Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forumA message from Manny: Adios, Dear DUers
Topic: Adios, Dear DUers
So today I was nabbed by the Stark Fist of Removal. It stalked closer and closer over the past few months, and today it got me. A shock, but certainly no surprise given the nature of things.
I am blown away, just blown away by the support that I've received here and on other sites. I am verklempt. Thank you seems like a weak thing to say, but it's all I got.
Goddess knows that I've said many things on DU over the last decade, and I doubt that there's much more to add that's of any interest or use, save for one thing: I love you all. My friends, the Swarm, ... I love you all, even if I don't always like some of the nonsense that you write.
Let's all now go forward together (even if not together on DU), and do what we can to turn our country around, to seize it back from the Republicans, the Third Wayers, and the other deluded individuals who've dug this deep crater we find ourselves in.
Let's win. Humanity and our planet hang in the balance.
"There is nothing I love as much as a good fight."
- FDR (and Manny Goldstein)

(20,885 posts)You are not predictable.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)site where his huge following from here are already enrolling in droves!
(1,604 posts)emsimon33
(3,128 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)I will miss Manny. Always loved his writing.
(1,604 posts)belty
(14 posts)yourpaljoey
(2,166 posts)man4allcats
(4,026 posts)Sorry if it's something I should already know. I rarely login here these days.
(3,128 posts)earthside
(6,960 posts)I'm there!
(67,112 posts)dflprincess
(28,647 posts)baran
(92 posts)Or is that against the rules? I really enjoyed Manny's posts -- especially his humor.
(3,128 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)Hell yes, like me...
How refreshing! I found Manny there and made it my first post!
(3,128 posts)and trolls and true believers do not stalk discussions, like the living dead that they are, sucking the brains of others to give life to their pitiful ideas.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)for people to be free of the non productive thread derailing that has now become a staple here sadly.
(24,739 posts)(You've been missed here, too, Sabrina!)
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)
(2,603 posts)Regardless of how you personally feel about Third Way Manny, he drove so much controversy, discussion, clicks, laughs, anger...... Fuck it, everyone probably has their own personal adjective for TWM.
Regardless of how you felt, you looked in and usually posted something. You can love him or hate him, but he was a huge presence. DU will move on now, for better or worse, but it will not be the same.
He was a big part of it for a very long time and deserves this final respect.
Kick and Rec.
Thanks for the times Manny. Many will miss your postings here, even those that have sworn the most evil of curses upon you.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I didn't always agree with him but his satire was delicious and he should not have been stalked and bullied by a certain faction here who want to drive others from the site.
(45,251 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Don't know how long I'll be here so doing what I can
(17,196 posts)liberalnarb
(4,532 posts)This is tyranny.
(2,741 posts)
(6,476 posts)Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)

I don't post a lot, but I read every day and found Manny to be one of my favorite DU'ers.
(23,664 posts)Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Results of your Jury Service
On Sat Dec 19, 2015, 10:00 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
A message from Manny: Adios, Dear DUers
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
No comments added by alerter
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sat Dec 19, 2015, 10:08 PM, and the Jury voted 2-5 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I don't think the Admin's intent with a banning was that a third party could speak the banned's words verbatim on DU. Effectively, this means that he is not banned if he can find a copy-and-paste confederate... It is effectively a sock puppet.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: So the Alerter said: Oh, it seems no comments were provided by the Alerter.
Way to explain/defend one of the stupidest alerts I've ever seen here, Alerter.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I was going to vote to hide this on the basis of it being a post from a banned member, but the alerter didn't even bother to put that in their alert. If you want me to hide, please tell me the reason. Otherwise, it feels like you're alerting just to alert out of spite.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Wow. Alerter didn't even try to write down some ridiculous bullshit to convince me to hide this post. 0 for effort. Stupid lazy-ass alert.
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(4,982 posts)Hillary supporters are out of control.
(18,998 posts)Except that Jury selection is still random...but that could change or improve as everyone else leaves.
(5,082 posts)They think they should automatically win based on name alone and just forget that there is an election...a mere formality. Not a smart idea.
(5,214 posts)From what I've read here concerning the Jury System and the ever increasing complaints, maybe the admins are using software that is straight out of a Diebold voting machine.
(18,998 posts)In this digital age you can be as deceptive as you want to be.
However I am still being selected for a jury so it is not totally exclusive
(39,909 posts)I believe they are letting DWS run the show.
She has risen well past the level of her incompetence.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)A fish rots from the head.
