mzmolly's JournalRemember this hogwash?
And despite recent polls showing the presidential race deadlocked both nationally and in key swing states, Bickers and Berrys model shows a race that isnt even close. According to them, not only will Mitt Romney win, but he will win big, taking 320 Electoral Votes to President Obamas 218 a result almost as decisive as President Obamas win against Senator John McCain in 2008.
~ Winners and losers in the 2012 election ~
* Big money/Citizen's United/Koch empire/the self centered 1%-ers
* Faux News (and friends)
* Rasmussen's state polls
* Gallup's "likely voter" model
* Racists
* Birthers
* Speaking of racist, birthers ... Donald Trump
* True The Vote
* John Husted
* Election will be stolen, proponents (understandable concern, however)
Not speaking about those who rightfully called out voter suppression efforts, obviously.
* Karl Rove/Dick Morris/Glenn Beck and crew
* The I'm too pure to support Obama because he's just like Republicans, choir
* Liars - lots of em'
* Anti-gay bigots (who lost in many states)
* The "Tea Party"
* Honest pollsters like PPP/NBC and CNN
* Nate Silver/Sam Wang/others who were using statistical science
* Those who stood in long lines to exercise their constitutional rights
* MSNBC's "Lean Forward" team
* Troops on the ground in the middle east
* Common sense foreign and domestic policy
* DU-ers who kept us sane, when the nay-sayers thought the sky was falling. THANK YOU ALL!
* Democratic Underground and its founders
... Feel free to add your own winners/losers to the list, as I'm sure I'm forgetting many.
What a glorious day!
Minnesota: Voter ID amendment defeated, AP reports
Source: Pioneer Press/
Minnesotans have rejected a constitutional amendment that would have required a photo ID before they could vote in future elections, according to the Associated Press.
Shortly before 2 a.m., support for voter ID was at 45.7 percent, with many northern precincts still to report.
"It's starting to look like an insurmountable lead for the opposition on this," said Dan McGrath, chairman of, just before midnight on Tuesday.
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More good news from Minnesota!
Minnesota: Gay marriage amendment loses
Source: Pioneer Press/
With a majority of the state's precincts reporting early Wednesday, Nov. 7, a proposed constitutional amendment to write man-woman marriage into the constitution has apparently lost.
The defeat is historic, making Minnesota the first state to turn back an attempt to write man-woman marriage into a state constitution.
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Minnesota's bigoted gay marriage amendment, loses! - Pioneer Press Intrade Electoral Map = 303 EV's appears to be somewhat of a consensus among many prognostications?
I'll take it!
Even RCP's NO TOSS UPS MAP is now at 303 EV's. :) map was 290, but Virginia just flipped to the (D) column.
Looks more and more like Nate Silver's projection, every day.
Michael Bloomberg Endorses Obama For Re-Election
Source: Huffington Post
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed President Barack Obama for re-election on Thursday, Bloomberg TV reported and the Huffington Post confirmed.
The mayor, and Independent, did not endorse a candidate in the 2008 election and hadn't seem poised to do so this time around as well.
This is a developing story...check back for more information...
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Mitt Romney Vetoed Flood Prep Funding In 2004, Blamed For Subsequent Flooding ~ Huffpo
WASHINGTON -- In the spring of 2004, Peabody, Mass., got drenched with rain, which flooded the downtown area. After the storm, then-Gov. Mitt Romney asked President George W. Bush to declare Essex, Middlesex and Suffolk Counties federal disaster areas, according to the Boston Globe.
That fall, the state legislature proposed spending $5.7 million on a flood prevention project to protect against future floods. Those funds would be matched by $22 million in federal money.
Romney vetoed it. This week, Romney has come under fire for suggesting that the federal government get out of the business of disaster relief. But his record in Massachusetts doesn't lend much support to the suggestion that states can handle it alone.
During the time of the Peabody fight, John Barrett, then the Democratic mayor of North Adams, was the vice president of the Massachusetts Mayors Association. He said the issue of flooding in Peabody was critical and that local officials had reached out to the legislature for help. "Every time it rained, it wiped out their downtown," Barrett told HuffPost.
Barrett chalked Romney's veto of the Peabody project up to a lack of familiarity with infrastructure in the state.
"This was not unusual for him. He didnt understand infrastructure improvements. It was just the bottom line. He never visited communities. He never understood the issues. He never sat down with mayors or city managers. He never understood why those things were in the budget," Barrett said. "That money was requested by locals. It was a major league problem.
... More at link: Huffington Post
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