Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forumCLEARING UP SOME MISINFORMATION about Senator Merkley
Senator Merkley's super delegate vote is still pledged to Bernie.
some people here on du are believing the cnn MISINFORMATION that senator merkley is endorsing hillary. he is not. he is "supporting" her. this is the language the sanders campaign is using at this time.
"we" are going to the convention and "we" are doing everything we can to build the dnc platform to reflect the campaign's platform.
senator merkley will not change his super delegate vote for 2 reasons: he is pledged to bernie AND his district and the state of oregon voted overwhelming for bernie in the primary. only one county favored hillary and it was by 1 vote.
please correct persons who continue to repeat the lie that merkley has gone the way of elizabeth warren to camp hillary.
p.s. i feel somewhat responsible because over the weekend i also misinterpreted the cnn report of their interview last friday with senator merkley.

(6,282 posts) (by the way, great twitter account to follow)
So this means someone in Congress' IP block wanted to make clear that Merkley still supports Sanders. How much you want to bet that was Merkley's staff?

(3,919 posts)so, someone (not merkley) had changed the senators status to clinton and then someone (merkley staff) changed it back to sanders? am i following correctly?
thanks for the twitter feed info. i will follow. and thanks for the tidbit. shenanigans.
(15,406 posts)Supporting or endorsing? He's still for Her not Bernie.
And I knew Jeff could not be depended on. I know he's my senator.
Merkley talks out of both sides of his mouth. And I simply can not stand a liar.
(16,317 posts)respectfully disagree. Merkley is exceptionally progressive. What are your specifics?
(15,406 posts)I will send Merkley an email about certain issues. He responds and most of the time agrees with me. That's good until I get a Megavote email. That email tells me how he really voted (many times opposite of what he was told me). I do not understand this.
But what finally did it was LNG. I don't know where you live, but on the southern coast, we have been dealing with the threat of LNG in our communities. For years Merkley would state in emails that he was against it. (Years, as in over ten.)
Yet when he came for a townhall, he 1st met with the LNG backers and promised them his support. It was obvious to all in the townhall as they all came out together, high fiving each other.
This is a huge deal down here. LNG kills property values and is unsafe.
I do not like representatives that lie. A big reason I will not for Her.
(3,919 posts)exactly what wyden did/said.
and, unfortunately, defazio also supported the lng. but i distinctly remember merkley was against it and he sent me a letter affirming this.
(15,406 posts)Until he was for it. When he came out of his secret meetings with the boosters for LNG, people were slapping him the back and giving him high fives.
Kinda like he supported Bernie until he supported Her.
Wyden is totally worthless.
Some residents of Coos County held a meeting regarding the TPP. Wyden was there trying his damnedest to convince us that TPP was the bestest thing ever for everyone. But his main selling point was...
Everyone in the audience began looking at each other saying, blueberries? There is a large blueberry farm 10 miles south of town. But, blueberries?
He never explained his blueberries.
(3,919 posts)and then became democrat to run for senate? a very shrewd man.
merkley is pledged to sanders - and i don't see how he could flip his vote for her. if he does, he will not win his next senate race.
(15,406 posts)Story highlights
"I'm ready to say that Elizabeth Warren would make a great vice president," he said
"We have our nominee. I want to help her be successful," Merkley said
Washington (CNN)Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley is "supporting" Hillary Clinton for president but stopped short of saying he endorses the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Merkley was the only Senator to endorse Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for president.
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the president and the vice president all endorse Hillary Clinton. Are you ready to endorse her as well," CNN's Kate Bolduan asked Merkley Friday.
"Certainly, I'm going to support our nominee and our nominee is Secretary Clinton, but what I really want to see is success in November," he said on CNN's "At This Hour with John Berman and Kate Bolduan."
"This is the first time I think that we've heard you say that you're going to support the nominee and acknowledge that the nominee is Hillary Clinton. Is this an endorsement of some sort," Bolduan asked.
"Well, I absolutely support Hillary Clinton. What I've said all along is once a candidate has the majority of the pledged delegates and the majority of the voters and that happened on last Tuesday night, that we have our nominee," he said. "We have our nominee. I want to help her be successful."
Does that sound like he is endorsing Bernie?
(3,919 posts)exact words. last saturday he announced that bernie was having a meeting of his top supporters and that he would be there. and he was. in the group photo he is standing next to jane - it just seems odd.
i know it is semantics - but there is a reason they are using the words "support" and not endorsing.
we will see at the convention.
as a superdelegate i expect merkley to vote according to the majority votes of those who elected him to office and whom he represents. i expect him to keep his pledge to bernie.
(3,919 posts)your statement is false.
(1,268 posts)Always like to know what my Senators are doing in the State of Oregon.
(4,728 posts)was equally PO'd at Merkley for his supposed betrayal.
Now, he is back in good standing!