calimary's JournalI can't stand it! " enchanted, talking ostomy bag..." OMG!!!!!!!!!!
Tried reading this to my husband and could not get through it without laughing and having to stop - five or six times!
" enchanted, talking ostomy bag..."
Nancy Reagan once admonished Don Regan that "people are talking!"
Nancy didn't like Reagan's Treasury Secretary and thought he was making enough bad moves that he was making her husband look bad. She scolded him and added "people are talking!" Don Regan was fated not to be Treasury Secretary for much longer, after that. The message got sent - you DO NOT cross Nancy Reagan. She could have your head on a plate before lunchtime.
DAYUM, but that stuck with me. I'll NEVER forget that "people are talking!" admonishment.
I suspect she might have been at least one of those "people".
There certainly is that.
Shit. This is scary. We tried not to let that bum us out today.
We braved the rain to stand on a busy commercial-district street corner during afternoon rush hour, holding signs for our preferred candidate for Congress.
Our local Indivisible group hosted. Screw the rain! In truth, there really wasnt ANY to speak of. I only started noticing an occasional sprinkle on the way home after our one-hour sign-waving had ended.
Best of all, I think I made a couple of new friends! Or acquaintances of like mind, at the very least! Got their contact info and just sent hello emails so they have my contact info, too.
Shit, if theres any way to meet people with whom you might share common interests and political positioning, this is it! Sometimes, somebody brings a friend. Or today, these two were Indivisible members from nearby but from other local Indivisible groups. Never mind! This is GOOD! Its really nice to know a) that theyre out there; b) that theyre as motivated as you are, and in the same direction; and c) theyre very likely some nice people worth knowing anyway. So far this is how its going.
More than a few of us wore masks. I think it was about half n half. I did, because I love my cheap blue rhinestone-covered mask and always feel all cha-cha-cha when I wear it. Why the hell not? Why cant you have a party on yer face? It perks up your mood, and right now with bad news up-to-the-eyeballs, that seems like a good idea.
This was a good day.
A mass of differentiating cells is NOT a heartbeat, NOT an independent human, NOT a "person."
In fact, I bet if you showed a six-week-old human embryo with a comparable embryo of a reptile, a bird, a dog, and a cow, there are quite a few of these meddling busybodies who could NOT tell you which was was human. Because at that early stage, they all look pretty close to identical. INCLUDING tails! And YES, YOU had a tail, too, when you were only six weeks in development!
I second that!
Lets NEVER forget it, either.
Its simple numbers. Democrats outnumber Republicans. There are more of us than there are of the other guys. All we have to do it get out the VOTE.
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