scarletwoman's JournalSorry, that's incorrect.
Dems had a 60-vote filibuster proof majority in the Senate for only 4 months, from September 24, 2009 until February 4, 2010.
The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)
The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats.
Then in April, 2009, Republican Senator Arlen Specter became a Democrat. Kennedy was still at home, dying, and Al Franken was still not seated. Score in April, 2009....Democratic votes 58.
In May, 2009, Robert Byrd got sick and did not return to the Senate until July 21, 2009. Even though Franken was finally seated July 7, 2009 and Byrd returned on July 21.....Democrats still only had 59 votes in the Senate because Kennedy never returned, dying on August 25, 2009.
Kennedys empty seat was temporarily filled by Paul Kirk but not until September 24, 2009.
The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. Total control of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedys Massachusetts seat.
The this: Democrats had total control of the House of Representatives from 2009-2011, 2 full years. Democrats, and therefore, Obama, had total control of the Senate from September 24, 2009 until February 4, 2010. A grand total of 4 months.
"Last Minute Bid To Woo Undecided Voters" - no, that's not what they're doing.
It's a show of force meant to intimidate and discourage the opposition: "See how many of us there are? See how powerful we are? You can't win against us."
It's a declaration of war.
Here's a partial list of all the assaults he's made on the environment, just in 2017: the Clean Power Plan. The plan implemented under Obama focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. In October, The Post reported that the administration would seek to repeal it entirely.
Suspended a rule limiting methane leaks from drilling on federal land. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Ended a study on the health effects of mountaintop-removal mining. The process involves blasting away the tops of hills and mountains to get at coal seams under the surface.
Rescinded a rule mandating that rising sea levels be considered when building public infrastructure in flood-prone areas.
Reversed an Obama ban on drilling for oil in the Arctic.
Announced a reduction in the scale of several national monuments. In April, Trump signed an executive order ordering a review of monuments added in the past 20 years, opening up the possibility that some areas previously set aside would have that status revoked. Last month, Trump announced plans to reduce the size of two, one after lobbying from a uranium company.
Ignored a deadline to implement a rule regulating smog.
Withdrew a rule regulating fracking on public land.
Announced plans to reconsider controversial protections for the sage grouse in western states. The birds habitat has been reduced as sagebrush has been removed in places that are being developed, often for oil and grass drilling. While not officially endangered, conservation groups worry about the sage grouses fate.
Postponed an EPA rule that would have had chemical plants better evaluate and inform the public about possible safety issues. This decision, made in June, drew new attention after Hurricane Harvey flooding led to an explosion at a facility near Houston.
Rejected a proposed ban on the pesticide chlorpyrifos. The month after this decision, a group of farmworkers were sickened by exposure to the chemical.
Reversed a ban on plastic bottles at national parks.
Repealed a ban on lead bullets. The bullets were banned under Obama because the lead can poison wildlife.
Rescinded a limit on the number of sea animals that can be trapped or killed in fishing nets.
Delayed and potentially rolled back automotive fuel efficiency standards.
Began repeal of a rule that would weaken emissions standards for some truck components.
Repealed the Waters of the United States rule. This rule expanded the definition of water bodies that were protected by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Ended a rule banning dumping waste from mining into streams.
Reversed a rule banning hunting bears and wolves. The ban applied to federal refuges in Alaska and prohibited hunting predators using certain methods.
Repealed a rule that would have overhauled the federal land management process.
Removed more than a dozen academics from the EPAs Scientific Advisory Board.
Removed a bike-sharing station at the White House.
There has been much more in the years since - including today's announcement about opening up the Tongass to logging - but I don't have a handy list in one place, sad to say.
I imagine there are other people/organizations keeping track - I hope!
So much bullshit!
First of all, the plan to discontinue funding the Stars & Stripes was in Trump's DOD budget and was known in January/February - and was portrayed (absurdly) as a needed bit of belt-tightening. But the real reason may have been to divert those funds to Space Force.
Personally, I also think it could be a good bet that something published in the Stars & Stripes offended him. Plus, this is also of a piece with the Trump administration's ongoing program of destroying the independence of all government institutions, in order to convert them all into vehicles of personal loyalty to him.
