Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forumin our country, PEACEFUL demonstrators have been
Last edited Thu Jun 16, 2016, 03:47 PM - Edit history (1)
attacked, beaten, maimed and killed. blood has been shed by peaceful demonstrators while being attacked by militarized police and swat teams.
THIS is what my post meant and why the remembrance and respect of peaceful demonstrators to protect the mother earth were invoked in my post. i did not promise violence in response to a clinton victory.
in a peaceful manner and with a clear commitment, yes, i would not hesitate to put my own safety and life at a gate, or river, or forest, or desert to protect precious resources and to protect the safety of my loved ones and the future of our planet. i will not be armed with anything more than the clothes on my back and a commitment to mother earth and all my relations.
mitakuye oyasin ~ in a good way, hopemountain.
just clarifying a post of mine that was hidden as "Explicitly promises violence in response to a Clinton victory."
Automated Message
AUTOMATED MESSAGE: One of your posts has been hidden by a DU Jury
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On Thu Jun 16, 2016, 08:28 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
before she approves keystone and
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Explicitly promises violence in response to a Clinton victory. Not acceptable even in protected groups.
A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this alert at Thu Jun 16, 2016, 08:34 AM, and voted 6-1 to HIDE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: We need Elad to cancel his scheduled time off.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: "Promises violence"? What utter bullshit! Perhaps you should take a remedial reading comprehension class before making such an absurd accusation.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Ugh. So much for 'hope'.
Juror #7 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: calling for violence is a bridge too far
You will no longer be able to participate in this discussion thread, and you will not be able to start a new discussion thread in this forum until 9:34 AM. This hidden post has been added to your <a href="/?com=profile&uid=296043&sub=trans">Transparency page</a>.
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(12,471 posts)They have banned more and more posts that are anti-Hilliary, and pro Sanders.
Perhaps they should change the name to Hilliary Underground.
(12,869 posts)RoccoR5955
(12,471 posts)And why do people make up these acronyms, expecting us to read their minds?
Does it mean anything listed here:
I don't know what people mean when they put these totally uncommon acronyms up.
(12,869 posts)Self Initiated Elimination
(2,552 posts)


Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)thier planet, OUR planet which belongs to ALL of us! The oligarchs and their minions are insane.
(2,552 posts)
That happens to me sometimes.
But, I think your post was fine...
I think they didn't bother to read the whole post.

(5,198 posts)Orwell spinning in his grave could be a power source for the whole country.