Luminous Animal
Luminous Animal's JournalPlease but you are wrong. Please see the worksheet below.
The three scenarios presented below include incomes that would all fall into the 25% bracket on ordinary income. None actually pay 25%. The highest in that bracket comes close when adding SS and MED FICA but considering federal income taxes alone, the lowest will end up paying 11% federal income taxes and the highest will end up paying 18% federal income taxes. (The percentage tax computation chart that I used comes from the IRS 1040 handbook.)
This pattern holds true for every bracket. The lowest ordinary income in a bracket will pay a smaller percentage of federal income tax than the highest income in the same bracket.
What skews the percentage for the wealthy is that they rarely take the standard deductions because their mortgage, property tax, and charitable contributions combined will be much huger than the standard. Also, long term capital gains are taxed at 15% and the wealthy can take advantage off off-shore tax shelters. And keep in mind that SS FICA is only assessed on the first $106,000 in income.
That is why people like Mitt Romney and Warren Buffet are able to pay a lower percentage of their income than someone in the 25% tax bracket.
The racist fascist father of the 20th century "right to work" movement, Vance Muse... Hate "Right To Work" Laws More Than You Know. Here's Why
Among Vance Muses reactionary enterprises: He lobbied against womens suffrage, against the child-labor amendment, against the 8-hour workday, and in 1936, Muse engineered the first split in the Souths Democratic Party by peeling off the segregationists and racists from the New Deal party, a political maneuver that eventually led to Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, and at last a Republican right-wing takeover of the South, and with it, the collapse of the old New Deal coalition. Which worked out fine for Vance Muse, since he was a covert Republican himself, serving for years as the Republican Party state treasurer in Texas.
That first attempt at splitting the Democratic party by peeling away the Southern segregationist-fascists took place in 1936, when Georgias brutal white supremacist governor, Eugene Talmadge, organized a grassroots convention with Vance Muses help. To stir up anti-FDR and anti-New Deal hate in the South, Vance Muse used photographs he acquired showing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt being escorted by two African-American professors at Howard University. Muse used that photo to stir up the white supremacists in Georgia, he leaked it to as many newspapers as he could, and he even brandished it around a Senate hearing he was called before in 1936. Those hearings revealed that the anti-FDR convention that Vance Muse put on, through his Southern Committee to Uphold the Constitution which featured guests of honor like Gerald L K Smith, Americas leading anti-Semite and godfather to the modern American Nazi movement was financed not only by Confederate sponsors like Texan Will Clayton, owner of the worlds largest cotton broker, but also reactionary northeast Republican money: the DuPont brothers, J. Howard Pew of Sun Oil, Alfred Sloan of General Motors... That unholy alliance of Northeastern and Confederate plutocrat money financed the first serious attempt at splitting the Southern Democrats off by exploiting white supremacism, all in order to break labor power and return to the world before the New Deal and to the open shop.
The article is chocked full of useful information and well worth reading in its entirety.
I'll end this with a quote from Vance Muse the opens the linked article.
Vance Muse, founder of the right to work anti-labor campaign
Manning: daily reporting from Nathan Fuller.
Day 1: Defense questions Quantico base commander Col. Daniel Choike.
In emails, Col. Choike attempted to justify this position, saying, armchair quarterbacks are not welcome, and that whoever reviewed the confinement would need expertise to understand the command structure and why the military needed to keep Bradley on Prevention of Injury watch. When Bradleys defense brought an Article 138 Complaint (a complaint any member of the Armed Forces can make against his or her commanding officer), the military assigned the Marines own Chief Warrant Officer 5 Abel Galaviz to investigate the conditions, despite the fact that Galaviz and his superior officers had already been involved with and approved of Bradleys confinement status.
Col. Choike testified at length about his specific role in reviewing and maintaining Bradleys maximum security, the collective refusal to listen to brig psychiatrists recommendations for medium security, and just how involved three-star General George Flynn was in directing Bradleys confinement.
The article also reports that mocked taking away Manning's underwear with a Dr. Seuss-like poem.
Bradley Manning testifying today...
Ed Pilkington ?@Edpilkington
BRADLEY MANNING on board that kept him on harsh regime: 'It was weighted against me, they were looking to justify decision already made'
BRADLEY MANNING 'The most entertaining thing in my cell was the mirror. You can interact with yourself. I spent a lot of time with it'
BRADLEY MANNING 'I was authorised to have 20 minutes sunshine call' ie 20 mins outside his cell - in chains - every 24 hours
BRADLEY MANNING: 'I was not allowed to exercise in my cell. So I would practice dance moves as dancing wasn't listed as exercise'
BRADLEY MANNING SPEAKS: 'If I needed toilet paper I would stand to attention and shout: Detainee Manning requests toilet paper!'
