hunter's JournalWe could allow certain kinds of commercial use.
A family without a car doesn't need a garage.
A garage could be turned into a grocery store and a transportation stop for other neighborhood families who don't have cars. That business would support the family living in the house.
Or else the population density of the neighborhood increases with multi-generational housing -- grandma and grandpa, kids and their spouses, grandkids, all sharing one house and grandpa's old car, which is parked in the driveway because somebody's cousins are living in the garage.
That's probably the inevitable future of the suburbs as the U.S. middle class evaporates.
Or else these suburbs will be abandoned entirely and people will move away to places where it's easier to survive with less money, as somebody's cousins, living in a converted garage in another suburb, or a tiny apartment in a city with good public transportation services and, most importantly, jobs.
The fear of "falling property values" will increase the rate of destruction in some suburbs as empty houses are left to decay because the bankers and neighbors won't allow their conversion to viable housing adapted to a world with fewer automobiles and work that pays poorly.
The CEO's of these fracking companies should have to drink a liter of these fracking fluids a day...
... for two years before they are approved for use.
Lead acid battery recycling in India is a disaster.
Until that problem is solved inexpensive solar is bad news.
Without a modern battery recycling infrastructure many of these "cheaper than diesel" solar systems soon become an environmental nightmare.
The Greenest Building is the One Already Standing...
Preservation Green Lab Releases New Report on the Environmental Value of Building Reuse
By National Trust for Historic Preservation on January 24th, 2012
For a long time weve known that preservation helps create quality communities that are character-rich, vibrant, and dynamic places in which to live, work and play. And theres also been lots of good news over the years about the economic value that preservation brings especially in tough economic times. But today, with the Preservation Green Labs release of The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse, we have the most comprehensive research to date showing preservation is good for the environment too. The findings from this study offer additional compelling evidence that preservation makes sense for communities.
Each year, approximately 1 billion square feet of buildings are demolished. The Greenest Building explores the environmental impacts associated with the decision to demolish and replace existing buildings and especially the carbon dioxide savings that might be offered by reusing and retrofitting these places instead of demolishing them. With generous funding from The Summit Foundation, this effort brought together a team of leading thinkers with unparalleled expertise in building and life cycle science. The study team included Cascadia Green Building Council, Green Building Services, Quantis, and Skanska.
I think this is true for most things. Instead of building new more efficient cars, use our old cars less and less, until we stop using cars.
Instead of building new electric grids that can handle the fluctuating outputs of giant renewable energy projects, simply use less electricity.
Spin down this consumer society that got us into this mess and refurbish our lives so we don't need all this crap...
Don't replace the coal plants with something else; not wind, not solar, not nuclear... Simply shut them down and use less power.
Make sure everyone is well fed, has a nice place to live, good healthcare and education, and then take a hard look at everything else and ask ourselves, "Do we really need this?"
Let's aim for smaller families, twenty hour work weeks, two month vacations, fewer cars, and live lives of greater abundance with less resource consumption for everyone.
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