Pab Sungenis
Pab Sungenis's JournalPlease answer this question "yes" or "no."
No prevarication, no "weasel words," no justification, no "no, but's," just a single word response "yes" or "no."
Would you tolerate a Democratic nominee for the Supreme Court who said in a confirmation hearing that "there is no Federal Constitutional right to an abortion"?
One word only: yes or no.
Elena Kagan says:
"There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage."To deny that she said this is a vile lie, no matter what some people here want to think.
And the fact that a Democratic President nominated her to replace the most pro-gay Justice in history is an insult I can never forgive, no matter how much else President Obama has done for us or will do for us in the future.
This is a blog post from my friend Kris Leeds, who blogs as "1 Evil Mofo." His blogs are usually full of gratuitous profanity and vitriol, but he went out of his way to make this one relatively PG.
The original version can be found at and is reposted here with permission of the author.
Some of you might have read this on my blog, but there are others who won't see it there because they don't like my tone. I understand that. My tone isn't for everyone. this post, however, IS FOR EVERYONE. It does not have my trademark vitriol, and I think it's important enough that it ought to be seen. this is called "Perspective."
At about 8 oclock this morning, my wife and I were trying to figure out what to do about cigarettes. We usually make our own, but this morning, there were about a dozen tubes left. That means, of course, that Im going to have to go to Rite Aid later and get a box. Not really a big deal, the store is a few blocks away, and an easy walk, but still a bit of a pain in the ass, because I have work I have to get done today. Im going to be chained to the computer most of the day. I have deadlines to meet. So whats our solution? She decided to send me to the corner store to tap the ATM, grab a transitional pack of smokes in the meantime with a coupon, and withdraw a couple bucks to go get tubes later when I get the chance. Its a good plan. Hell, I might as well take out a few more so I can begrudgingly go up to the Chop Shop on South Street and get my hair cut. I hate getting my hair cut, but part of being married means giving over aesthetic control to your wife. Its a pain in the ass, but it has to be done, or there will be a nonsensical argument, and probably some name calling. So, off to the corner store I go.
I tap the ATM, intending to take out 30 bucks, but the damned pain in the ass thing only dispenses twenties. 20 wont cut it for what I need today, and 40 might earn me a free dirty look from the Mrs. Solution? Take out 40, give 10 to my wife. Id like her to eat later, too. I go up to the counter with my coupon and some cash, and wait. Why am I waiting? The shopkeeper hasnt noticed me yet. Hes busy preparing stacks of lotto paperwork. Hes 3 feet away. He still doesnt see me. Im the only one in the store. My wife has to go to work. He still hasnt seen me. Im getting annoyed. I clear my throat, and he still hasnt looked at me. I come to this store at least once a day, what the fuck? Come on, dude! Hes still playing with those damn lotto tickets.
As Im waiting, and bitching in my head, a man walks in. Hes dirty; obviously homeless. His dog tags make less of a clink and more of a muted clunk, because theyre caked with who knows what. I hope he doesnt come too close. I dont do too well with people in general, and my experience in this city with the homeless has jaded me, even though I was one once. They arent like I was. A lot of them stay on the streets because they want to. They call themselves train kids. They go from city to city panhandling enough to get liquored up until theyre bored, and move on to the next city via train (this I know, because I had a conversation with a group of them before they demanded that I move on because, and I quote, they were working).
The disheveled veteran (I assume hes a veteran, because who else in their mid-forties / fifties walks around wearing dog tags) shuffles into the store. The door is propped open, because its already a beautiful day. As he ambles in, something halts him. Its the wire coming from his prosthetic arm. He has one of those old-fashioned steel and plastic harness-type hooks instead of a left arm, and one of the cables caught the edge of the door. Now I feel bad. Im bitching about stupid, mundane, everyday bullshit, and this guy went and left his left arm somewhere halfway across the world to protect my privilege to do so. I catch myself hanging my head in shame, and no one knows why but me. I watch him turn around. Im assuming hes going to unhook himself, for which Im glad, because watching this pains me. He doesnt unhook himself.
He doesnt have a right arm, either.
Not even a hook.
I want to show him some sort of respect, but how?
Somehow, I dont think a salute is appropriate.
He does a 360, and unhooks himself flawlessly.
Hes done this before.
Many times.
As I walk by, all I can think to do is smile, tip my hat, and whisper thank you.
I can barely get it out.
I will never forget this morning, and I wont be complaining about too much today.
Proof Mitt Romney's "birth certificate" is fake
See running all the way down the left hand side? "VOID."
Obvious forgery. Go get 'em Sheriff Joe!
Back to the salt mines.
It's been fun being back in here again, but my editor finally delivered the developmental edits on my next novel. Now begins the long rewrite process that is going to totally consume my time for the next two months or so. Especially since she delivered the edits a month late, which puts more time pressure on me.
So it's time to sign back out of DU and start in on what I was supposed to start a month ago. When I get a chance to come back up for air I will poke my head in.
Okay, this qualifies.
I've often criticized President Obama for pretty words not often backed up with deeds when it comes to gay issues. This could change everything.
He also outlined goals he hopes to accomplish under a second term, including the repeal of the Defense Of Marriage Act, which the administration has already stopped defending.
This is the first time Obama has said that he will actively work to repeal the law.
Go to it, Mister President. Let's see some arm twisting on this one.
Is Mitt Romney a psychopath?
But in light of recent revelations I found myself with a different thought running through my head all through the show.
Is Mitt Romney a psychopath?
Full test results available at the link.
I must say, my ignore list has gotten considerably longer these past few days.
Am I alone in this?
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Member since: 2003 before July 6thNumber of posts: 9,612