calimary's JournalYeah, I do, too! She doesn't weigh in so much anymore. Anybody know why?
Here's hoping it's just the demands of work taking up most of her time.
They're spelling their group name wrong.
It should be Moms for "Liberty".
THERE! Fixed it!
And I have to say again, I Just. Do. Not. Get. the hard-on against Jews.
I never have. Im the 14 years of Catholic school kid. I know all about the Crucifixion and all that. And I STILL dont get it.
Um - and since Im going that way on this, here, wasnt Jesus a Jew? Born of a Jewish mom? That doesnt count for anything?
This is truly fascinating!
It's really amazing to think of the problem-solving that went on, sooooooo far back in time.
And I can't remember any on our side.
Well, you came to the right place, my friend!
You came to the right place anyway, but especially on a day (and evening) like this.
We're up here in the PNW too, and are almost literally drunk with delight at all the tall trees! Can you get out for a little walk through some leafy green areas or local parks? It'll feed your spirit and distract you from your troubles because it's just so damn beautiful! That tends to work for me. I can't believe the views up here - can't see the river or the volcano peaks, but who cares, for all those trees? Find some natural splendor to ease your worried mind and sinking heart.
I hope you'll keep this thread, too. It's bound to help lift your spirits even if only a wee bit. But every wee bit starts to add up, after awhile. We've got a good guy in the White House and the Senate is ours, and a Democrat in the governor's job. and chances are good that the Supreme Court will have thoughtfully kept enough of us pissed off that we will vote and make sure our friends are at least reminded about it.
I've never heard so many people in news stories and in man-on-the-street interviews lately - urging people to vote! And that's all we have to do: VOTE! Just remember, there are more of us, anyway, than the other guys have, so we have a built-in advantage already.
On a personal note - I'm SO glad there is DU. With everybody here. It's a feel-good tonic of a site, and as our own beloved Skittles once observed - "someone's always here." I can't tell you how often the mere thought of that has buoyed me up and kept me going. It's worth keeping in mind whenever you need your spirits lifted.
And somebody really is always here!
ANOTHER reason why we need to keep the White House.
And get Congress to pass term limits for Supreme Court justices. NO MORE lifetime appointments!!!
I wrote an ask about it for my Indivisible group's next "Call to Action" email - which will be put together NEXT weekend, not this weekend. And there's plenty of time to refine and update. Everybody on the writing & editing team wants to take this weekend off because of the 4th of July next Tuesday. Nobody's gonna want to call their reps about any issue next week, and there'll be few, if any, staffers on duty locally or the state capitol or in DC to take calls anyway. Screw it. The whole team needs a break!
And they're not done yet. This round, they're hanging their hopes on the ridiculous RFK Jr
and if not him then the even-more-ridiculous Marianne Williamson.
Eyes on the Prize, guys. DO NOT let yourself be conned or distracted. We need to keep the White House and gain ground in the Senate. And take back the House - decisively. And elect Democrats in ALL states and ALL places and ALL positions. That is how we save and preserve our battered and threatened democracy.
Awww... thank you for your service in a most exemplary group of flyers, sir.
I remember going to a screening of "The Tuskegee Airmen" years ago - so illuminating! I'd never heard about them before. What an amazing story - and historic contribution they made. Really made you want to stand up straight. Still does.
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