Democratic Primaries
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I just early voted in the Florida Democratic Primary.
Seems like lite-steady, three people were leaving when I came up. There was one person getting a ballot when I stepped into the voting place. Immediately got taken care of, the poll person found my name in ~10 seconds. The ballot took another ~10 seconds to print out. Went to the voting booth. Joe Biden's name was the second one down, in alphabetical order after Michael Bennetts' name. Voted for Joe. Took the ballot to the optical scanner, it scanned and stored the ballot, and acknowledged my vote. All in all, voting took just under 1 minute. When I left I noticed four more people showing up.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

(39,464 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(4,427 posts)The easiest ballot ever !

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,899 posts)efficient it was and as fail-proof as possible. Machine AND paper ballot.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(4,427 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,375 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(17,624 posts)Now is not the time to let our foot off the pedal.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(18,402 posts)the convention, but because, for heavens sake people, there are more things on the primary ballots than just a presidential contest!
In each state, and district, and ward there are other races. For me, in my locality, there are also races for US Senator, US Representative, State Representative, Water Reclamation District Commissioners, State's Attorney, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Judge of the State Supreme Court, and 16 judicial races for Appellate and Circuit court vacancies. As well as Ward Committeeman.
We need to vote in each race, federal, state, and local on our ballots. And we need to do this every time there is an election. The presidency is not the only important race on the ballot! In fact, in case we get a crappy president again, our state and local officials become all the more important in protecting the things that matter to us.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(31,261 posts)they are very important if people want effective governance.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,876 posts)It took the lady a while to scan my driver's license. However, I came prepared with my voter registration card and I printed my voter information off the SOE website. I was ready for a fight but luckily it didn't come to that.
I'm a Harris, to Warren and now Biden supporter.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,931 posts)Voted for Biden!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(24,478 posts)They found my name, scanned my drivers' license, verified my address & printed out a piece of paper showing which ballot I should get & sent me on to the next table. There were plenty of open voting booths and only 1 question so it took all of like 10 seconds to vote.
Early voting is the best thing ever AND with early voting there is not the strict signature matching that happens to all mail in ballots.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(31,261 posts)over-emphasized. We are a republican led purple state, any democratic voter sending in a mailin ballot is asking for trouble. In a close election, and all national and gubernatorial elections in Florida are close, all that is needed to get a ballot set aside is a challenge of the person's signature. How many of us sign the same way each time? I don't. What republicans count on is that most of the people whose ballots they challenge either won't know that their ballot has been challenged, or they will fail to show up in person for their identity to be verified. In-person early voting gets around that stuff, once the ballot is stored, that is it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(56,581 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(31,261 posts)of socialization with other voters. I just care about efficiency, so early voting really works for me.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(56,581 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden