Democratic Primaries
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Who the Democratic Front Runner Is
This kinda guy:
I actually knew a guy who told me that Biden showed up at a funeral service for an elderly lady who had been making small donations to his Senate campaign for years. No one could figure out what Biden was actually doing there, and basically this old lady was one of the first
people who attended one of his the campaign events for his first run for the Senate way back in 1972. Somebody must have seen her obituary but Biden showed up in this small room in an apartment building where they were doing a service.
Link to tweet
I want decency and gratitude in the Oval Office again.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(157,972 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,089 posts)Advisors: "Mr President, a new scientific report shows that if we continue to do nothing coronavirus might kill 2.2 million Americans."
Trump: "Yeah, so what?"
Advisors: "Well sir, that might hurt your reelection chances a little."
Trump: "WHAT??? We have to do something right away! How can we spin this?"
Advisors: "Spin? What about things like test kits and respirators for health care workers? We have to give some guidance to the American people to reassure them we are on top of this growing pandemic so they don't all panic."
Trump: "Whatever. You guys figure it out...I have a rally to go to and then a weekend of golf at Mar-a-Lago."
God Almighty, I am SO ready for Joe to be POTUS.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(65,409 posts)Buy stock in Halliburton and telecommuting, though.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,321 posts)Of two of his friends when he was VP. He is a good man, and loyal.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,766 posts)They all say he is as genuine and empathetic a person as you will ever meet, which is exceedingly rare in a politician. He honestly cares about people. He is also, despite Republican posturing in front of the cameras, universally respected on both sides of the aisle.
He is not perfect by any means, nor is he as far left as I would like, but I can tell you this: Joe is the kind of guy who will do the right thing even when no one is looking. We need a leader like that now more than ever.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(166 posts)This is why Ive been on the Biden Bandwagon for years. He is a good man who, despite sometimes getting carried away when spinning a tale, I trust. I trust the guy. It feels dirty to trust a politician but goddamnit I trust Joe Biden to look out for the best interests of the country.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,741 posts)Making recommendations on response to covid?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,803 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Roy Rolling
(7,252 posts)But Amy Klobuchar, wow! Having her in somebodys corner is powerful.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,089 posts)Seems a majority of Americans prefer incompetent narcissism to genuine empathy. WTF is wrong this country???

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(95,168 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden