MarianJack's JournalNo longer a foster parent, temporarily we hope!
Hi everybody, Again, thank you all for the support that so many of you expressed while we had our foster son, Tommy. As I'd mentioned in a post late last week, a cousin of Tommy's birth mother expressed a desire to take hi in, they passed all of Maine DHHS's criteria for a kinship placement, and Maria (my wife) and I took him to the Augusta office yesterday where his new foster family took him home. When we said goodbye to him I wished him a long, happy, healthy and successful life. I know that he doesn't understand that yet, but I certainly felt good about saying it to my little man.
We had the opportunity to meet his new foster mother and we can say that she is a lovely lady and we're very confident that he will be in a very loving and nurturing environment with a blood relative. We are very happy for him and for his new family.
That being said, we will MISS this little jelly bean. 15 years ago, when we adopted our son, he was almost 4 months old. When we accepted Tommy's placement, he was 4 days old. While we are experienced (and I believe successful) parents, we had no experience with a baby THAT young. We were pleasantly surprised to see that even at his young age, he was developing a very fun and fascinating personality. He loves being held, belly bounced, cuddled and being sung to, especially "The Wheels On the Bus" and "Sing a Song" from Sesame Street. That's nice because we, including our son, enjoyed doing all of those things with him. If he has the spirit & spunk as an adult that he has as a newborn, than NOBODY will trifle with him or give him a lot of unnecessary BS!
While I don't think it would be positive to make any serious predictions about his future, here are some fun speculations!
He may grow up to be an architect, because he is certainly skilled at building mountains in his diapers. He may become a movie director, because as he was learning to use his hands, he would reach into my shirt and pull on my chest hairs and I'd see STARS...Yikes! He may become a professional wrestler because as he learned how to move his little noggin, he'd frequently head butt us.
He may become a thief, because he certainly stole our HEARTS!
So, farewell, Tommy! Much happiness is wished for you in a LONG life! We hope that DHHS will place another baby with us ASAP and we will love THAT little peanut as much as we do Tommy. It is a baby's RIGHT to be loved by the people caring for him or her, and we consider then ALL to be little princes and princesses!
So, yesterday we said goodbye to our little man. We love him and really miss him...even the middle of the night feedings
Again, thank you all for reading and for your kind words of support and encouragement!
Almost 3 weeks as foster parents.
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone in the DU community for your kind words of support when I wrote of our foster son Tommy arriving in our home back on June 30th.
Back when he arrived, he was 4 days old and had his DHHS social worker brought him here directly from being discharged from the hospital in Augusta.
I said at the time that we would love the little jelly bean if for no other reason that it is a baby's RIGHT to be loved by his or her caretakers. We got to love him regardless of that. It is amazing seeing how this little peanut changes from hour to hour. He is a hungry little baby and he makes our 15 year old son look like he's on a hunger strike!
Maria (my wife) and I were very complimented yesterday when we took Tommy to his first pediatrician's appointment and the doctors who examined him stated that it was obvious that he was a very well cared for and well nurtured & loved & contented a baby he is. Apparently our treatment plan of lots of cooing, cuddling, playing, songs and belly bouncing has been successful.
We had a bit of good news/bad news yesterday. Apparently a cousin of his birth mother has expressed a desire to foster Tommy and it appears that they meet all of the criteria for taking Tommy into their family. The GOOD news is that Tommy will be with a younger family that is a blood relation. The BAD news is that, even though hi is only 3 weeks old, we will miss him and his company. The likelihood is that he'll be going by the end of this week.
Maria and I get the definite impression that we've earned a very good reputation with DHHS, so we're confident that they'll place another baby with us very soon. We hope so, because we really ENJOY parenting. SO, Tommy is likely to be moving on very soon. we'll miss him but we'll be happy for him. We will love the next baby as much and we plan on following the same treatment plan with the next little jelly bean!
Thanks for reading.
A Tommy update!
First and foremost, THANK YOU to all of you who've posted your kind and positive comments and expressed your support when I posted last night about how we've become foster parents to Tommy, who entered our world on 6/26/15 but who needs a family to care for him while his mommy makes some changes and adjustments in her life.
While my wife and I had been saying that out 15 year old son may well eat us out of house and home, BOY HOWDY does this 5 day old make him look like a piker! Every few hours, this 5 day old little rascal wants his bot-bot and God help us if we don't get him one PRONTO! This little bugger makes our teen look like he's on a hunger strike!
What amazes us now, as it did when our son was a baby is how they can change from hour to hour. He can do so much more today than he could do yesterday!
Yesterday I said that we'd love this little guy. Today I say that that was a very accurate prediction. Tomorrow, we have a meeting with his case worker and he'll have a visit with his birth mother. We completely support the goal of reunification, but when he goes home we're gonna miss the little jelly bean!
Thanks for reading again.
We became Foster Parents tonight.
My wife, son and I welcomed a little 4 day old jelly bean named Tommy into our family tonight. He is so tiny, so cute and SOOO hungry! He went to bed a few hours ago and my wife and I just went in to visit him sleeping so contentedly in hi little crib. While we watched him sleep he let out an ENORMOUS fart, so I suspect that when Foster Daddy goes in t get him when he wakes up, weather it be during the night or in the morning, there is going to be a surprise package waiting in hi little dyddie.
