MarianJack's JournalNo spoiler here, but my wife and I just watched Black Klansman.
We enjoyed it very much. Maybe you will too.
My $.02 about the Oscar nominations.
I saw that a Netflix original movie called "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" was nominated for a few minor awards.
I watched it when it was first released onto Netflix. It was, as Coen Brothers movies always are, a well made or constructed movie, but I HATED it!
My 2 cents, and quite possibly over priced at that.
Today I observe, but not celebrate a special anniversary.
As of today, January 14, 2019, I have been sober for 29 years.
If you're actively abusing substances, the most important day of your recovery is today. The only difference between you and I is that I have a whole bunch of one day at a times under my belt. If I go out and get drunk tomorrow, than I'm back to zero.
If you're afraid of entering into recovery though, please believe that you CAN get here from there.
Hang in there, and thank you for reading.
Regarding Kavanaugh the sexual assaulter and a memory of mine.
We already knew that Kavanaugh was a bona fide CREEP when he sneered and turned away from the offered handshake from the father of a murdered young woman.
We've also found out that he has a history of sexual assault, but the Trump worshipping Republicans want us to look past this because Kavanaugh was 17 at the time it happened.
When I was young, my father told me that if a girl or woman ever told me to stop, than stop IMMEDIATELY. On my own, I added to that to not only stop, but to release all physical contact, also immediately.
When I was 17, a girl and I were fooling around on her bed. She was a willing participant. Being a 17 year old horn bag, I was trying to get her clothes off. She told me to stop and I stopped. She said that she didn't want to have sex, but she was enjoying the "necking." So we continued to neck and we both enjoyed it and I stopped trying to take her clothes off.
If this woman remembers me at all today, she remembers me as a gentleman who treated her with respect.
Today, as the father of a nearly 19 year old young man, I have always taught him the same thing that I was taught. I can proudly say that this, a basic respect for girls and women, are ingrained in him as a part of who he is. While I frequently want to give him a kick in the ass, I am very proud of the way he's always treated and related to his girlfriends. He knows that if he mistreats a girlfriend, he'll have my wife and I to deal with as well as her family. I'm proud to say that he is hard wired to not mistreat women. All of his former girlfriends maintain very cordial relations with him.
As a man, husband, father and respecter of women, I'm horrified and infuriated by the attitudes of Kavanaugh's apologists and defenders. Of course, I expect nothing in the way of basic decency from the excrementally horrible excuse for a human being currently in the White House, but 2020 is coming.
That's my 2 cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that.
Just to do my little part to thumb my nose at the republicans, teabaggers and Trump worshippers,... Wednesday when I get my Social Security check, I'm going out to buy three pairs of Nike sneakers or shoes, one each for my son, my wife and me. If they made sneakers for cats I'd be getting three pairs for them, too. Suck it, Republicans!
I brought Curly's ashes home last night.
When I got into the car I held the little box to my heart and wept. I learned 50+ years ago that when you have pets, they WILL eventually get sick, get old and die. But that doesn't make it any easier when they do.
I still feel this enormous hole in my heart. I believe that this death has hurt me more than any other pet's loss in my life. I'm not going nearly as far as this, but I remember in 1963 when my grandfather's dog of 22 years, Pepper, died, he lost all will to live. I often heard my mom and aunts & uncles recounting hearing Grand Pop saying that his dog was dead and he didn't want to live anymore. He was gone within a few months. I certainly don't go as far as that. In fact, I want to get another doggie again BECAUSE of how much I love Curly.
But DAMN, this still hurts like Hell. I didn't know that I could cry this much in 5 years, let alone 5 days! I keep remembering how VP Biden saying how eventually the memory will bring the smile before it brings the tear. I know that this will eventually come, but God damn, it hurts now.
I love and miss my little boy.
Thanks for reading.
Tonight, again, my family mourns.
At about 9AM this morning, our doggie Curly, my sweet little boy and best four legged friend for the nearly five years since he joined our family, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He had been sick, lethargic and very weak for about the past ten days. He'd lost his appetite, lost control of his bladder and had nearly no bodily strength for the last 2 or 3 days.
We kept hoping against hope that he would rally, but this morning it became clear that he was ready to move on. My wife, son and I took him to the vet. I held my loyal little friend from the time I got up this morning until we got to the animal hospital. As his life was ending, the last thing that Curly knew in this world was being held, caressed kissed and being told how much he is loved by his family. I was rubbing the fur on his head when the doctor told us that his brave little heart had stopped, and the three of us went through a LOT of tissues.
