John Lauritis: Sanderistas, Unite! The Truth Is Coming (Part II)
The #LameStreamMedia wants you to believe that you are isolated, that you are alone, that there is nothing left to fight for do not believe a word of it!
You are not alone, you are not isolated,
& there is everything left to fight for!
Now, lets get into some numbers!
We Must Transform Our Strategy
When I first wrote to you all, it was about the delegate math and how it showed that we would be heading into a contested convention I wrote it because no one else was writing it & because . Despite the tricks, the medias manipulation, & everything that they could throw at us, that is still true but barely! I was worried for a moment but, just as I said in that first article, Hillary Clinton does not have the 2,383 delegates needed to clinch the nomination & we are going to Philadelphia on July 25th.
But things are going to be very different than we first thought in the beginning, I had envisioned us fighting our way to 2,026 delegates (the majority) and going into July, that way. We would have made the argument to the super-delegates that they must respect the majoritys will and, by drawing publicity to our cause, we would have publicly pressured them into joining our revolution we would have gone on to the general election and defeated Trump easily to uproarious applause !
We would have but that has all changed.
My delegate math worked so long as the race was fair and, by fair, I mean less rigged than it obviously is. But the DNC, the corporate-media, & the Clinton-Machine have been far more cunning & dishonest (& probably far more criminal) than I had anticipated there is still a way through but first we must
UNITE! ... more at link...
lauritis goes over the unsettling and disruption of the sandernista path. he points to the fact hillary does not have enough delegates, the dnc is corrupt, and suggests bernie can still win at the convention....