Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forumManny being kicked is DU's loss, not Manny's
Last edited Sat Dec 19, 2015, 09:29 PM - Edit history (1)
It's clicks for Manny's posts that have brought some people here. It's nearly everyone of his posts that reach the greatest page and cause people who hadn't heard of DU to click on and join the site. It's not Manny that lost out with his banning, it's DU.
But, he's over at
If you decide to register and you don't receive your verification email, please check your spam folder. If still nothing, just hit the "contact us" on the site and we'll fix it.
This site was initially started with JackpineRadical and me. It's a tribute to him and it's to get Bernie Sanders elected. We launched a little early because of the DNC fiasco but we're stable and enjoying good conversation.
Hope all you Bernie supporters will join us for worry free discussion.
As far as Manny, he's a good man who cares deeply about our country, this world and the people in it. He's funny, intelligent and knowledgeable. I find it amusing that someone who drew so many to this site over the years was kicked for one post. But hey, it's their site. And it's their loss.

Liberal Jesus Freak
(1,465 posts)Thanks
(17,997 posts)Thank you!
(9,089 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Snotcicles
(9,089 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)I am honored. But you're no puppy. You're awesome
(18,775 posts)Because ewww. Sorry. But ewww.
(9,089 posts)Kalidurga
(14,177 posts)shoot me a pm will ya?
(45,251 posts)might have posted, unlike dear Jackpine Radical, MannyGoldstein is alive and well.
Thanks for this post, marym625.
(17,997 posts)I miss Jackpine
(45,251 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)And it's gotten so much worse since.
I have to run. So much to do!!
(45,251 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)

(53,475 posts)... members. He was convinced they were trolls working to disrupt progressive threads and support the status quo and worse.
Interestingly, all those he called out are still here, all Hillary supporters.
I miss him too..
(39,909 posts)The goal of the propaganda assaults across the internet is not to convince anyone of anything.
It is to thoroughly hijack, pollute and therefore eliminate public spaces where real discussion and organization can occur. Occupy is disbanded with clubs and pepper spray. Dissent and organization online are disrupted with surveillance and propaganda.
It is no accident that propaganda brigades post new threads on discussion boards far out of proportion to their presence in the community, and that they nearly *always* demand the last word in any interchange.
The goal is to disrupt the important public space for liberal thought, discussion, and organization that these boards offer, and to keep the participants busy instead batting off the corporate lies and talking points.
woo me with science Sun Jul 28, 2013
(53,475 posts)paleotn
(19,861 posts)xocet
(4,021 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the new one as he is an asset to any site, like Manny and so many others who are no longer here.
(4,021 posts)The golden age of DU seems to be well past now....
(6,476 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)sure. DU has had some great writers who bring others to the site, like Manny, Will, Woo and so many others, including YOU bvar. Shame that the best have either been banned or have simply walked away. But as the OP says, it is not their loss, it is the site's loss.
Still In Wisconsin
(4,450 posts)roguevalley
(40,656 posts)Stargleamer
(2,333 posts)Chess players often get heart attacks, seems like more than the general population does.
(53,475 posts)sarge43
(29,169 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Proserpina
(2,352 posts)Why would anyone contribute money to the blatant SS troops here? That's "Saving Schultz", by the way, and her backer....
(7,499 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)At least not with good, prolific, intelligent posters.
(10,175 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)villager
(26,001 posts)We'll see what kind of "landing" happens next....
(10,175 posts)MissDeeds
(7,499 posts)Manny was a DU treasure and it is DU's loss. We're not the thought police here, at least I don't think we are, and we aren't the sheeple that we decried during the dark days of the GWB era. Manny is an impassioned progressive, and I personally feel DU could use more of his kind.
I know he will be fine where he is and a lot of us will enjoy discussing with him there. Hope he knows that.
(17,997 posts)But hearing it always helps!
Thank you. See you over there!
(40,656 posts)their own income down when this happens. But then, they didn't ban the rapists so I don't know what they think. Who knows anymore?
(17,997 posts)TDale313
(7,822 posts)I joined (although I'm waiting for my confirmation e-mail.)
Really disheartened by this turn of events and what's happening to DU right now.
Editing to add: found the confirmation e-mail 😊 All set. Thx.
(17,997 posts)and thank you!
(17,259 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Thank you much!
(5,141 posts)Id follow you, and our fellow Bernistas, anywhere.
So glad there is a place for us to speak intelligently and candidly. Well, all except for me - Im the one drooling in the corner.
(47,246 posts)dorkzilla
(5,141 posts)Thanks!
(17,997 posts)Don't ever forget that.
So glad to have you there
(5,141 posts)And I didnt mention, in case she hasnt, Des and I had a blast in NYC last weekend; we got drunk, I took her to see the tree and we met some weirdos. Shes a terrific person who gave me some much-needed advice and support with my illness. I have a wonderful new friend because of you.
(17,997 posts)I love her to pieces. Miss her very much. She helped me move and she helped me after I had surgery. Even if she hadn't, she's a beautiful, wonderful person.
I'm glad you two connected! Glad you got drunk too!