In any case, it really didn't make much sense - a measly $15.5 million out of the billions and billions that go into the Pentagon budget?
So, was it all just a head fake from the get-go, in order to provide a kabuki theater moment for trump to ride to the rescue?
Steve Schmidt Calls Trump 'The Second President Of The Confederacy' Deadline MSNBC
Seriously, must watch!
The sane news media in this country could do us all a huge favor by simply adding the parenthetical
statement: ( ANTIFA stands for "anti-fascist" ) every time they use "antifa" in a news story and/or opinion piece.
I think one of the reasons that the right wing gets away with so much bullshit scare-mongering about antifa is that millions of non-political Americans have no idea what the word actually means. It sounds kind of foreign-ish, sinister, possibly Middle Eastern.
It just seems like a small thing that could possibly make a significant impact on the political discourse in this country.
U.S Attorney: Man charged in connection to arson at Third Precinct (Minneapolis)
Source: KSTP 5 Eyewitness News
Updated: June 08, 2020 05:18 PM
Created: June 08, 2020 04:18 PM
A St. Paul man has been charged in connection to the arson at the Minneapolis Police Department's Third Precinct.
Monday, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced it charged 23-year-old Branden Michael Wolfe with aiding and abetting arson.
When officers arrested Wolfe, he was wearing body armor and had a police duty belt with handcuffs, an earphone piece, a baton and knife.
When officers searched his home, they located a riot helmet, a 9mm pistol magazine, a police radio and an overdose kit.
The complaint says while in an interview with police, Wolfe admitted to being in the precinct. He told officers while in the third precinct, he pushed a wooden barrel into a fire, knowing it would help the fire continue to burn.
Read more:
Frankly, I've thought all along that, in a lot of cases, it's going to turn out to be white guys from outside the community who were setting fires and vandalizing community businesses.
It never made sense to me that the real protesters from the community, marching against injustice, would go running amok wrecking their own stuff.
This is exactly what he has to say - REFORM, not defund. And it's how we have to say it, too.
We can't give an opening for the trumpists to claim that Dems want to get rid of cops and let lawlessness and anarchy rule our streets - because you know that's how they'll be painting it.
WE know what we mean by "defund the police" - but the actual meaning and intent behind that slogan are far too nuanced and complex for the closed minds who will instinctively react with fear and horror, imagining themselves being forced to live in a world of rampant crime with no law enforcement.
We do NOT want to scare off the suburban moms who have been edging away from trump.
OMG! I can't watch him, so this is news to me.
Yeah, he's really an "environmentalist" - like this:
EPA move to alter public health measures alarms advocates
US moves forward with plan to end wild bird protections
Trump allows commercial fishing in marine conservation area
Proclamation on Modifying The Northeast Canyons And Seamounts Marine National Monument
EPA guts rule credited with cleaning up coal-plant toxic air
What trump's agencies were doing during the pandemic
Honeybees hit by Trump budget cuts
E.P.A. Updates Plan to Limit Science Used in Environmental Rules
Trump signs order diverting water to California farmers against state wishes
Please, PLEASE read this about the Mpls. protests - from Minnesota Public Radio!
I've seen too much misunderstanding and off-the-wall speculation about the whole "outside agitator" stuff in Minneapolis and St. Paul going around DU, that I really hope DUers will take the time to read this piece.
As a Minnesota resident who has been continuously glued to all the local TV coverage since Friday, as well as monitoring local Twitter feeds directly from the communities involved, this article is the most accurate accounting of the "outside agitator" phenomenon that I've come across, so far:
The killing of George Floyd
Outsiders, extremists are among those fomenting violence in Twin Cities
Jon Collins and Elizabeth Shockman
May 30, 2020 3:17 p.m.
Updated: 8:34 a.m., May 31, 2020
On his way home from a protest Friday night in Minneapolis, Jonathan Turner Bargen encountered a white man in a red pickup truck. The man was carrying an assault rifle and a handgun, Turner Bargen said. Then he noticed a symbol from the far-right militia group Three Percenters affixed to the truck.
