calimary's JournalI see two really horrendous excuses for "men" in that photo.
Two really shameful excuses for Christians, even though they use a whole lot of salesmanship to convince you otherwise. Especially the old smirking SOB sitting next to David Stockman.
All you EVER need to know about these creeps:
Republicans DONT want to help you.
Theyre the gang that extols rugged individualism and other versions of youre on yer own!
They seriously and relentlessly cling to the ideal of NOT helping anybody.
Republicans DONT want to help you.
Republicans DONT want to help ANYBODY (but their own selfish, greedy selves, that is).
I HOPE he's an "independent."
I usually have a hard time trusting people who say theyre independent. I want a DECLARED FRONTLINE PROUD-of-it DEMOCRAT.
I cant trust an independent. Their loyalties are suspect. I cant get around (or away from) my worries that theyre as likely to vote GOP as to side with me.
Besides, Ive seen people SAY theyre independent mainly because they dont want to be honest about being Republican. Theyll vote that way a lot, if not most, of the time. They just dont want to have to admit it.
Were in campaign season again and Im noticing how many billboards and yard signs and even campaign commercials that dont tell you what party the candidate belongs to. I find that schemingly deceptive. DELIBERATELY deceptive. Trying to romance you into voting for them. I want to know which party they belong to! And if I dont see that, I likely wont vote for them. Ive come to suspect that if you dont identify publicly as a Democrat, then youre probably trying to put one over on the voters. In any event, youre not being completely honest.
Nothing trite about it, Atticus!
You offer a MOST important reminder: enjoy The Now. Ive started taking snapshots of the leaves all budding and the flowering trees ablaze with color. Almost ridiculously beautiful! REALLY appreciating the seasons where we are now. For all that California offered, there were no seasons. I forgot how lush fall was, what with all the leaves turning. Soooooooooooo many different colors of red and orange. I forgot how luxuriously colorful spring is. But there are trees all over everywhere that seem eager to remind me.
GAWD do I love trees! Genuine marvels.
Might be a good idea to register your disapproval.
You dont like what youre seeing? Let em know!!! If shes getting a lot of heat from viewers, that will nudge a few changes. And it makes a MUCH bigger difference than suffering in silence!
ALWAYS!!! Make some NOISE!!!!!
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