Pab Sungenis
Pab Sungenis's JournalTurn on Rachel Maddow RIGHT FUGGING NOW!
No special reason, just you should be watching her.
Does Wisconsin have a Lyndon Law?
When Johnson ran as Kennedy's VP they passed a law allowing his name to appear for two separate offices on the ballot, so he could keep his Senate seat if he lost. Lieberman took advantage of a similar law in Connecticut in 2000 (unfortunately).
Is Paul Ryan going to have to give up his House seat to run for VP?
Great minds think alike.
Nice to see that the DU staff and I were on the same wavelength this morning.
Back over 300 moves to "likely," Missouri comes home, but still disturbed at how close Michigan and Ohio are; they should be ours to lose this time around.
Are the Paulbots delusional? Or ahead of the curve?
One of my Facebook "friends" shoved this link in my face this morning:
Submitted by legalizeliberty on Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:41 in Activism
I think I know what is needed to get Mitt Romney out of the presidential race.
Offer whistleblowers cash reward money for coming forward with dark secrets/dirt on him.
We all saw what happened to Herman Cain.
Truth is Dr. Ron Paul is one 'Romney scandal' away from the GOP nomination and certain presidency.
Needless to say that Romney being forced out would never lead to a Paul nomination (none of the other candidates have to my knowledge officially released their delegates yet, and Romney would have a lot of say in who his delegates backed if he backed out) but that this scenario is being taken seriously (even if by a group of obviously insane individuals) shows how much damage Romney's lying-and-or-perjury about Bain has hurt him.
Things could get ugly in Tampa.
Oh, and to mollify any potential alerters, let me insert the obligatory "Fuck Ron Paul" here and now.
Today was not a good day for health care reform.
It was a great day.
Now let's work on making the law even better.
In defense of CNN
standard policy in this case would have been for three separate stories to be written well in advance (one for struck down, one for upheld, and one for a mixed result) to be uploaded when needed, to hold space until a more detailed story based on the facts could be written.
Probably what happened was that an intern really did "push the wrong button."
Just another health care outrage.
Friday I rushed to my local emergency room showing signs of a detached retina in my right eye. They rushed me up to Wills Eye Center in Philadelphia, which is the only facility anywhere near me that could deal with it.
At the time I got to their ER I had lost 50% of the field of vision in my right eye. I've now lost about 90%.
Being trapped in their ER until 1:30 in the morning I was given a tentative diagnosis. It's not a detached retina but optic neuropathy, where swelling is literally choking off blood flow to my right optic nerve. Basically, my right eye is having a stroke. They have no idea what is causing it, and without knowing the cause they can't treat it.
Now here's the catch. They took blood work and wanted me to make a follow-up appointment to see if they could identify the cause and try to bring the swelling down to see if I can recover my vision.
However (there's always a however) I can't pay for it.
I have no insurance. I have been informed that Wills Eye Center will not take charity care. They wouldn't even quote me a goddamn cash price for the visit, not that I could pay for it anyhow! No follow-up, no blood work, no firm diagnosis, no treatment period.
America, where the poor can just go blind.
There's only one option left.
With Citizens United reaffirmed and now imposed upon the states there is only one hope left.
Ban all campaign contributions and independent expenditures.
Once you get past the primaries, all campaigns are publicly funded with equal funds going to all candidates.
It's the only real option left to save our democracy.
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