ProfessorPlum's JournalBrilliant post by Atrios wrt the Sensible Center and Racists
The Bigger Issue
Is over the past several decades, our discourse progressed something like this:
Guys, the're racists.
Sensible Center: No, they just believe the very important science that suggests that black people are stupid. Also, crime and poverty. Black people are poor and get arrested a lot and stop&frisk is not racist so stop saying that. QED
Guys, they're white supremacists.
Sensible center: No, they're just celebrating the very important heritage of the Confederacy, which is their history, even in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio, which were very important Confederate states. I don't see any actual Klan hoods. Maybe they are white nationalists, which just means they want to preserve their culture. QED
Guys, they're Nazis.
Sensible center: Actually, I don't see much evidence (some, but not too much) of anti-Semitism, which seems to be an important feature of Nazism, right? I mean, the obsession with George Soros and the word globalist is simply political. Obviously they have some views about race which liberals don't support, but it isn't racism, and it certainly isn't Nazism.
Nazis: hey, uh we're Nazis.
Sensible center: No, I really don't think you are.
Nazis: No, really, we're fucking Nazis. Heil Hitler! Check out my Nazi tattoos! We're Nazis!
Sensible center: This is disturbing, but Stalin was bad, too, so, really, both sides.
Democratic message: "Republicans are killing you. We won't kill you"
You'd think that would be a message that will resonate with voters. If the Democrats aren't too polite to use it.
Everything the GOP wants to do equals death.
More guns
More poison
More war
Less money/worse economy
More death penalty
More targeted killing by police with no repurcussion
Less Medicaid
Less Medicare
Less Social Security
Less Education
Fewer safety regs
It is all killing us.
A massive tax cut for the wealthy will crash the economy
It always does. If we don't take money away from those at the top and re-circulate it through people at the bottom and middle (who end up trading it for goods and services to those at the top again), then that money just stagnates, disappears from the economy, or is used to blow up investment bubbles that also crash and wreck the economy.
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