(23,664 posts)I'm over there under a different user name.
What has happened to this place over the past year or so is just depressing. Makes me wonder if the admins received something to sweeten the pot from the bottomless piggy bank of the Clinton foundation or some other appendage.
(17,997 posts)And thank you!!
Yes, I have to wonder the same thing
(38,613 posts)Only to have the vast majority of DUers supporting Sanders.
I wouldn't want to be in their shoes
(23,664 posts)I had forgotten about that.
(9,866 posts)Took your advice.
I'm totally confused by DU at this point.
(17,997 posts)Glad to have you!
(14,626 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 20, 2015, 02:13 AM - Edit history (1)
Will do some reading there tonight.
(17,997 posts)Bryce Butler
(338 posts)but i'll be lurking for the time being. I do look forward to reading Manny's posts again
(17,997 posts)Only requirement is to support Sanders. Glad to have you!! Thank you
(5,082 posts)Have a heart over the holidays. It's not an easy time for everyone.
(9,866 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)so, ya gotta wonder. I, on the other hand..
(53,475 posts)TIME TO PANIC
(1,894 posts)
(17,997 posts)Cassiopeia
(2,603 posts)Excellent work.
(17,997 posts)But I know the others are watching this and I know they're appreciative
(1,628 posts)I bookmarked it and will register.
(17,997 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)Easy to sign up, too, and I am using the same user name.
(12,629 posts)Things often have a way of working out for the best.
whole bunch
(50,983 posts)

(17,997 posts)starroute
(12,977 posts)i sent a note to Contact Us and haven't heard back. Does that mean I'm waiting for a second email -- or that you took my query as verification and quietly activated my registration?
(17,997 posts)You're good to go
(12,977 posts)My spam checker program didn't delete that one, but it didn't alert me that it had come in either. I'll have to fiddle with the settings some more.
Anyway, it's all good now. And thank you.
(17,997 posts)Hatchling
(2,323 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Ino
(3,366 posts)Thank you!
(39,215 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Please let me know if you have any problems.
(39,215 posts)Cornus
(871 posts)I seldom post here, or anywhere, but I do enjoy reading what others have to say.
(17,997 posts)Gore1FL
(22,158 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)And, there's no complaining about certain sites.
But we have a real cool dancing guy
(22,158 posts)They made one when L0oniX was banned. I figured they might make one in "honor" of Manny.
(17,997 posts)So thank you for clarifying. But no apology necessary!
(13,039 posts)eom
(17,997 posts)Mbrow
(1,090 posts)I'm getting tired of the circular firing squad over here.
(17,997 posts)Glad to have you!
I'm Idaho progressive over there
(19,288 posts)A veritable treasure trove of knowledge regarding human behavior. I truely miss him. Very happy to know about the site.
(17,997 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 29, 2015, 01:31 AM - Edit history (1)
I've edited this because I didn't write it like I thought it. JackpineRadical and I came up with the idea of this site. We talked about everything from admins down to the purpose of the site. I never veered from our plan. While a couple people he initially thought about being on board have become Hillary supporters since we spoke about it, everything is as he wanted. That includes a site for real discussion, to implement real change, end the oligarchy and to get Bernie elected. We started talking before Bernie announced and continued working on it until the day before he died.
I don't believe in god or spirits but I do believe in energy. His energy helped make the site what it is. Otherwise, we never would have named it in honor of him.
(251 posts)

(17,997 posts)He's over at
Banning him made no sense to me. But hey, I don't understand how anyone agrees with third-way politics. And I dated the brother in law of one of the founders.
(18,775 posts)On Sat Dec 19, 2015, 08:18 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Manny being kicked is DU's loss, not Manny's
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
a thread trashing DU and the admins; it's clearly OTT
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sat Dec 19, 2015, 08:22 PM, and the Jury voted 1-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I don't see it as attacking DU as much as saying DU lost someone they admire.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: The alerter is a crybaby. I will never vote for Sanders BUT THIS IS THE F'N SANDERS GROUP.
I weep for DU, and intellectual honesty.
This is like alerting on a post in the Green Bay Packers Group if they failed to acknowledge Ditka as the greatest coach ever.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Uhh, no.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No. Just no.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(38,613 posts)
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)MisterP
(23,730 posts)I hope not but if Manny goes.....
Lizzie Poppet
(10,164 posts)...on or about the 34th of Nevervember.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Katashi_itto
(10,175 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Glad to have you!
(15,861 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)We're glad to have you!
Not Sure
(735 posts)It seems like the only thing I click around here is the ignore button anymore. I am glad to have a new place to go where hopefully it won't be the same way.
(17,997 posts)Please come join us!
(9,033 posts)And the old familiar (respected) faces.
(17,997 posts)So glad to have you!!
(9,483 posts)Manny being kicked is DU's loss, not Manny's
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
a thread trashing DU and the admins; it's clearly OTT
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sat Dec 19, 2015, 08:22 PM, and the Jury voted 1-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I don't see it as attacking DU as much as saying DU lost someone they admire.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: The alerter is a crybaby. I will never vote for Sanders BUT THIS IS THE F'N SANDERS GROUP.