(14,689 posts)Appears to be someone without a heart or a soul. Manny was a beloved member for years, and doesn't even want to allow him a few words of thanks to his friends. I can't believe there are people in the world with such little compassion.
His goodbye, as many of his posts, were eloquent. There was no malice towards anybody. If I were in Manny's shoes I'd be a lot less gracious.
(50,983 posts)LovingA2andMI
(7,006 posts)^^^ THIS ^^^
(1,611 posts)It sickens me the attitude of some people. They truly are making this place unenjoyable. They completely remind me of the candidate they so blindly support.
so go to Jackpine, come to the resin side! I'll be staying here as well. Because there is still some great stuff being posted here.
(6,604 posts)liberalnarb
(4,532 posts)
(20,453 posts)"... even though we don't know why the fuck we should adjudicate this alert!"
(11,945 posts)All they are is spite. Even when they think their candidate is ahead, they're spiteful.
Hm. Maybe that's the definition of hell?
(94 posts)Thanks Manny!
You informed me.
You inspired me!
You made me laugh.
All the best,
(52,795 posts)You do snark better than almost anyone.. good solid witty smart snark
(14,656 posts)

(13,039 posts)eom
(40,656 posts)Manny. It's not the same without ya.
(14,657 posts)I always enjoyed seeing a new post by you, and like many here it was a must read. Hope you make it back some day, "reincarnated" maybe?
(17,796 posts)

(73,189 posts)JackRiddler
(24,979 posts)x
(10,622 posts)They take their anointings here very seriously, won't even wait until after the primary and the chosen is actually chosen much like the DLC.
It should not matter if that was said on the off chance that we have an actual democracy and someone else is chosen after the primary, would refusing to vote for Hilary be a bannable offence if MOM or Sanders wins the primary? And does this rule only apply after the primary and only regarding the one that wins the primary?
Guess not.
(5,082 posts)Should we be forced to vote for Joe Leiberman? Is this just a way to stifle debate? What if a decent democrat broke away because they saw the party fall into the wrong hands? That would mean they are not allowed to talk here? That doesn't seem healthy.
(50,983 posts)
(5,082 posts)There are scenarios that dont deserve absolutism.
(50,983 posts)7962
(11,841 posts)My only hide came as a result of criticizing hillary
(24,979 posts)It was one of those things where you criticize her Iraq war vote and get called a sexist, if I remember.
(5,082 posts)Same person was labeling anyone sexist who criticized her Iraq War vote.
(38,613 posts)Yes.
Champion Jack
(5,378 posts)Not surprised
(7,318 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)Just keep talking Manny...The Swarm cannot silence your voice.
(6,323 posts)
(32,324 posts)Standing near to the podium while Sanders repeats his oath.
All of us who are working to ensure the victory, standing there, a bit breathless, and a bit surprised, on January 20th 2017!
Manny too of course!
(6,323 posts)I believe it with all my heart and soul.
(2,760 posts)He will indeed be missed. I enjoyed his posts so much. I don't do Facebook, but I am hoping he will post on that other wonderful site I found today.
(44,201 posts)
Nite Owl
(11,303 posts)I hope you can return and the admin will relent. If you want to that is.
(72,631 posts)

Marie Marie
(10,066 posts)Hope to see you back here eventually.
(9,289 posts)and great insights will be so missed. His humanity shone through his posts. He could be snarky, but he is so clearly a kind person. Cheers to you Manny.
(4,211 posts)
May all your travels be good ones.
(46,436 posts)You will be missed here.
(7,499 posts)Thanks for fighting the good fight. See you on the other side.
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)SwankyXomb
(2,030 posts)This is now Third Way Underground, and you'll either take it, or get booted.
(7,006 posts)Is That the New Name? Has a ring it. Like an... (well if we say what we're thinking - we'll probably be banned - so use the power of interpretation to read our minds).
(57,936 posts)navarth
(5,927 posts)so I won't miss him because I'll be able to read him regularly. The only thing I will miss is his excellent tweaking of the Spewing Tantrum Throwers here. That I will miss.
(19,387 posts)Thanks.
(5,927 posts)
(19,387 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)He did it better than anyone.
(5,927 posts)He shows me a lot more class than many I see here.
(50,983 posts)Thank you, Manny! Thank you, Mary!
(1,725 posts)Thank you for all the inspiration.
(14,626 posts)And it is not about belonging to a party, or voting for the party sanctioned candidate.
(4,259 posts)Unique and thought provoking.
Best wishes.
(28,647 posts)I must find this new site that is being mentioned.
(10,282 posts)The fact that warring factions are chasing away or outright banning people is worthy of a cesspool like RedState or FreeRepublic.
There once was a place on the interwebs I found indispensable. Sadly, all good things must apparently end.
Vaya con Dios Manny.
(7,051 posts)
hay rick
(8,477 posts)Debbie Wasserman Schultz must be in charge of DU now. Who knew?
(3,533 posts)Namaste
(4,532 posts)Shame...Shame...shame. We're next
Lydia Leftcoast
(48,219 posts)including a Minnesotan who was purged due to misunderstanding a poll.
(4,532 posts)Lydia Leftcoast
(48,219 posts)It was about the Holocaust.
There had been some Holocaust deniers on the board, and someone posted a poll. The options were something like:
1. The Holocaust is a myth and very few Jews were killed
2. Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust
3. No one really knows how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust
She chose 3), and when I talked to her in person, she told me that her reasoning was, "A lot of victims were never counted, and it could have been a lot more."
But the admins took it to mean that she was halfway to being a Holocaust denier (which she most certainly is not) and summarily banned her.
(4,532 posts)They never look in to the background of the situation.
(11,945 posts)You lit this place up, Manny. I wish I'd been around longer just to have had more time with you.
But you did NOT break the TOS. They made a mistake. Toward the end of the thread on which they nabbed you, some Hiliarians were trying to twist what you said to make it into something else.
You say you miss the swarm, but I don't see how anyone could miss them.
I hope somehow you will be back.
(9,958 posts)Don't know where; don't know when.
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)
(2,603 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 20, 2015, 01:13 AM - Edit history (1)
(5,281 posts)It is not even shocking any more....
(14,177 posts)It is clear that some people don't know Jack.
I pine for a world where we discuss ideas without rancor.
I know it's a radical idea, but it is what Democrats used to be about.
Maybe there is an organization somewhere that people can go to where ideas are discussed without all the shit stirring.
(152,902 posts)

(2,352 posts)Pretty soon, we will all be over there, and DU can attain the irrelevancy it so greatly desires and is working hard to deserve.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Just kidding of course.
(7,006 posts)On Our Show/Podcast. He or She (As This is the Internet And All) has a OPEN INVITE to appear on Independent Underground Radio LIVE. To save email spam -- Manny should hit us up here on Facebook -- and leave us a message.
We would LOVE to discuss what happened with our 3 Million Plus Listeners since 2010, and its aftermath in a Frank and Honest Manny type of way.
(14,626 posts)democratic values. You are the man.
(7,006 posts)Hopefully Manny will accept the offer!
(3,057 posts)oh, and a kick.
(3,128 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)ybbor
(1,611 posts)You were one of my favorite reasons for logging in here. This site will be incomplete without you!
I said as much in a reply to your last post having no idea it would be. You are very amazing, and a fantastic scribe.
Farewell my friend!
(36,988 posts)I hope to see your postings somewhere else
your banning was animal farm ish..........
(53,475 posts)Thanks marym625.
(2,282 posts)This candidate would have no reason to work for your vote or interests.
And any candidate that needs this kind of protection and propping-up is a very weak and frightened politician.
Thanks Manny for times you have lightened the pall that has come over DU.
Solidarity, Liberals!
(5,178 posts)MadLinguist
(857 posts)I almost never post, though I've been a DUer since 2004 but on this occasion, I feel compelled. This place is already impoverished since Manny Goldstien and Third Way Manny's departure. I signed up over at jackpineradicals but I think its crazy that someone as reasoned and productive of interesting exchanges as Manny was here should be banned from DU. That decision really needs to be rethought. We can't all just join clubs of lock step thinking and expect to effect anything at all. Moderators, do you really think Manny's posts were designed to get people to not vote Democratic? Or that they could possibly have that effect? Its just an absurd proposition and I can't help but believe that you all three know it.
(4,033 posts)I'll miss you here, but will see you on the other site. I'm registering today. Enjoy your Holidays and move beyond the injustice you experienced here.
(15,435 posts)I align myself more with his views the so many here on DU. Just took a quick look at the site he's posting at now, will do more later.
DU has changed so much since I joined back in 2004, but I'm not surprised. Not sure if I'm allowed to say this but wasn't there some stuff out there about Skinner supporting Hillary early on??
If so, that's not showing much impartiality to me. But, I don't run this place and certainly don't the rules. I will also miss Manny even if I don't post every day like so, so many here.
