niyad's JournalThe Daily B###h*: "I feel sorry for people who are not smart enough to talk
to their pets."
*Both a noun and a verb, depending on context.
Just because I have a truly warped sense of humour, I had to share. Earlier,
I was on google, looking for feminist or women's history day planners. As I was reading down one list (which did not seem to understand what I was looking for), I came across the "christian women's day planner", put out by, I kid you not, CUM publishing. I nearly spit out my wine!!! I had to go back and look to make sure that I had read it correctly. I had.
Scared my poor kitty!!!
After seeing that photo of gums and lara in an earlier DU thread, I will say
that NO puke, gqp, xian, holier-than-thou or whatever, has any room to talk about what some celebrities wear, or don 't.
"Here's to the New Year. May it be a damned sight better than the old one."
Col. Sherman T. Potter
To all my DU family, may you and yours have a truly wonderful year.
Not just for our furbabies, but for all those suffering from PTSD, I wish you
all a quiet and peaceful night.
Natural Grocers just sent me an email, saying they will be closed New Year's Day
so that their staff can enjoy the holiday. I think that is very nice of them. All the other stores around here will be open.
Why am I suddenly, randomly, getting a screen with a green circle and a
legend that reads, "verifying your browser"? It is not like I am just logging in, it happens when I am going from one post or forum to another. And it has just been happening the last two or three days.
December 29, 1890. Wounded Knee Massacre. Largest mass murder in US. 300
Lakota women, children, and men murdered or wounded. The destruction of the Indigenous peoples was nearly complete.
"If you want me to respect your beliefs, have some beliefs worth respecting."
A quote I found in one of my new calendars. Just had to share.
"Estella Scrooge: A Christmas Carol With A Twist", a Streaming
I just got done watching this very interesting, and very well-done, musical version of Dickens' classic on youtube. The setting and music and references are very modern, very up-to-date. The three spirit visits special effects were amazing. Most interesting was the filming. It was done in NY in 2020 at the height of the covid shutdown. Each actor was filmed separately in front of the green screens, and blended together flawlessly.
I hope that some of you will enjoy it as much as I did.
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Member since: Tue Jul 29, 2003, 02:30 PMNumber of posts: 122,093