calimary's Journal"Thin Man and Sparkle Pony"! I like that, T.U.G.!
Welcome to DU, DoBW!
Hey, where'd you get that trump-at-the-trough graphic before the guy started singing? He really should put some clothes on...
VERY cool song! Easy-to-remember lyrics, too!
The way forward starts in the voting booth.
Lots of friends up there. Some of ours, too.
Saying goodbye even when you know its the only thing left to do is never easy. Not EVER.
It just means you loved and were loved a lot. Hell probably meet Goldie and Checkers up there at some point.
Anybody getting tired of the "Trump allies into a furor" thing?
I dont give a damn how pissed off they claim they are. Suck it up, suckers. (Like YOU relentlessly told us to do when your guy screwed Hillary out of the Presidency by manipulating the Electoral College.)
You made more art!
Well, I certainly want to know what Jared was up to!
How come theres never been even an inquiry?
I still want answers to that. Especially considering how quiet things are around him these days. Makes me wonder what ELSE hes up to now.
Alls Quiet on the Grifters Front.
Probably doesn't even know what a Juneteenth is.
If hes this unplugged from the way our country is moving and evolving with the changing times, it wouldnt surprise me at all. He must be busy yearning to bring back the good old days (whatever they are!).
Yep. That's all they've got.
They've got NOTHING on Biden. But then again, they wouldn't recognize a squeaky-clean politician if he or she held up a big neon sign about it.
And yes, I'm glad Hunter Biden and his lawyer are fighting back. There are always some people who'd conclude that "he's not saying anything in his own defense, guess he must be guilty then."
Nope. With these assholes, you HAVE to fight back.
And NEVER let 'em get the last word.
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