I circled back and took pictures of the vehicle. I was concerned about why they were present at the downtown protest, and had no idea who to notify, said Turner Bargen in an email to MPR News.
Accounts of armed men
Protesters and onlookers have posted numerous videos and accounts of confrontations with white men on social media, sometimes including symbols associated with fringe groups that originated online.
Many people have also told MPR News reporters of witnessing armed men in Minneapolis.
Bridget Schumann was out for a run near Calhoun Square in south Minneapolis on Friday night when she saw a truck that was being driven aggressively, honking and intimidating other drivers. The truck had a big white sticker on the back of the cab with the OK sign symbol associated with white supremacists.
There were two men in the driver and passenger seat and they were wearing camo bulletproof vests and they were armed, she said.
In the predawn hours of Friday, KJ Starr watched from her yard in the Seward neighborhood, which has been especially hard hit by arson, as nearby buildings were consumed by balls of fire and billowing smoke.
With police and firefighters nowhere in sight, Starr and friends have been trying to fight fires themselves. When a nearby pizza shop went up in flames, she and some friends walked over to see what they could do. She was terrified by what she saw.
This pickup truck of a dozen armed men just pulls up next to us, she said. I just did a total pivot.
Arson at a liquor store
Minneapolis resident Rishi Ragoonanan woke up early for work on Friday morning, and saw a man who appeared to be white walk up to boxes of cardboard in the middle of a liquor store parking lot. The man lit the boxes, pushed them up against the wall of the store, and walked away.
Ragoonanan and neighbors ran outside and dragged the flaming boxes away from the wall. The liquor store was set on fire again the next night.
None of us got any sleep for the last four days, trying to save this liquor store, Ragoonanan said. If this liquor catches fire, this whole neighborhood will burn down.
Many people say they are leery of confronting those they suspect of contributing to the violence.
Theyre setting these fires
People attending protests against police brutality have had run-ins as well.
DeVario Bogenholm, a 23-year-old whos lived in Minneapolis for most of his life, blames outsiders, who are mostly white, for turning peaceful protests violent Friday night. He turned to Facebook to post a video of him and a friend confronting a group of young, white men who were smashing out storefront windows.
Whos destroying these buildings? These white dudes and were stopping them, his friend, Noah Saba, said to the camera, then waved the phone to show footage of a group of white men on bicycles in front of a group of vandalized and burning buildings, Theyre setting these fires.
...Bogenholm said the video doesnt fully capture the mob, with people of color largely at the back of the crowd and young white men initiating the damage to buildings.
Hundreds of buildings across the Twin Cities have been damaged in the riots. A native youth cultural center, neighborhood bars and a building full of artist studios (my bold) are among the structures that have been set on fire.
Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison spent Friday night driving around his ward to ensure people stayed safe. He said property destruction at protests, which he doesnt support, normally is focused on symbols of power like police cars.
When you see no protest, theres no mob sweeping through the north side, yet you see these fires popping up the main business corridor, thats the thing that rang odd to me, Ellison said. Burning down small black- and immigrant-owned businesses, that doesnt seem in lockstep with the tone of the protests.
Alexia Kelsey went out to the protest site Friday to help clean. She said the hair on the back of her neck rose after she saw a vehicle carrying two armed white men that had a bumper sticker associated with neo-Nazis.
As a white ally, its even more important to support the black community and provide a unified front, Kelsey said. Its tough because it seems like theyre using the opportunity of the cover of night to really ignite the violence.
This is no longer about protesting, said {Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob} Frey. This is no longer about verbal expression. This is about violence, and we need to make sure that it stops.
{St. Paul Mayor, Melvin} Carter said that the outside agitators are using peaceful protesters as a human shield, committing acts of destruction and violence and then melting back into the crowd.
{Minnesota Governor, Tim} Walz urged Minnesotans to abide by curfews.
If youre out after 8 oclock, you are aiding and abetting them and you are giving them the cover that they want, Walz said.
Please go to the link to read the whole article! Thank you.
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