Purveyor's JournalIsrael Rejects UN Call For Nuclear Transparency
Source: RT
Israel has rebuffed a UN call to adhere to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open itself to international inspectors, calling the suggestion a "meaningless mechanical vote" of a body that lost all its credibility regarding Israel.
In a 174-6 vote, the United Nations General Assembly demanded in a non-binding call that Tel Aviv join the NPT without further delay," in an effort to create a legally binding nuclear-free Middle East.
Washington, Israel's strongest ally, surprised no one by voting against the resolution but did approve two paragraphs that were voted on separately, which called for universal adherence to the NPT and for all non-signatory governments to join.
The UN body "has lost all its credibility regarding Israel with these types of routine votes that are ensured passage by an automatic majority and which single out Israel," Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor was quoted by Jerusalem Post as saying.
Read more: http://rt.com/news/israel-rejects-un-nuclear-transparency-298/
CHICAGO: North Side Family Says Prized Puppy Was Unjustly Shot By Cop
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) -
FIRST ON FOX: A North Side family is furious over what they claim was an unjustified police shooting of their 7-month-old miniature bull terrier, Colonel Phillips, known to the neighborhood as "The Colonel."
Residents are also upset, not just because police shot a puppy they all knew, but also because the shooting occurred not far from a preschool, on a street where pedestrians including children could have been hurt.
But on Saturday afternoon, the Colonel became a target himself. He was shot by a Chicago Police officer in front of his owner's gated, North Side home. Police were writing a parking ticket for a van belonging to Al Phillips, so Phillips came out to move the vehicle.
"My little bull terrier followed me out," Phillips explains. "Then, all I hear is boom! Boom! Two shots. You shot the dog!"
Read more: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/story/20251373/chicago-cop-shoots-puppy-with-world-champion-lineage-exclusive#ixzz2E7tiw8kw
Washington Floats Chemical Weapons Charge As Pretext Tor Syria Buildup
The Obama administration and the corporate media have cited unspecified intelligence about the movement of chemical weapons to issue new threats of direct intervention in Syria, where Washington and its allies have been backing so-called rebels in a bid to topple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both made public statements Monday alleging a danger of Syria using chemical weapons and threatening US retaliation.
Citing unnamed senior officials who claim to have seen unspecified intelligence on Syrian chemical weapons, the New York Times, CNN and other media have joined forces with the Obama administration in promoting the chemical weapons justification for another US war of aggression.
What becomes clear in examining these reports, as well as the statements from the administration, is that the alleged threat from Syrian weapons of mass destruction is entirely concocted. Not a single piece of hard evidence is cited by any government official or any media source.
I just watched a segment on NBC's 'Shelton's Not So Family Christmas' that glorified shooting
Rudolph and most all of the characters in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer story...point blank!
Seriously? This is what prime-time network TV has become?
I hope no young children watched this tripe!
Department of Transportation: Marijuana Use Still ‘Unacceptable’
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced Monday it will continue to treat marijuana use as a violation of its internal drug policies even in states where the drug was legal.
It remains unacceptable for any safety‐sensitive employee subject to drug testing under the Department of Transportations drug testing regulations to use marijuana, stated Jim Swart, director of the Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance. We want to assure the traveling public that our transportation system is the safest it can possibly be.
Voters in Washington state and Colorado approved ballot measures to legalize the recreational use of marijuana last month. The new initiatives are set to clash with federal law, which still considers the production, possession and sale of marijuana to be a crime.
Swart said the policy also applied to medical marijuana.
DOT employees such as pilots, school bus drivers, truck drivers, train engineers and others will still face suspension for testing positive for marijuana, even if they have obtained a physicians recommendation to use the drug.
OK. I just paid $3.95 a gallon for #2 heating oil to heat this house for the winter. That is .51
more than the current pump price for unl/regular gasoline that has some .60 built into its price for road/use taxes. Heating oil does not have those taxes.
What the hell is going on here? Never have we paid more for a gallon of 'heating oil' than we have for gasoline.
Unfortunately, we live in an area that does not have access to natural gas so oil, propane or freeze are our only options.
Is that price the same up in the northeast region of the country where oil use is more prevalent?
I'm thinking of selling this place just to move to an area with nat. gas access.
This is insane and I just had to 'rant' as this price totally blindsided me. Last year we paid $3.19.