He is so cute and so tiny! This placement may well be short lived because, up here in Maine, the ultimate goal of foster care is to reunite the child with the family, and we support that. If you tell me that by bringing a baby into the house at age 60, I should have my head examined, I'll most likely agree. However, for however long we have little Tommy or any future foster baby, we will love that baby weather the baby is eventually reunited with the family, is adopted by another family, or remains with us for good. We will love that baby because, if for no other reason, it is a baby's RIGHT to be loved by his or her caretakers. I have explained to my son that if we eventually have a little girl stay with us, when she gets to dating age and a boyfriend needs an ass kicking, HE will have to do it because I'll be in my 70s by then.
Anyway, we became foster parents tonight. It's a new adventure that we have been looking forward to for the better part of the last year. We don't know how long Tommy will be with us, but we have guaranteed DHHS that in the coming months, this little boy will be having a lot of cuddling, kisses & hugs, singing, stories and overall spoiling between diaper changes, feedings and sleeps/naps! They heartily approve of this course of action!
On edit, halfway through writing this, the little Prince woke up loud and hungry with a BIGload of poop in his diaper, so I had to do a change and a feeding and a burping...Yikes!!!
Thanks for reading and wish us luck!
Regarding the jagoff POS SC murderer.
Is it just me, or has there ever been a more dipshit horse's ass of a name than Dylan STORM ROOF? I know that his name isn't his fault, but what kind of jerk off parents could think of a name like this for their baby and say "what a good idea"!
I'm supporting Hillary, however...
...if Bernie accomplishes nothing in this primary season other than getting the media asshats like little Chuckle Todd to get off of their crusty asses and discuss/cover actual ISSUES rather than the Fox "News" infotainment BS that THEY want to bloviate on, than he'll have accomplished SOOO much and will have earned respect and gratitude beyond measure.
Of course, I will enthusiastically support ANY Democratic nominee over any Republican/teabagger nominee. That is all!
I have a question for Jebbie, Cheeseburger dropper Rand, Water bottle boy Marco and crew.
If we're to believe that Cheney/Bush misadministration's Iraq war was just a great big boo boo and that we're supposed to look past the 100s of deliberate and outright lies perpetrated by they and a compliant "news" media to sell us on the notion that this war was our patriotic duty as Americans to insure that we wouldn't have to " fight them here" and accept that "Mistakes were made", Than I have a simple question to ask. A simple question is a good thing to ask of a group of simpletons.
To revive a question that John Kerry asked over 40 years ago, how do you ask a men to be the last man to die for a mistake?
If, of course, we use the brains that we were born with instead of what is dictated to us Fox "News", right wing media and the RNC, the question becomes "How do you ask a man or woman to be the last to die for a LIE?"
Gee, this is a question that was first raised by John Kerry. I guess we need to get the swiftboaters off of the bench! Thank God we'll have the Republican/teabagger presidential candidates to protect us from the "hummasechel agender"!
I suspect that Republican/teabagger responses to this question would be the sound of grass growing...slowly!
Republicans/teabaggers and Popes...JEEZIS!
Let's take a look at some history, shall we?
When JFK ran for President in 1960, Republicans had a fit over their concern that with a Catholic President, the country would be run by proxy from Vatican City, which Kennedy made VERY clear would not be the case.
Fast forward to 1984, and the Republicans have another collective fit over Geraldine Ferraro saying that the Pope would NOT influence her actions as Vice President. HOW DARE SHE!!!
Again, fast forward to 2004_ and the notion that is put forth by many Catholic bishops and cardinals, including Ratzinger, is that the Eucharist should be DENIED to any Catholic who is pro choice, anti war or pro "hummasechel". This,of course, is greeted as a wonderful thing in Bushista land. I remember my wife and I remarking to each other that any priest who tried to deny US Communion would regret it before he got much older!
Finally, we fast forward to now, and Republican/teabagger land is all in a huff & a tizzie because Pope Francis states that the Palestinians deserve a homeland and that the Pope should stay OUT of politics!
Doesn't it make you wonder just how " fundamental" religious right fundamentalism actually IS? SHIT!
Jebbie Bush...Jesus H Christ on a Crutch!!!
So now we don't need the Affordable Care Act because five years from now we MAY be able to get a friggin watch...SHIT!
I'd certainly expect a lot more from our first Hispanic President (remember that one, too?).
I cannot believe that I am now convinced that Jebbie is even more stupid than Dubbya. The scary thing is that in the early years of the 21st Century, brains are NOT a requirement to be a Republican/teabagger candidate for President. Of course, brains aren't needed. Remember, Little Ricky Santorum said that the "smart people" will never be on THEIR side. Holy shit in a shotglass!
I've been having a SCARY thought lately about Jebby Bush!
A few weeks ago, he considered it to be the epitome of presidential leadership to sum up his comments on foreign policy with "Holy Schnikes"!... holy Moldy!
Recently, Jebby has publicly said that his idiot big brother is his major advisor on foreign policy...Holy Smokes!
He told Fox "News" that he would still invade Iraq...Holy Moses!
When he tried to walk that back with Hannity, he ferqued THAT up, too by saying, essentiaaly, that he is too damned STOOPID to understand a question asked by Megan freakin' Kelly...Holy Hannah!
My scary thought is that in the near future, we may have to (legitimately) start referring to George W Shithead as "the SMART" Bush brother...HOLY SHIT!!!
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Gender: MaleHometown: Delaware County, PA
Home country: USA
Current location: Winthrop, Maine
Member since: Tue Jul 8, 2003, 04:38 PM
Number of posts: 10,237