kentuck's Journal"Trumpster" - A name that will live in infamy.
America cannot rest until every Republican, that stood silently by as Trump did everything in his power to destroy our democracy, is defeated and swept into the dustbin of history.
And not just the Republicans running this year, but those running in 2022 and 2024. They must be removed from our Government. Their complicity can never be forgiven.
Time will not erase what they have done to our people and our country.
The word "Trumpster" will not disappear after this election and neither will the memory of the American people.
Hillary Clinton had favorability polls in the mid-60's - until she became the candidate against DJT.
It was all strange and new territory, the name-calling, the insults, the racism, the misogyny, etc. The Trump campaign was a novelty campaign that could not be fully comprehended.
Hillary had rehabilitated her image after Bill's unseemly exit from the Presidency. She was highly respected by about 65% of the people, in some polls, until she was attacked by the tactics and language of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. She had been a successful and hard-working Secretary of State, although heavily criticized for the Benghazi attacks on our CIA agents, until she was called to carry the banner for the Democratic Party. Our country was not accustomed to such a style of politics, at that time.
The personal attacks and the name-calling were especially crude and disrespectful. It was not the proudest moment in American politics.
Was Hillary as disliked, as most in the media are now reporting, or was she more of a victim of character assassination by Trump and the Republicans?
With the long lines for early voting, can you imagine the lines if they had all waited...?
...until election day?
The lines would have been ten miles long.
There is something seriously wrong with our election system.
Do we know for certain that Trump had the Covid-19?
Yes, we saw him get on his helicopter and fly to the hospital. We saw him leave the hospital early and take his mask off, on the balcony of the White House. He hear him brag about how he got it and he was able to beat it.
But, we saw no X-rays or evaluations of his medical condition? We saw Doctors that refused to comment on his condition. With his penchant for lying and manipulation, we do not know for sure if he had the virus? And if he did have it, was it just a mild case?
We were told that he demanded the drugs that the Doctors gave him during his "treatment". They were not necessarily given to him because he was in critical condition.
The one thing we do know for certain is that he cannot be trusted.
Would he try to pull such a stunt to manipulate the public because he wanted to minimize the "pandemic"? Would that number of Doctors cover for him? Why do we still not know all the facts about his hospitalization? Was he really that sick?
Obama: "It's not 'normal' behavior" it possible to impeach a president from the time he is defeated to the new president is sworn in?
If Trump is defeated and goes completely insane, by firing FBI Director, the CIA Director, and others, or tries all sorts of dirty tricks to gum up the engines of government, or encourages violence in the streets from white nationalists, etc, could the Congress and Senate impeach him before his term is officially ended?
He does not need to run again in 2024 and that would be the last thing that many Republicans would want, especially if he loses in a landslide? But Trump will hold on to his supporters, to the detriment of the next Republican that tries to run for the White House.
Also, if he is convicted and dismissed from office, he would not be eligible to run for office again. That would make many people very happy.
But then, he would demand that the VP, Mike Pence, pardon him for all crimes that might be charged against him when he leaves office?
"Daffy Donald"
I heard Mary Trump, Donald's niece, say the other day that the worst thing you can call Trump is "Donald". He looks at it as being disrespectful.
He loves to call other people nicknames. It's his way of minimizing them and tearing them down.
I think a simple nickname with "Donald" in it could really get under his skin in the last few days of this campaign. Or just simply "Donald".
Another perspective:
You're about to get "Donalded".
Two hundred and twenty-five thousands is not a big number to Donald Trump.
"Covid, Covid, Covid!", he yells at his rallies.
"Supposing" he had ten thousand supporters at every rally? That he has had twenty rallies in the last six months? That would total about 200,000 supporters, approximately.
Almost the same number of people that have died from the deadly virus, that has been verified.
Also, consider that fifty million people have already voted? Two hundred and twenty-five thousands is not a big number when compared to fifty million.
The point being that the huge, enthusiastic crowds at the "rallies" may not be as big as they seem? It could be argued that the fifty million people, that have already voted, is a powerful force, also.
The Reckoning Is Coming.
We have been waiting four years for this.
We have seen our country torn asunder, divided and angry and uncertain of our future. We have seen a madman break all the rules and laws of our nation without regard of any consequences.
We have seen elected Republicans in Washington put their Party ahead of their nation. They have defended impeachable crimes and have been complicit at every step in their cover-up.
We have seen people fall prey to the lies and propaganda of a narcissistic autocrat. It has been heart-breaking and tragic to watch our nation fall to such depths.
But the people of this country are more than just members of a political Party. Most of us consider ourselves to be Americans before we are Democrats or Republicans.
The worm has turned.
Just today, we heard the news that Admiral McRaven, the military leader responsible for the capture and assassination of Osama bin Laden, and Michael Steele, the former Chair of the Republican National Committee, have both committed to voting for Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for President of the United States.
With only a couple of weeks until the election, a new reality is beginning to form. Many Republicans will join with Democrats to over-throw the wannabe dictator and international criminal. On election day, the petulant child now in the White House will be lucky to get 40% of the vote. Americans of all stripes will fight to save our nation and our Constitution.
However, nothing can be taken for granted when dealing with liars and thieves. Every person must still go to the polls and let their voices be heard. We cannot let up until our nation has been liberated.
Even after the election, it will not be over. It may not be over until the super-conservative Supreme Court rules that in our democracy, we have a peaceful transfer of power. The appeals of the wannabe dictator will not be heard. Most likely, the Court will rule unanimously.
The reckoning is coming.
Surprise Attack?
The last debate between Trump and Biden is this Thursday. Should Biden not attend? At the very least, in my opinion, he should take a test for the coronavirus and insist that Trump do the same. It should be public knowledge. If Trump refuses, call off the debate.
No doubt, the Trump campaign will be looking at this debate as a venue to chop Joe Biden to shreds. They are probably debating whether or not to do the same tactic they did the last time, in an attempt to rattle Biden? Some are probably recommending caution? But, Biden should be prepared for a personal attack? That is the only weapon they have at this time.
The biggest surprise would be if Biden went on the attack. Perhaps he should?
Maybe Biden is being advised to "look presidential"? Don't get down in the mud with Trump. He's a pig and he loves it.
Biden does need to understand that they are coming after him.
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