Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forumDU for Bernie DONATE HERE (Thank you letter from Bernie & Act Blue links to Bernie's friends too)
Last edited Wed Apr 6, 2016, 07:33 PM - Edit history (2)
Here is the link to donate to Bernie:
At this time we have raised $2,506.04.

Edit: The Bernie letter is now below.
Here is the list of DU links for Bernie's friends.
Except for somebody special, I'm done doing Act Blue links.
Democratic Underground for Tom Fiegen for US Senate:
Democratic Underground for Tim Canova FL-23:
DU for MoveOn:
DU 4 Keith Ellison MN-05:
DU for Rep. Raul Grijalva AZ-03:
DU for DFA:
DU for David Sparks OH-43:
DU for John Fetterman US Senate PA:
Democratic Underground for Brenda Golden OK HD #13:
Here is the comparison of how we are doing vs other PACs & groups raising $ for Bernie:

(17,997 posts)I am pinning this while I am still waiting for other hosts to weigh in on pinning it. I know people requested it be pinned.
(47,186 posts)
(17,997 posts)Someone said, "Anything for Steve"
(11,862 posts)Democratic Underground Bernie Sanders... 1,904 $67,738.26
(50,983 posts)
(1,573 posts)It's my second donation - I didn't know we had a DU group going on Act Blue. I'll use that from now on.
(10,345 posts)I didn't know groups could donate, I'll use this from now on as well.
(199 posts)Just this morning in fact. Now, I see the duforbernie page, and wondering if there is any way to retroactively donate through your link? I suppose it doesn't really matter, other than making this number go higher.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)Let us know what you find out.
(199 posts)I called, and got the response that all operators were busy, and I didn't have time to wait too long. I just canceled my recurring payments, and started another through your link.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)DesertFlower
(11,649 posts)if i had known i would have made it thought this site.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)I didn't get this up until after Bernie announced. Several DUers had already donated through Bernie's site too.
Anyway don't feel bad about it.

(11,649 posts)thanks for the hug.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)
(45,251 posts)My second donation was through your link, though.
(38,613 posts)I'll be donating every month, but not quite as much each time
Go Sanders!!!
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)We did a little over $1,000 this week.
(12,882 posts)I gave again, today, thru this DU connection - which is how I'll do it from now on.
We're retired middle class - the wife and I. For years, I collected "stuff" that I had an interest in. It would be best summed up as automobilia - badges and nameplates off of old cars and trucks. I always wanted to display it all on the walls of the shop I figured I'd have to tinker in in my later years. But even tho I now have that shop, my interests have changed. Now all this old metal is just stuff - stuff that needs to be liquidated before my time runs out.
So..... I'm going to start selling it on ebay and give the proceeds to Bernie. I may be surprised by what some of it brings - I hope so. Either way, my heirs wouldn't have a clue what to do with this stuff besides try and sell it as scrap. I'd rather leave them a better world than a box of scrap metal.
And then there's my bud vase collection......
(5,400 posts)There are still small shops around that display Americana like you describe.
(67,112 posts)

(417 posts)Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)It all adds up. And it keeps our donation numbers up. In the # of donations category, we are in 4th place by only 2 donations. 122 to 120. Thanks.
(45,251 posts)The credit card companies take a piece.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)On $5 that would be 20 cents.

(45,251 posts)Babel_17
(5,400 posts)I'd previously made two five dollar donations but now this one was though the DU group. I had also sent money to Senator Sanders back when he had gone to the floor and delivered his hours long speech against continuing record tax breaks for the 1%.
As Sanders keeps it real, I too will make an effort to keep it real from my end. I hope there's an intangible something that goes along with our small donations. It's no coincidence that we the people have less "voice" (money is free speech, they tell us) than ever.
I have high hopes for the early primaries and caucuses. We'll see what happens when it isn't the checkbooks of one's supporters that are doing most of the talking.
I'll send another fiver after we get some great news from the campaign trail. That shouldn't be too long from now, in my estimation.
(972 posts)...but this time through DU for Bernie! I'll be using our DU ActBlue account from now on.
(38,613 posts)So I sent $5 just now
(34,986 posts)$500 to date ($200 today - wanted to do the best I could before the deadline). Donated through Bernie's email so the campaign would know I responded.
Good luck Bernie - we are with you!
(20,809 posts)DU is actually the #3 group in donations via ActBlue. WOOT!
FYI - I'm unemployed.
(7,908 posts)it important that DU receive credit for this? The email came to my email addy and I created an ActBlue 'Express' account from the link in the email.
$3 makes me the last of the big-time spenders, I know, but it's really all I can afford after I took a 30% pay cut but no reduction in my fixed monthly expenses.
(5,400 posts)And those who can, and do, donate more are also a critical part of this movement to bring back government to the people.
Like that headline on the opening credits of the TV show Cheers, "WE WIN!", that's the victory we're playing for.
If you can make another donation in the future, use the link in the original post.
(43,140 posts)
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)You are a JEWEL!
(43,140 posts)
(38,613 posts)
I was able to do that once, and it was quite exciting!! Now though, it's $25 here and there when I can

(5,128 posts)I bet $100 on the right choice. See you in November.
(5,400 posts)Greybnk48
(10,464 posts)We just sent $25 more.
(592 posts)I have been watching Bernie for some time and I am getting really quite excited about him. Tonight, after reading about the Portland rally, I decided it was time to take on a 3 step program...
Step One: $250 for Bernie and $10 for Act Blue
Step Two: Join DU, find myself shocked this screen name is still available...yay me.
Step Three: Say Hello.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)Great to have you here.

(34,986 posts)RobertMs
(1 post)I made an app to Bernie Sanders supports to connect, chat and help spread the word!
Already got a few 100 Sanders supporters on. Its been helpful to connect from city to city.
(8,337 posts)It was the only way I could increase my recurring monthly donation.
Love you Bernie ... wish i could be active in the campaign, but i hope my modest monthly donation helps a little.
(5,400 posts)made me remember to donate 5 bucks.
(34,986 posts)Democratic Underground for Bernie
Date Recipient Amount
2015-09-02 ActBlue Federal Tips $5.00
2015-09-02 Bernie Sanders $50.00
(22,000 posts)I think we should break the $18,000 mark soon.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)we so need to change the direction of this country!
(5,872 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)Babel_17
(5,400 posts)It's up to $17,754.88.
(2 posts)The ActBlue form asks for my home address.
I just want to know if something gets mailed to my house if I make a contribution. I live with my father who watches fox news, and would like to know ahead of time if I'd need to prepare for any potential drama in case a "Thanks for donating to Bernie" thing comes in the mail.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)I have never gotten any snail mail from Act Blue.
You may also get e-mail from Bernie down the road. It saves him the postage.

(2 posts)Go Bernie!
(15,108 posts)I have made a monthly donation but forgot to do it through DU so I added a one time donation today. Thanks for the reminder!
Response to Omaha Steve (Original post)
TBF This message was self-deleted by its author.

Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)arcane1
(38,613 posts)

