calimary's JournalWhat a GREAT post! We all needed this.
Thank you SO MUCH, EnergizedLib! Excellent reminders and we all need 'em!
The ONE thing the bad guys want is for us to get discouraged and stay home and give up and not vote. So I'M resolved to absolutely NOT do that.
Or figure out creative ways to blunt their damage
or otherwise defeat or get around it.
Thank you for being so considerate of other people's feelings! But NO apology is necessary.
Fourteen years in Catholic school speaking here. The education was serious, demanding, and uncompromising, but those nuns probably didn't expect that they were developing a bunch of independent thinkers who'd question authority (AND organized religion also). Even so, I'm glad to have had that background - and a lot of crazy stories, too.
That sounds like a terrific idea!
And she could probably use the positive reinforcement and comradeship your group would offer her. I bet she's taking abuse from some knuckle draggers because she doesn't "conform" to what their idea of a desirable and non-thinking woman is.
Nope! You're not the only one, agingdem. Like so many rats deserting what they evidently think is
a sinking ship.
Couldn't help noticing that every "defense strategy" trump touches dies, too. And that poor schmuck with him - his "body man" (?) who's been having a hard time finding a lawyer? Well, he could have gotten out of there and sung for his supper, too. There's loyalty and then there's complete blind idiocy. Maybe it's too late for him? Wonder what trump promised him to get him to stick around?
But Thomas is a bitter, vindictive old fuck. He's gonna stick around out of sheer spite.
I read about him that he whined about being tormented by liberals for 40 or 45 years, so he intended payback for another 40-45 years just for the joy of screwing with us.
I'll see your spite and your stupid persecution complex and your many self-flattering entitlement hard-ons and raise you several fuck-you's, you sour worthless old putz.
O! M! G! "Klanned Karenhood"!!!!!
"Klanned Karenhood"!!!!!
I am in awe.
You inspired me, Ocelot II, with your post. And it got me thinking. What if, instead of the "Roberts Court", as this Supreme Court with its Chief Justice John Roberts is presently called, we started calling it the "Robbers Court."
And I'm sure we could come up with other cool stuff. Stuff that'll fit onto a bumpersticker. Quickies - that the reader or viewer can spot, read, and grasp instantly. And if it's clever enough, they're more likely to remember it and maybe even pass it on and share it.
Just a few little ideas to fight back with.
A few small weapons.
To start with.
And to lead the way to more and bigger weapons.
To fight harder and more effectively with.
And to lead to an eventual victory.
Or as my kid used to holler to the crowd when his rock band took the stage and started their show: "MAKE SOME NOISE!!!"
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