I weep for DU, and intellectual honesty.
This is like alerting on a post in the Green Bay Packers Group if they failed to acknowledge Ditka as the greatest coach ever.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Uhh, no.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No. Just no.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(15,861 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)TekGryphon
(430 posts)Manny, in my opinion, was one of the leading voices turning DU away from a place to discuss issues and learn about platforms and into a hateful cesspit of snark and gutter sniping.
I learned nothing about Bernie Sanders or his platform from Manny or anyone who participated in his threads.
Good riddance.
(17,997 posts)How much did you just teach about your candidate?
Obviously, you didn't even read Manny's posts.
Have a good night!
(1,374 posts)I will come on over. Think maybe it is time to relinquish my gold star come renewal.
(17,997 posts)Please, come join us!
red dog 1
(29,915 posts)I'm now registered there, and will be visiting the site daily.
(17,997 posts)Thank you!! Great to have you
(14,689 posts)At least at this site you don't have to PROVE you support Bernie Sanders, unlike some other sites on the internet.
(17,997 posts)Thank you!
(3,998 posts)Same screen name
(17,997 posts)Glad to have you! Hope you enjoy!
(161,709 posts)ugh - PATHETIC
(17,997 posts)Makes nosense to me
(762 posts)Thank you for all you do for the Bernie campaign, you are amazing!
(17,997 posts)That's very sweet of you
Glad to have you at
(35,004 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Unknown Beatle
(2,688 posts)I just joined. Like a breath of fresh air.
(17,997 posts)so glad to have you and you like it!
(21,054 posts)The best of the best of DU is over there...feelin' the Bern!
(17,997 posts)I have to say, I'm missing Jackpineradical a great deal today
(21,054 posts)jfern
(5,204 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)I'm shocked I'm still here. May not last long. Don't know.
Yep, they do. But you'll find none of that at
(4,695 posts)Kalidurga
(14,177 posts)I was thinking about asking people about the possibility of starting another site just moments before I saw that there is actually a new site. So there you go GMTA.
(41,694 posts)bkkyosemite
(5,792 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Thank you
(34,438 posts)I can't figure it out yet but I will eventually
Maybe I should have changed my name. I may do that, I will let you know.
Thank you, it is much easier to feel the bern over there
(17,997 posts)Glad you like it.,sorry if it's confusing. I'm writing up some FAQ to explain things better. We didn't plan to launch so quickly but with things as they are, we did
Llet me know, over there please, if you need any help
Thank you so much for joining!! Glad to have you!
(34,438 posts)it is only confusing because it is different and I am not a child of the Internet generations. I like it and found the pages to help me and already figured a few things out so it is just fine.
I still think I might change my name since I just shortened this one.
(17,997 posts)Just let me know and you can have any name you want
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)So glad to have you! Really, honored!
I'm taking the compliment for the 3 of us. But one of us did much more of the forum work. Much more! And it sure as shit wasn't me!
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)It was becoming quite obvious that a new site was needed and I love that it is named after Jackpine. What a lovely tribute.
(17,997 posts)I wish he could see the finished product
(9,474 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Please join when you're ready. We would be glad to have you!
(9,474 posts)Do you want me to bring donuts or muffins to go with the coffee? LOL! Thanks so much. I'm honored to be included.
(14,691 posts)Jokerman
(3,538 posts)Signing up now.
Hun Joro
(666 posts)Hillary Wellaboveground will no longer get my pittance of donations.
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)tazkcmo
(7,419 posts)sarge43
(29,169 posts)Looking forward to discussions without having to worry about the alert police...and reading Manny's posts.
(4,879 posts)Heading over to where the smart people are.
Thanks for the heads up marym.
(2,941 posts)and Debbie are good with that. Fuck 50 states. DU like Hillary just needs a handful of conservative Wall Street supporters and the magic will happen for the middle class.
So I'm told.
(1,937 posts)LovingA2andMI
(7,006 posts)And we would STILL love to interview Manny and Invite the Owner(s) of Jackpine Radicals into that interview (if we can schedule it) too! Feel free to contact us at Independent Underground News & Talk FB -- via the Message option.
(14,177 posts)Not because of Manny, but because of the toxic environment here. All the lies and such. It tells me a great deal when a minority of posters make the majority of the negative posts then claim the majority is bullying them and never offer proof of those claims.
(2,818 posts)Thanks moderators!
(10,938 posts)beltanefauve
(1,784 posts)Thank you for the welcome letter marym625.
I've been here since 2004, but I lurk more than I post. As I said in reply to your welcome, Democratic Underground is increasingly becoming Democratic Status Quo. I'm thrilled that so many of my favorite DU posters are going over to Jackpine Radicals!
(2,760 posts)Thank you for all your work getting it up and running.
(3,047 posts)Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Lokijohn
(46 posts)NuttyFluffers
(6,811 posts)i like to watch entropy in action, so my past 2 years on ECU has been in observation mode. the conflagration was quite bright. but now it is down to spot fires and embers; the 'there' there is rapidly fading.
i look forward to seeing familiar writers in their new, spacious home.