Israel Asked Jordan For Approval to Bomb Syrian WMD Sites
Anxiety is increasing about the prospect of a desperate Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against his rapidly proliferating enemies. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Assad that such chemical weapons use would cross a U.S. red line: "I'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the Assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people. But suffice to say we are certainly planning to take action."
This new level of anxiety was prompted by reports that Assad's forces have been moving chemical weapons, according to David Sanger and Eric Schmitt in The Times. They report that one American official told them that "the activity we are seeing suggests some potential chemical weapon preparation," though the official "declined to offer more specifics of what those preparations entailed."
The U.S. is not the only country worried about the possible use of chemical weapons. Intelligence officials in two countries told me recently that the Israeli government has twice come to the Jordanian government with a plan to take out many of Syria's chemical weapons sites. According to these two officials, Israel has been seeking Jordan's "permission" to bomb these sites, but the Jordanians have so far declined to grant such permission.
Of course, Israel can attack these sites without Jordanian approval (in 2007, the Israeli Air Force destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor), but one official told me that the Israelis are concerned about the possible repercussions of such an attack on Jordan. "A number of sites are not far from the border," he said, further explaining: "The Jordanians have to be very careful about provoking the regime and they assume the Syrians would suspect Jordanian complicity in an Israeli attack." Intelligence sources told me that Israeli drones are patrolling the skies over the Jordan-Syria border, and that both American and Israeli drones are keeping watch over suspected Syrian chemical weapons sites.
Israel Bids Adieu To Joe Lieberman, A staunch Ally In U.S. Senate
The Palestinian Authority's demand that Israel freeze settlements is "an excuse" not to return to the negotiating table, said Senator Joe Lieberman in a wide-ranging interview with Haaretz ahead of his retirement next month.
Lieberman also called the PA's move to upgrade its United Nations status a "mistake." "The real answer here is for them to go back to negotiations without preconditions. The whole business of settlement freeze is really an excuse. I don't mean it doesn't sincerely agitate them, but it wasn't a condition before. And now when Prime Minister Netanyahu is clear about his support of the two-state solution, and there is an overwhelming support among the Israeli people for negotiations, it only complicates the process going to the UN, and I think reduces the confidence of the government of Israel in the Palestinian Authority," said the veteran Connecticut senator, a longtime Democrat who is currently an independent, in the interview held late last week.
"The best thing that could happen except for the PA government sitting down without preconditions is [for there] to be real elections in all Palestinian areas, because part of the problem for Israel is negotiating with only part of the Palestinians."
On the walls of Lieberman's senate office - he has served as a senator for 24 years - are a number of photographs, some with President Barack Obama, others with past presidents and a prominently displayed picture with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Watchdog: Israel Must Explain ‘Targeting’ Journalists
By Agence France-Presse
Sunday, December 2, 2012 15:43 EST
JERUSALEM Israel must provide an immediate and detailed explanation for its targeting of journalists and media buildings during last months Gaza conflict, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Sunday.
In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the watchdog said it was gravely concerned that Israeli airstrikes targeted individual journalists and media facilities in the Gaza Strip between November 18 and 20.
The New-York based CPJ noted that two cameramen for Hamass Al-Aqsa television station and the director of the private Al-Quds Educational Radio were killed by Israel during its eight-day military campaign to halt rocket fire from Gaza.
At least three media buildings, including one housing AFPs Gaza office, were hit during the conflict.
Hillary Clinton criticizes Iran, Palestine, Israel
(WASHINGTON) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized Iranian and Palestinian leaders, and didnt spare Israel, either, in her address at the Saban Forum, continuing her trend of increased frankness as her time in the Obama administration winds down.
Clinton gave the 30-minute keynote address, focusing on the Middle East and Israel, but it was during the question and answer period when the secretary was most animated and blunt. Clinton named Iran as the hardest of the hard boards because of the dangers its behavior already poses and the geometrically greater danger that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose.
It is an issue that has consumed a significant part of my time as secretary of state, Clinton told the audience of diplomats and lawmakers at the annual U.S.-Israeli forum.
Clinton described the lack of an international response to Irans recent history of extremism as totally unacceptable.
It is an incredibly dangerous aggressive behavior that is going on every single day, Clinton said.
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