(5,400 posts)But, of course, care of Democratic Underground for Bernie.
$23,532, wow!
(5,217 posts)vanlassie
(5,914 posts)Response to Omaha Steve (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(34,825 posts)
(2,032 posts)Bernie was so awesome he inspired me to make another donation to celebrate his performance.
Generic Other
(29,019 posts)Thanks!
(5,400 posts)Happy to send my five bucks to the campaign on this "Five Dollar Friday".
Edit: Thank you to the generous donors who've got this up to "$25,710"!
(5,400 posts)
(39,215 posts)In it is a limited time offer for his book for a donation. Can we get this through our DU donations?
(5,400 posts)Who's supporting Bernie Sanders
Title & Author Donors Total Raised
Contribute now to Bernie Sanders for ... 8,971 $227,409.14
Cash Bomb 4 Bernie 1,231 $28,185.11
Democratic Underground for Bernie 795 $28,277.52
DU dot com Bernie Sanders Group
Donate to Bernie Sanders 745 $25,772.51
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)It has been going back and forth since Sunday. This is the largest lead for second we have had so far.
Cool, cool, cool!
I see how it is back and forth, though.
(975 posts)great letter but I do like it better when he signs 'in solidarity'...but sincerely is nice too
(14,352 posts)
(88 posts)Response to Omaha Steve (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(12,882 posts)Another hundred bucks. Living on a "fixed income" (actually, it truly NEEDS fixing!), I can't ante up the full $2700 that I could by law. But this is too big of a deal not to support it to the best of my abilities. I DO NOT want a Wall St. puppet or a megalomaniac in the White House. I want someone who works for OUR good.
(52,791 posts)liberalnarb
(4,532 posts)Bernie knows we exist!
(2 posts)OK I will
(38,613 posts)
(640 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,809 posts)I already donate $25 a month, but I just kicked in an extra $50 because of all this DNC bullshit.
(11,546 posts)I have it set up to donate $25 each month and yesterday he got an extra $100 from me. I'll do thoses extra donations through here from now on.
(4,280 posts)ljm2002
(10,751 posts)MelissaB
(16,569 posts):kick:
(2,125 posts)That's my second donation, first time thru DU. Feels good.
(360 posts)Let's hit 2.5 Million before Midnight
(15,359 posts)AllyCat
(17,432 posts)Feel the Bern!
(6,081 posts)Also gave $5 tip to Act Blue.
Go Bernie!
(12,882 posts)May I dedicate this donation to someone who's left of cool. They inspired me to dip into my wallet once again!
(12 posts)I have a monthly donation already set up for Bernie, but saw the link here on DU so will be donating through this going forward.
(45,251 posts)Plucketeer
(12,882 posts)
(23,867 posts)UP at 5am to check the vote results. What a night. Go Bernie! Go People!
(9,298 posts)through DU - damn, that felt good.
(17,651 posts)intheflow
(29,258 posts)Feel the Bern!
(9,916 posts)It's been trying to process my donation for almost ten minutes...
On Edit, tried a second time, it has been trying to process the donation for about 10 minutes again.
I know the first attempt did not go yhrough because I did not get a confirmation e-mail from act blue.
I'm thinking his servers are being flooded with donations. If mine does not go through, I'll try again in the morning.
(15,859 posts)Im in NH. My My several donations just spin and spin. DU for Bernie is continually "processing payment". WTF?!
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)
This website is under heavy load
We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later.
(15,859 posts)I donated to him direct and am waiting for actblue donations to clear. If it doubles what I gave... Im better for it. If it all goes through I gave 4 times since he asked. Its well worth it.
(5,217 posts)in the upper right corner to verify that it went through. It did.
(9,916 posts)Two tries, and no joy. I'll try again in the am.
(5,217 posts)amerikat
(5,024 posts)Go Bernie.
(34,424 posts)but between our lousy darned stupid slow and boggy Internet speeds and the possibility that the site was really busy I was unable to get my donation through. I will try tomorrow, we have $50 we are not using and thought this would be a great use for it!
Brooks M Bell
(1 post)Im an artist / designer in Philadelphia that has worked on several Bernie Sanders wheat paste campaigns as well as large scale murals around Philly. I run a website called IHEARTBERNIESANDERS.COM where I sell the Bernie posters and tees that I make. I donate 35% of all profits to the official Bernie Sanders campaign. Check it out and enjoy! GO BERNIE!
(10,886 posts)Myrina
