rpannier's JournalSo sad. True the Vote is out of money
For those of you that don't know (lucky you) or don't remember (still lucky) True the Vote is the organization dedicated to fighting voter fraud.
Their two better known members are their Chairwoman Cathy Engelbretch and Gregg Phillips.
You all may remember dear Greg from last January when he told us his team had already verified more than 3 million non-citizen votes. When pressed for details, he said the group was still finalizing its audit. In March, Phillips told The Texas Tribune the final results were still forthcoming.
But... surprise... surprise... surprise it isn't happening. Why? You may ask. They need more money. Of course, silly you and me if we thought anything else was the problem.
On Tuesday Englebrecht told her followers via video We knew that this was a project that would take millions, but the major funding commitments havent materialized,
Translation: Send us money
Funny things is, without the money they can't finish and then we will never know if anyone (except the Trump voter in Iowa) voted illegally. Which is odd since they already had a verified list of three million illegal voters. Why can't they just release that?
Unless of course, they don't have a list and they were lying.
Oh so Mavericky
Well if there ever was any doubt just how big a jerk face mclame is, he pretty much sealed it today.
Apart from Ted Cruz, I cannot see anyone who as pathetic sitting in the senate right now that Arizona's favorite government provided leech, john mc CAIN (John Mc Abel agrees with me) has decided to go 'Oh so ever Maverick' again
In the last 24 hours we have seen the most amazing and Mc Coy-Stunned Look (The original Dr Mc Coy on Star Trek) behavior that may have ever happened in the Senate.
First, the government teat sucker flies across country (No doubt the US tax payers paid for it). Then the drama queen got a standing ovation from his fellow Senators, instead of the more deserved buckets of 'bile' dumped on him - Ohhhhh... to do to him as was done to Bibulus would have been sweet (I guess being the embodiment of self-absorbed, whiny, angry, bitter, vindictive and an all around jerk gets you that reception from the Senate).
Then, the reject from the IT casting (rejected because he was too scary and mean), stands on the senate floor and castigates his fellow senators for the lack of bipartisanship, he spoke about the desperate need to restore at least a measure of bipartisanship, of good will, of respect for institutions and how he couldn't vote to waive the Budget Act. No! He just... could... not... vote... for... it!
Then, six hours later, Mc Clod voted for it.
I guess that's what qualifies for Mavericky in this day and age... toadying for a man who insulted your military service and insulted you.
I guess the definition of Maverick is "Less integrity and bigger toadying than the guy whose father was accused of being in on the assassination of a United States President by the now squatting president."
Yes, congrats Crapper John Mc Cain. You have achieved a position none thought possible and no one wanted, 'You're more pathetic than Sen Ted Cruz.'
Oh so Mavericky
Snagglepuss and Bubbles to hopefully make your day brighter
I've read in many places that it's not totally uncommon for mother cats to care for other baby animals
Why am I not surprised
According to a CNN story about the disappearance of Yingying Zhang, the suspect visited a site called 'Abduction 101' with stories on the 'Perfect Abduction Fantasy'.
Why am I not surprised that a site like that exists?
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