BRADLEY MANNING: 'You could see the reflection of the reflection of the skylight if you angled your face on the cell door' - Quantico
BRADLEY MANNING: 'If you put your head on cell door & looked through crack you could see reflection of t window' on Quantico
BRADLEY MANNING: Lawyer draws life-sized Quantico cell on floor of court and soldier stands in it to recreate his conditions #WikiLeaks
BRADLEY MANNING: ' I didn't think I would set foot on American soil for a long time. It was great to be back on US soil
BRADLEY MANNING SPEAKS: 'I remember thinking I'm going to die. I thought I was going to die in a cage' on Kuwait
BRADLEY MANNING SPEAKS: 'The early time frame was a total blur. Nights blended into days, days into nights' on time in Kuwait
BRADLEY MANNING SPEAKS: 'I had pretty much given up. I thought I was going to die in this 8x8 animal cage' - on Kuwait
The history of misandry... seems that it's use was heavily targeting suffragists and feminists. (Thus, it's current revival.)
I personally feel that the word had to be coined in order to separate it from misanthrope. For many millennia, only men were considered persons or humans so misanthrope worked just fine to describe a hero's or anti-hero's distaste for the company of men. With the rise of the suffragist & feminists movements in the 19th century, certainly a word needed to be coined in order for the status quo to try to make sense of their activism.
"Women want to vote, eh? What's their problem?
- "Well, you see, they hate men."
"Ah, got it."
Shaun Bauer in solitary in an Iranian prison for 4 months, looks at U.S. Prisons list goes on. Other materials considered evidence of gang involvement have included writings by Mumia Abu-Jamal; The Black Panther Party: Reconsidered, a collection of academic essays by University of Cincinnati professor Charles Jones; pictures of Assata Shakur, Malcolm X, George Jackson, and Nat Turner; and virtually anything using the term "New Afrikan." At least one validation besides Pennington's referenced handwritten pages of "Afro centric ideology."
As warden of San Quentin Prison in the 1980s, Daniel Vasquez oversaw what was then the country's largest SHU. He's now a corrections consultant and has testified on behalf of inmates seeking to reverse their validations. As we sat in his suburban Bay Area home, he told me it is "very common" for African American prisoners who display leadership qualities or radical political views to end up in the SHU. Similarly, he recalls, "we were told that when an African American inmate identified as being Muslim, we were supposed to watch them carefully and get their names."
And much much more...
It is long and it is heartbreaking.
Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes 51 percent and 46 percent figures are anomalies that reflect the unique circumstances of the past few years, when the economic downturn greatly swelled the number of Americans with low incomes. The figures for 2009 are particularly anomalous; in that year, temporary tax cuts that the 2009 Recovery Act created including the Making Work Pay tax credit and an exclusion from tax of the first $2,400 in unemployment benefits were in effect and removed millions of Americans from the federal income tax rolls. Both of these temporary tax measures have since expired.
In 2007, before the economy turned down, 40 percent of households did not owe federal income tax. This figure more closely reflects the percentage that do not owe income tax in normal economic times.[4]
These figures cover only the federal income tax and ignore the substantial amounts of other federal taxes especially the payroll tax that many of these households pay. As a result, these figures greatly overstate the share of households that do not pay federal taxes. Tax Policy Center data show that only about 17 percent of households did not pay any federal income tax or payroll tax in 2009, despite the high unemployment and temporary tax cuts that marked that year.[5] In 2007, a more typical year, the figure was 14 percent. This percentage would be even lower if it reflected other federal taxes that households pay, including excise taxes on gasoline and other items.
Most of the people who pay neither federal income tax nor payroll taxes are low-income people who are elderly, unable to work due to a serious disability, or students, most of whom subsequently become taxpayers. (In years like the last few, this group also includes a significant number of people who have been unemployed the entire year and cannot find work.)
Moreover, low-income households as a group do, in fact, pay federal taxes. Congressional Budget Office data show that the poorest fifth of households paid an average of 4.0 percent of their incomes in federal taxes in 2007, the latest year for which these data are available not an insignificant amount given how modest these households incomes are; the poorest fifth of households had average income of $18,400 in 2007.[6] The next-to-the bottom fifth those with incomes between $20,500 and $34,300 in 2007 paid an average of 10.6 percent of their incomes in federal taxes.
Moreover, even these figures greatly understatelow-income households totaltax burden because these households also pay substantial state and local taxes. Data from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy show that the poorest fifth of households paid a stunning 12.3 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2011.[7]
When all federal, state, and local taxes are taken into account, the bottom fifth of households pays about 16 percent of their incomes in taxes, on average. The second-poorest fifth pays about 21 percent.[8]
ABC News has retracted.
A woman takes pictures of her abortion...
At 6 weeks of pregnancy, my abortion looked very different than the images I saw when I entered the clinic that day.
This is my abortion.
To learn more about this project, please read my oped for The Guardian.
Not one of those links claims Awlaki's son was with al-Banna and & none cited the Obama admin.
1) The hidden OP was headlined thus: "Obama's Administration Killed a 16-Year-Old American and Didn't Say Anything About It"
All of your links come from Yemeni sources. Do you have a link from the Obama admin
2) There were several strikes that night. One of your links says 5 strikes one of which killed al-Banna but no mention that Awlaki's son was killed in the same strike, one of your links says 27 killed but no mention of the number of strikes and again no mention that Awlaki's son was with al-Banna. In fact, the source cited for al-Banna's death and the source for Alwaki's son's death are two different people. The 1st is a Yemeni "official"; the 2nd a "tribal leader." The 3rd link says 3 strikes and doesn't mention al-Banna at all.
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