I'm a Bernie supporter because I BELIEVE electing Hillary will be more of the same AND this country REALLY, REALLY had better start WAKING UP and realizing that for so many of us HILLARY = MORE BIG PHARM, INSURANCE CONTROL, WALL STREET and on and on!
(6,960 posts)DU has always been a fun place and I have found so much good information here.
I aways like the 'Underground' notion that is in the name ... that connotes a touch of radicalism, avant grade, daring.
And that is the case some of the time. Except whenever Hillary Clinton has been running for president.
The conservatism and reactionary supporters of her were terribly disruptive in 2008 and they are doing it again.
What is particularly bad this time is that more and more DU is like posting in politically correct zone ... you really do have to be careful about everything you write, every opinion you share, because you could be 'alerted' by the Hillarians or you could be banned. There is 'fear' here and that is pretty weird and pretty sad.
The 'safe places' I think were a particularly bad idea; a refuge for the like-minded to build walls and keep out challenges and questions is distinctly not "underground" nor is that especially "democratic" either.
The best thing about DU is still the interface, it is by far one of the best and easiest web sites to read and post in, so I recognize the quality ... but the content is surely going downhill.
(4,879 posts)That's the GOP game and it is not a pleasant thing to see on a democratic site.
(15,435 posts)agree with. I suppose since it's inception it's grown over many years and the web site is one of the best. When I joined you didn't have to donate to skip the ads, but I guess that may be a sign of the times. Which of course is where MONEY comes in once again.
There was a time when I DID feel Hillary would be great for this country, but that was long ago. After everything that went down during her campaign against Obama I never really trusted her again. AND I DON'T trust her now either, nor do I believe half of what she's saying this time around. It's pretty easy to do research or even check in here to find out who she's connected with and I think will still be beholden to.
THIS is why I'm supporting Bernie because too many people are sleep walking or maybe just don't care. I will have to say I have sleepless nights about this because the SYSTEM has rotted from within much too long! And she IS at the core of the SYSTEM whether people here or elsewhere want to admit it.
It's RAH, RAH, RAH for her foreign affairs acumen, but I'm not impressed because MORE WAR will solve nothing! She KNOWS what needs to be said, but my gut tells me she's still a hawk and just that alone is enough reason not to support her.
And yes, you are correct, I remember 2008 and what went down, and in some ways her "playbook" hasn't changed. Except this time she's had more time to sway doubters from the past AND the newbies who don't really know Hillary. I just don't think she's changed spots or stripes, she was SOS and now is at odds with Obama on issues she fully supported while SOS. TRUST needs to be earned and I'm tired of having to fall on my sword. So we're in-between a rock and a hard place like no other time I can remember... the other SIDE does not only MEAN FEAR, it MEANS chaos and very well our demise. I've said it here before, I have many FB friend from other countries and since they know my views they are very open about what their country thinks of America. Just saying this makes me fear I'll be banned. But truth is truth!
There ARE TWO sides to Hillary or maybe more, but one thing has been clear to me from long ago is that she is really DLC/Third Way and as a true blue Democrat from way back I can't be part of it. It's very closer to being one of "the other" which bothers me ad infinitum!
While NOT exactly the same, there are times I wish I had never read the book The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire, and I too have FEAR! But, now as you say you have to be careful what you say here at DU or things happen.
Rolling Stone has an article in their latest edition by Sean Wilentz called "The Turning Point" Why 2016 Is the Most Important Election of Our Time. I think everyone should read it.
Gotta run, as usual I just go on and on... We must stay true to what our heart believes, it's how I've always felt!
(6,960 posts)I recognize it took time to think about and write ... and I appreciate it.
(15,435 posts)Easy to speak about truth as I know it.
(25,816 posts)TIME TO PANIC
(1,894 posts)
(3,160 posts)
(27,670 posts)Jackpine Radicals is the best site on the internet right now.
(45,251 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)classy posts here. We are losing good people too fast here. But it had to come to this. The Democratic Party is splitting and it's evident here.
Good Democrats love a good and honest fight.
(20,838 posts)I know that I am not interested in coming to a Hillary fan site with little or no questioning of policies. Anyway, classy statement.
(18,318 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)EV_Ares
(6,587 posts)Javaman
(63,330 posts)alas, all good things come to an end.
DU, as I see it now, (from what it once was), is on impulse power of the politically correct.
quite frankly, I don't know if I'll be on here much longer.
The days of open and frank discussion and debate have long since gone.
now we write in an atmosphere of hair trigger alerts and trolling to get people banned.
I don't write nearly as much on here anymore. Once upon I used to write extensive essays and editorials on everything from Homelessness to wall street to how the government continually lies us into one war after another. But no more.
