murielm99's JournalOnce again, I am terrified.
The thoracic surgery people have been doing nothing but testing and re-testing for three months. I have received no treatment. I saw radiation oncology, at long last on Nov. 1st. I decided to go with this treatment rather than surgery. These are the reasons:
I have atrial fibrillation. I will have to go off my blood thinner. I could develop a clot that would be dangerous.
There is danger of infection.
I am 74 and not as strong as a younger person having surgery.
I could end up on oxygen for the rest of my life.
The radiation oncology people are meeting with me next week and getting things going. They may also put me on keytruda, which kind of scares me because of the side effects. Radiation will come first. These docs, and my primary are still speaking in terms of a cure, since my lung cancer is only at stage 1B. I hope they are right.
I am having an MRI - brain scan - on Monday. It will determine whether or not this has gone to my brain. That is unlikely. It usually does not go to the brain until stage 4. The broncoscopy doc said he could find no indication that this has spread outside my lung to any other part of my body. I'm worried about this too, of course.
I am not ready to die. I still have many things left to do, especially when it come to my part in saving our democracy.
There are some people here, and IRL for me, who have a good feeling about my prognosis. I hope they are right. I could use your prayers, good thoughts, and whatever else you care to share that might prop me up. Thanks in advance.
"No way in hell!"
My husband and I spent some time on the phone this afternoon, reminding Democrats to vote. I took my own precinct where they know me as precinct committee person. My husband took a nearby community. We call voters who always vote Democratic, all the way down to people who vote occasionally. He got one guy who has a 50% rating on voting for Democrats. Husband left a message. The guy texted him back, "No way in hell."
I guess he is a magat convert. LOL.
A simple electric range
I have a new kitchen. We bought a Maytag electric double oven range with convection oven. It has a flat glass cook top.
I hate the damn thing and it is going back to the store. I can't figure out how to use the oven(s) and the food is always cold or undercooked. I use computers and other devices with little or no problem. I can't be that stupid.
I would like a simple free standing range. One oven is good enough. I don't need a convection oven or air fryer. I don't care what kind of cook top it has, as long as it cleans up well. I am so tired of this!
Does anyone have any recommendations as to what type of range I can get that heats up to the standard temperatures and broils as well? Has easy to set features, even if they are few?
On Monday, I am going to Madison for a repeat
of the bronchoscopy. The thoracic surgeon wants this repeated because he is not sure about some of the lymph nodes. Radiation may be a better option than surgery. I am supposedly at stage 1B, but we will see.
As usual, I am terrified.
I can use any kind of DU support you would like to offer!
I am off to Madison,
to see if they can help me with any kind of lung surgery or treatment. I don't think they would have referred me if there was no help or hope at all.
Any prayers, good thoughts and support are appreciated!
I am going to Madison on Monday
to see a surgeon. Apparently I can have a lobectomy, or similar surgery to remove the portion of the lung that has cancer and have the rest of the lung sewn back together. I will keep you informed.
I am still very scared about things. The mental health support for all of this has been nonexistent.
Thank God we discovered this early. I may still have a few years to live productively and accomplish a few things.
I have had the bronchoscopy.
I am leaving soon for a pulmonary function test. I will have a referral to Madison about a resection of the left lower lobe of my lung. All they are doing is testing and not treating and I am terrified. I will die before they treat me, even though my cancer has not yet spread.
Broncoscopy tomorrow.
Then I wait 1-2 weeks for the results. I am beyond anxious.
A broncospopy on the 20th?
And then a pulmonary function test on the 27th?
All these people do is test me. I have yet to have any treatment. I told my doc about my symptoms and that I thought I had lung cancer on the 26th of July. I am going to die before I have any treatment at all.
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Member since: Mon Nov 10, 2003, 12:24 PM
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