary, that you trust echoed the same words and ideas
Suppose there were places you could go that also echoed those thoughts and ideas, written and spoken by people either with eloquence or with an emotional fervor that spoke to your worries and concerns
And suppose you could see some of what they had spoken of seem to come to pass
And suppose these events seem to harm (or at the very least hinder) you and those close to you
How would you feel?
Now suppose, along comes someone who echoes those very feelings
Who doesn't (seem to) come from the inner circle where those forces dwell
Suppose that person promises to undo and turn those powerful forces on their collective heads
Suppose that person promises to work for you
What would you do when the powerful forces seem to close in on and seem prepared to destroy that person. Would you believe the stories coming from the denizens of the inner circle? Would you doubt the hero who promised to deliver from the people of that inner circle who seem to be running ad naseum stories decrying the person you fell in line behind or would you turn deeper to those places where the 'real truth tellers' are, the people who echo your worries and concerns?
For those people out there who think the events you're reading are having a swaying effect on about 80% of the people who voted Trump, forget it.
If you go to the Drudge Report, listen to people like Laura, etc you will find that they are pushing the idea that the inner circle of government and national media are working overtime to discredit and destroy 'their president'. Comey is a disgruntled employee who was fired because he was terrible at his job. The leaks are from entrenched bureaucrats who are afraid of losing their cushy jobs because their president is working to clean up Washington DC. It's people loyal to Obama and the inner circle that are leaking this information to try and prevent their president from making their lives better.
For over two decades there are people that have profited politically and financially from denigrating the various institutions in this country. Surf around the internet and you'll find them; they're of all colors, stripes and shapes.
Drudge, and other like him, have a financial stake in demeaning the press because he profits when people give up on national press and turn to him; as does Michael Weiner (Savage), the failed movie critic Medved, the religious right political commentators like Fischer and so on.
You're not going to convince most supporters, not because they're necessarily stupid, but because the narrative has be come so entrenched that it is easier and more logical to follow the alternative (Rand Corporation, Trilateral Commission, the evil Inner Circle, Reverse Vampires, etc) than to accept that maybe the guy just sucks
Best Quote I've heard about trump yet
Trump likes to keep his enemies closer, which is real easy for him when he's his worst enemy
A good one on conway canceling her appearance on sucker carlson
It's going to take time for them to get their stories completely contradictory.
Something I have never heard a black person say
"Blacks had it better before desegregation."
I have heard this from some people, that bigot, fraud and clown Phil Duckcall and his ilk and now the Breitbart financier Mercer has reportedly said the same thing (according to a lawsuit filed against him)
If it was so great before desegregation, how come I never hear anyone who is African-American, Asian, Hispanic, etc echo this sentiment?
You would think if things were so damned, spanking fantastic that there would be a whole slew of people screaming it from the rooftops.
Sounds kind of arrogant (paternalistic) to me.
(Maybe someone here knows someone who has expressed that sentiment)
Exit poll shows Moon Jae-in wins presidential election
Source: Yonhap News Korea
Minjoo Party candidate Moon Jae-in is expected to be South Korea's next president
link to follow the elction
Read more: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/election/2017/05/09/6301000000AEN20170509007500315.html
Moon Jae-in was the second most liberal candidate on the ballot. He was expected to win following the faltering by Ahn Cheol-soo (considered the center-left candidate, but in my opinion the opportunist candidate)
Polls closed at 8pm local. As of 7:00, 75% of registered voters had voted
Sen. Jill Tokuda To Be Ousted As Ways And Means Chair
State Sen. Jill Tokuda is being forced out of her position as head of the powerful money committee in the midst of 11th-hour debate over funding for the Honolulu rail project.
Tokuda told Civil Beat on Wednesday evening a resolution would be introduced on the Senate floor to remove her from from her position as chairwoman of the Ways and Means Committee.
When asked why she is being removed, Tokuda said, I took a really hardline stance in terms of not wanting to extend the general excise tax for any long period of time, for the rail project. When the bill came out of my committee, it required only the skim being returned to the city.
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