While I'm not very religious, I am very grateful to Pope Francis for his statement about a year ago that he believed that God has a place for such loving creatures as our pets, and I think of Curly in Doggie Heaven running with his doggie and kitty brothers and sisters chasing bunnies and eating biscuits, or as he knew them to be called, cookies.
Good night and goodbye my sweet boy. We miss you, we'll ALWAYS love you, and rides in the car just won't be the same without you. Thank you so much for being a such an important and vital and loving part of our family. Thank you for five years of being my best friend. Now go find Spencer, Daisy, Gretchen, Frisky, Butch, Spirit and Moe. As eternity is measured, it won't be that long before we're all together again!
I love my little boy!
A question for my fellow DUers, and my personal answer.
If and when and hopefully SOON, Donald Trump is removed from office, are you willing to give Mike Pence the benefit of the doubt as he assumes his new job?
MY answer is, of course, Hell F**k NO!
I see Pence as a religious nut job who signed discrimination and hatred and homophobia into law in Indiana. I see Mike Pence as an irredeemable ass kissing yes man who surrendered any particle of dignity that he might have ever had in exchange for his position hitched to the malignant Donald Trump "star." If I'd have had any respect for Mike Pence before, it would've disappeared the moment I saw the video of a meeting where he saw Trump put his water bottle on the floor and he followed suit immediately. And Republicans had a shit fit when President Obama got mustard on a cheeseburger? Jeezis!
If anything, I believe that Mike Pence may be even worse since he has just enough of a coating of smarm to him that he just might be able to con just enough voters to prolong the Trump/Pence nightmare until 2024.
I remember back in August of 1974 when new President Ford addressed the nation for the first time after Tricky Dickie's resignation, he concluded his remarks by saying "My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." I felt a level of hope then that I'd never be able to feel with a creature of Mike Pence's nature. For all of Ford's faults, he was so much better a person than friggin' Mike Pence.
It was the most that I ever believed in a Republican president. I was born when IKE was in office but JFK is the first president that I remember. As sheerly awful as the other Republicans have been in my lifetime, I NEVER thought that Nixon, Reagan, Bush the first and Bush the worst were loyal to a hostile foreign power. Now we know that when Donald Trump says "America First," he's answering the question "which country should surrender to Russia?"
While saying nothing good about Reagan, whom my father always accurately referred to as Senile Sam, one thing that can't be denied is that he despised the Russians. He'd be furious to see the Republican party, which had been called the party of Reagan for some 35 years, become the party of Putin. I don't really care if some Republicans give lip service to criticizing Trump's treason. They've spent the last two years following him blindly to get any slack from me now.
SO, am I willing to give Mike Pence the benefit of the doubt when he assumes the presidency? Again, Hell f**k NO!
I joined DU in July of 2003.
in that 15 years I have fewer than 10,000 posts, so I'm not a frequent contributor.
For the past several years I've ended my posts with "PEACE!" as a tribute to a deceased DUer whom always ended her posts in that way. I will continue to do so after the Trump junta is over.
However, I refuse to allow the opposition to dictate to me that I should be "civil" while they cheer brown children being put into concentration camps.
It is a very small, admittedly overdue and mostly insignificant modification, but for the foreseeable future I'll be ending my posts with "RESIST!"
It's one small additional way that I'll be holding to my resolution that was made the moment I heard Wolf Blitzer's barf worthy 11/8/16 announcement that Donald Trump had been "elected", that I would do something every single day to protest the Trump/Pence obscenity that was perpetrated upon us by the Russians and a news media that continually fawned over Trump and ceaselessly obsessed over Hillary Clinton's emails.
My son is 18 and black. If (when) Donald Trump starts a war to cover his "239" pound ass from his own scandals, I'm throwing his little round ass into my Honda and driving him up to Canada. Fuck them all in this horrible misadministration!
I have a recommendation.
Fore the foreseeable, whenever a misfortune happens to anyone associated with the Trump Reich, our collective reaction should be "womp womp!"
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Delaware County, PA
Home country: USA
Current location: Winthrop, Maine
Member since: Tue Jul 8, 2003, 04:38 PM
Number of posts: 10,237