calimary's JournalThat's our Clarence!
Climbing up the ladder all the way to the top and then pulling it up behind him so nobody else can use it.
And Alan Cranston of California. Yep. No surprise there.
I remember he could usually be counted on to vote the right way.
I also noticed Robert Packwood of Oregon - a Republican - was also on the list, too. Looks like he and Jim Jeffords of Vermont were the only R votes.
Back when at least some Republicans were reasonable.
Those are some very worthy organizations.
She'll always be a great, compassionate, brilliant, and very classy lady.
Or mix his remains in with highway concrete.
I was gonna say dump the concrete into the ocean, but I don't want to pollute.
They both are absolute national treasures - and they're both OURS!
Their likenesses deserve to be on Mount Rushmore.
And I just donated. Won't be regular, but it won't be just once, either.
I want to know what kind of wheeler-dealing Rudy G and Mark Meadows are doing.
Meadows in particular seems to be laying VERY low. Color me suspicious. AWFULLY suspicious.
That pisses me off SOOOOO much!
So what are you doing about the Saudis buying Jared, GOP?
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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Member since: 2001
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