(12,296 posts).... but whenever the other camp comes out with another ridiculous BS attack on Senator Sanders, I break out the MasterCard.
First time in my voting/donating history that I may actually reach the FEC max by the time primary season is over.
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)
(8,654 posts)VMA131Marine
(4,810 posts)I'm sure I'll donate again and use this link since the Connecticut primary is so late I'm not sure my vote will make a difference.
Feel the Bern!
(34,986 posts)a good time to donate!
(7,321 posts)
stage left
(3,038 posts)I just donated another twenty to Bernie because everybody is trying to give Bernie supporters the Sads today.
(3 posts)Keep the momentum going for BernieEnjoy and share this live recording of Go Bernie Go by Samm Bennett.
Keep it on the airwaves!
theres a fellow from up in Vermont
he wants to be the US president
speaking so much truth you can hardly believe
that this is a man who works in government
hes telling it plain and simple
how we got to end this corporate rule
and if you stand against what this mans saying
youre either super rich or youre a fool
hes a fighter dont you know
not your average politico
he aint happy with the status quo
go Bernie go - go Bernie go
he wants universal health care
and more funding for the peoples education
wants to end military adventurism
and focus on fixing the nation
a fair shake for the working man and woman
and start taxing the rich like we should
stop selling our government to the highest bidder
and start working for the common good
he aint no tool of no CEO
no errand boy for Monsanto
no Wall Street bankers friend
hes their foe
go Bernie go - go Bernie go
the only man or woman on the campaign trail
to talk plain about racial injustice
disproportionate numbers of blacks in prison
and how were way overdue to discuss this
he says when anyone dies in police custody
it must be thoroughly investigated
his positions on these crucial issues
have been clearly and repeatedly stated
he knows that progress has been too slow
in the fight against the new Jim Crow
is he afraid of the racists? oh hell no!
go Bernie go - go Bernie go
now one last thing id like to impart
dont you believe it when they say hes unelectable
id say the source of that particular idea
is very very easily detectable
its the Wall Street banks
hey, Goldman Sachs CEO
calls Bernie a danger
coming from someone like that
thats a powerful endorsement
Bernies gonna be a game changer
theres a new kinda wind thats about to blow
a new kinda seed thats got to sprout and grow
hes a breath of fresh air and we need him you know
go Bernie go - go Bernie go
copyright 2016 Samm Bennett - All Rights Reserved
(23,867 posts)I looked at the primary calendar, and actually got frightened. This is one wild ride.
Response to Omaha Steve (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(330 posts)I love Bernie
(11,862 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)It was easy, they already had all my info. All I had to do was click.
(10,336 posts)
(17 posts)findrskeep
(713 posts)We're with you all the way Bernie!!!
(29,537 posts)Been putting intense 16-hour days in for him, though!
We're still with you, Bernie!
(4,280 posts)Thanks so much, Omaha Steve.
(22,845 posts)
(5,322 posts)I'm donating weekly directly to Bernie's page (at least until next week). It's always nice to be acknowledged as a group though.
(507 posts)angstlessk
(11,862 posts)Thank you for donating to DU for Bernie Sanders for US President 2016.
We will soon be the #2 of all the groups raising $ for Bernie
And I missed a contribution or 2 through DU...never again!
(11,862 posts)Hope this helps!
Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)I made sure to use the DU link, in honor of Omaha Steve
(17,651 posts)Plucketeer
(12,882 posts)So we can make it NINE wins in a row!
(18,791 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)
(1,220 posts)his surrogates speeches a couple of days later.
(12,882 posts)Bernt Big Apple
(11,862 posts)The most I have ever donated at one time to any candidate...even Obama!
(12,882 posts)ncovington89
(17 posts)Bless you! We're getting there a little at a time!
(3,919 posts)campaign volunteers - another donation tonight. keeping our eyes on the prize!
(11,862 posts)Thanks Steve for allowing DU support for Bernie, even if Skinner is for Hillary
(11,862 posts)Have we met $71,000 yet?
Omaha Steve
(104,255 posts)Donations 1,903 total $67,638.26
(12,882 posts)GO BERNIE - GO!
(20,809 posts)bkkyosemite
(5,792 posts)we can.
(45,251 posts)angstlessk
(11,862 posts)Wish it could be regular.
(47,186 posts) Welcome, Group Info and etcetera.