The cult of personality that exists now on here, prevents me to voice my opinion for fear of the alert squads.
Granted I still have the old 100% rating but that's only because I have elected to keep my mouth shut.
Oddly, I don't blame the admins, I blame a group of people on here that take it upon themselves to be the purveyor of all things deemed DU correct.
if they want a "discussion" board all to themselves with a one sided opinion on all things, well, they can have it.
I don't have the energy or the want to fight something I have zero control or influence over.
DU was once an amazing place. Truly amazing.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)snot
(10,938 posts)shanti
(21,724 posts)Signed up for the new site today, same user name, woohoo!
(3,820 posts)Skittles
(161,709 posts)seriously
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)On Sun Dec 20, 2015, 05:53 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
the Manny haters can F*** THEMSELVES
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Skinner banned Manny for violating TOS by advocating people vote for Sanders as an independent or write-in candidate in the general election. This post is essentially telling the site owners to fuck themselves.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sun Dec 20, 2015, 06:03 PM, and the Jury voted 1-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Please continue this discussion. Please be brave and listen to each other.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Way out to of line
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Nice try, snitch, but I don't think the owners hate Manny, only the unhinged Hillary supporters do. I happen to agree with Skittles, haters can fornicate with their own persons. Stop alert stalking the Bernie group and mind ya bidness..
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
Heya, Skittles! Carry on, the haters' alert failed.

(161,709 posts)seriously
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Twisting your post into "telling the site owners to fuck themselves" is a bald faced lie meant to get your post hidden.
Don't they have anything better to do?
(161,709 posts)I won't second-guess them
yes, whoever said that knows they're lying
but the piece of shit grave dancers? They can all F***THEMSELVES.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Gravedancers are horrible people, I don't know how they can stand themselves.
(14,689 posts)I think the post in question was referring to the people dancing on Manny's grave. Whoever alerted this post is intentionally misrepresenting the situation and is relying on a lazy jury to come back with a hide.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I've seen it happen in other protected groups as well, it's a nasty tactic that shouldn't be tolerated by jurors. Unfortunately sometimes it works and juries vote to hide.
Lucky for Skittle this time 6 of us realized what was going on and got it right.
(20,805 posts)Outstanding!
Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)Owl
(3,720 posts)

Thanks marym625!
Richard D
(9,564 posts). . . if DU jumped the shark with this banning. Just not right.
(24,739 posts)
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)
You gave TPTB a case of red ass, and with every post you showed their hypocrisy in action.
So what if some jumped the shark and exppsed their purple underbelly attempting to disappear you down the memory hole?
The Hilarity club will be as pleased as punch but none-the-wiser.
See you on the other side.
(15,333 posts)...than you could possibly imagine"
(44,397 posts)
(4,389 posts)Always loved your posts Manny.
(36,418 posts)The rules aren't consistent and will change anyway. The only thing that meant a damn to this place was people like you who should never have never been constrained by the hobgobins.
Hope to see you again soon.
(8,464 posts)Prism
(5,815 posts)Any apartment will do as long as there's punch.
(251 posts)I don't post here a lot, but I did like Manny's posts. And now he's gone, thanks to some assholes who couldn't, or wouldn't, understand him.
(14 posts)countryjake
(8,554 posts)I've just learned that you've been tombstoned while I was away and all I want to say is thank you for the many years of your excellent pertinent commentary, thought-provoking, and hive-poking.
It's a long hard road we're travelin' and as a leftie from way back when (been called a pinko commie right here, once too often, during my fourteen years of DU membership), I feel a keen solidarity with those like you who only wish to fight the good fight.
I'd like to echo what Javaman has so eloquently written in an earlier reply as I agree with everything he's said ...
"DU was once an amazing place. Truly amazing."
I wish you all the best, dear Manny...all the best!
Response to marym625 (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(8,654 posts)BillZBubb
(10,650 posts)He was one of the most interesting posters on DU, even if you didn't always agree with him. Great sense of humor and a great DU'er.
(5,275 posts)but, like the caged canary that is turned loose because the people couldn't stand its constant will be free to continue your wonderful insightful views in a forum where the silencers do not operate...
farewell from one place and see you at the other...
(51,076 posts)I want to say I didn't really come to appreciate you until right before you were served the pizza. Lets just say I didn't get your satire like many here did.
May the wind always be to your back and your roads always smoothly paved.
(3,014 posts)This place has gone to censored crap.
Toe the line or be stifled.
Response to marym625 (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Response to marym625 (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed