LAGC's JournalVatican Sides With Obama on Gun Control
Vatican's chief spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi, in an editorial said that 47 religious leaders have appealed to members of the U.S. Congress "to limit firearms that are making society pay an unacceptable price in terms of massacres and senseless deaths."
"I am with them," Lombardi declared, lining up the Vatican's moral support in favor of firearm limits.
Maybe they should worry about protecting little boys first.

Democratic Senator: White House Gun-Control Plans 'Way in Extreme'
Host George Stephanopoulos asked Sen. Heitkamp: "Are you willing to sign on to some of the reforms that Vice President Biden and President Obama are already talking about?"
"You know, it's unclear," Heitkamp said. "I mean, you read Washington Post stories and you listen to what the administration says, and so I think what we need to do is we need to take a look at what happened at Sandy Hook. When I was attorney general, I was tasked with a national task force on school violence. We made a number of recommendations which, in fact, were adopted at Sandy Hook to help keep schools safer. They weren't adequate.
"Let's start addressing the problem," said Heitkamp. "And to me, one of the issues that I think screams out of this is the issue of mental health and the care for the mentally ill in our country, especially the dangerously mentally ill. And so we need to have a broad discussion before we start talking about gun control."
Uh oh... cue the torches and pitch-forks!!

Should be no surprise, but many rural Dems aren't on-board with new gun controls at all. And nothing is getting through Congress without them.
Looks like we'll have to look for other ways to deal with the violence instead...
I'm Kind of Enjoying All the Gun Threads in GD...
Seems like we're getting a lot more thoughtful discussion and reflection on this issue, less of the hard-core ideologues and trolls on both sides refusing to budge like most of those who dare venture into the Gungeon, already dead-set in their ways.
Maybe we should close the Gungeon once and for all and just let it all hang out in GD for good.
"It’s not easy being a leftist who loves guns..."
This article takes a point of view, but aims to do so in a way that members of both sides of the political spectrum can understand. Ill try to give some idea as to why we on the political left roll our eyes at the rhetoric of the NRA, and how we in the gun culture can possibly defend something called assault weapons.
We all know the cycle by now: Tragic incident occurs, both sides attempt to use it for their political gain, both sides act shocked that the other would attempt to use it for political gain, insults are flung, statistics are cherry-picked, rinse, repeat.
Fairly lengthy blog read from a few months ago, but especially relevant right now.
He ends with some hard-hitting questions:
- Why ban cosmetic features?
- Why ban guns used in a mere 2% of crime?
- Why base gun control legislation on rare and statistically insignificant mass shootings to begin with?
- Why ban magazines that have been consistently sized since their invention?
- How would banning these magazines have saved lives, given that all a shooter needs is multiple magazines and 3 seconds of time (i.e. Cho)?
- How will a ban on either these weapons or magazines reduce crime, since there are many millions of them legal and available anyway, especially since production has ramped up after the bans expiration?
Why and how indeed.
Two Big Reasons Why New Gun Controls Aren't Going to Happen
A) The 2014 Mid-Term ElectionsAmong the states Democrats will be defending are Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico and South Dakota. All of these states have very strong blocks of pro-gun voters. In Michigan, the issue could come into play if Sen. Carl Levin decides to retire.
Regardless of how the fiscal cliff negotiations end, the economy will remain weak through 2014. There is even a chance the economy slips back into recession. It is unlikely Harry Reid wants to add to the Democrats' challenge by making gun control an issue in the midterm. Midterm's have lower turnout than presidential elections, allowing an energized base of voters, like gun rights supporters, to have an out-sized impact on the results.
B) Biden Gun Violence Task Force
In Washington, blue-ribbon task forces are reserved for issues where you want the appearance of taking action, without having to actually do anything. There's a reason we've had so many task forces on government spending and the debt. Politicians want to look like they are doing something on an issue. By the time the task force completes its work, the national conversation will have moved on to a new issue.
Task forces are also effective ways to slow down a push for legislation. Legislators can defer taking action while the task force completes its "review" of the issue. Its a very convenient way to kick an issue down the road until after the immediate emotions have cooled.
Obama's press conference yesterday marked the zenith of the new push for gun control. Its momentum will fade as the raw emotions around the shooting recede. With it, the appetite for new gun control laws will fall away. Obama's task force is recognition of that.
Did I leave anything out?
Fuck Mike Huckabee!
Just got an update from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
So Huck is out there again blaming the school shootings on "taking God out of the schools."
***NEWSFLASH*** Mike! Tragedies like this could just as easily happen at a religious school as it could a "secular" one. There's no magic protective barrier keeping mass-killers out of religious schools.
Don't tempt fate, you asshole. Because you might just give someone ideas.
What we need is vastly improved mental health care in this country, not more pleadings to imaginary sky daddies!
For shame!
Zimmy Sues NBC Over Edited 911 Tape
On Thursday, Zimmerman filed a complaint alleging, NBC News saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so set about to create the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain.
Zimmerman shot and killed seventeen-year old Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teenager, in February. NBC News subsequently aired an edited version of Zimmerman's 911 call, which made it sound as if he had voluntarily told the operator that Martin was "black." He had actually been responding to the operator's question as to whether the "suspicious person" he was calling about was "black, white or Hispanic."
The controversial edit, which aired on "Today," roiled NBC's news division earlier this year. The network launched an internal investigation into the matter, and admitted that the edit was an "error." Two people were fired as a result, and a third staffer was let go over a different, unrelated edit.
It was pretty bullshit how they edited the 911 tape to make it sound worse than it was. I don't think Zimmy was so much racist as much as he was a wannabe cop.
I still hope he doesn't get off on a "Stand Your Ground" defense though, considering he went out of his way looking for trouble.
I don't think he should be found guilty of Deliberate Homicide, but I could definitely see Voluntary Manslaughter being on the table.
Trial should be interesting come summer.
Obese woman told she was "too fat to fly" home, dies of kidney failure
Mrs Soltesz needed to return to New York from her holiday home in Hungary to resume medical treatment. She suffered from kidney disease and diabetes and reportedly "did not trust" Hungarian doctors.
But the Dutch airline KLM was unable to get her on board a flight on which she had booked two seats to accommodate her.
She was then told to drive to Prague in the Czech Republic where she would be given seats on a larger Delta Airlines flight. But, according to Mr Ronai, she was unable to be belted into that plane and "the captain came out of the cockpit and made her get off".
Mrs Soltesz died of kidney failure before an alternative flight could be found.
I don't get it. They allowed her to board and fly to Europe no problem, but somehow couldn't allow her to fly back?
Sure, she weighs 425-pounds which is pretty big, but not THAT big. A single economy/coach seat can fit a 215-lb. person, so two seats should be enough to accommodate her.
Hell, at least she was considerate enough to book two seats. I've seen some real fat fuckers squeeze into one seat, and "ooze over" into adjacent seats.
Sounds like her husband has one hell of a lawsuit on his hands. Maybe that's what it will take for airlines to add more bigger seats instead of sandwiching everyone in like sardines in the first place.
Much Lower Turnout This Year Compared to 2008
In 2008, Obama got over 69 million votes, this year he's not going to break 60 million.
In 2008, McCain got nearly 60 millions votes, Romney got less than 57 million.
Lots of people stayed home.
2012 EXIT POLL DATA: How Often Do You Attend Religious Services?
More Than Weekly: 63-36% RomneyWeekly: 58-41% Romney
Monthly: 55-44% Obama
Few Times a Year: 56-42% Obama
Never: 62-34% Obama (click on Exit Polls)
Going to church more often would seem to make you rather... (fill-in-the-blank)

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