2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumAl Gore DECLINES To Endorse Hillary Clinton for President
If Hillary Clinton is counting on an endorsement from her husband's former vice president, she'll have to wait for it. Al Gore, who served two terms with former President Bill Clinton, politely but firmly declined when PEOPLE asked him if he supports Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.
(21,054 posts)PatrynXX
(5,668 posts)so for 8 yrs we didn't have a President a legal one at least the way the world sees it. like the Govt in Egypt is not legitimate
(32,864 posts)ETA: Maybe he is waiting on Tipper.
(4,805 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)paleotn
(19,786 posts)...she's got Lloyd Blankfein to keep her warm and well funded. You know, the same Goldmann CEO who blatantly lied to Congress about their roll in the financial meltdown. Oh, sorry to irritate you with facts. Wouldn't want to interrupt your cult of personality.
(135,425 posts)He went a little middle aged crazy. She'd had enough of his shit. Al is dating an environmental activist, though they aren't divorced.
I agree with those who say that he can wait as long as he wants. He's out of the loop and the GOP would jump on him and pull out all his "baggage" -- and I'm talking about the private life stuff, not the political stuff.
(16,286 posts)Now, I could see why this would be a huge and long thread on a rightwing board, where rwers would GLOAT about this.
But here?
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Al Gore is a respected voice, and his opinion matters. To DEMOCRATS.
(16,286 posts)So are you saying that since he hasnt endorsed her yet, this is a reason to attack her candidacy?
Do you see Al or Bernie attacking her candidacy?
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)which is pretty much the same as this place has been for the past couple months.
Also, news flash: She's not the nominee yet, so discussions about her candidacy, or the relative merits thereof- even "attacks"- are not inherently some right wing plot.
(16,286 posts)"she cant win" meme is designed to suppress the vote, right?
If this is said about Bernie it can have the same negative result, but you say this about the FRONT RUNNER if you are the opposing party, right?
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)One, Al Gore isn't saying "She cant win", is he?
Two, No votes have been cast yet. Another News Flash.
If she's really such a great candidate she should be able to compete and win on the merits, not be protected by people who say "leave her alone, it's her turn!"
... right?
(16,286 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Al Gore's not saying she can't win.
Personally, I've said all along I want her to run a better campaign, which she actually has been doing lately. I believe she can win, if she gets the nomination, and I believe Sanders can, too. I will support the nominee but UNTIL we have a nominee, no one is obligated to support or endorse ANYONE.
(45,251 posts)easy as time winning as Sanders will is a reason to vote for Sanders in the primary. It seems so incredibly odd to me that a Sanders supporter such as yourself sees this only from the perspective of Hillary's best interests. Incredibly odd.
(16,286 posts)sure WHOEVER the dem candidate is, wins.
ONLY that, my preference is and I will vote for Bernie, but that is SECONDARY to me because I look at the BIG PICTURE
(45,251 posts)kristopher
(29,798 posts)Your posts make it blindingly clear you are a disruptor intent on shutting down anyone that views Clinton negatively. Your posts are the worst case of thought policing I've ever seen on DU, and I've been here a long time. You obviously have absolutely no idea what this forum is all about, nor what are the ideals and values that underpin liberalism.
(16,286 posts)bashing of the leading Democratic Candidate for the WH.
A candidate I dont support in the primary, but the very basis of this forum is to support these candidates.
Sorry, that is a huge fail
(29,798 posts)Nothing else. Period. Sander's supporters have every right to compare and contrast the candidates and your attempts to prevent that are the worst sort of despicable, antidemocratic behavior. If the mod system were still in place, you'd have been tossed out on your ear.
(30,481 posts)interesting the direction taken here. It's a victory when someone has yet to endorse.
(11,945 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)Who has he endorsed? This makes no sense. I'm going to assume you are being funny. I hope so anyway.
(11,945 posts)the fear, among D.C. Democrats, of retaliation by the Clintons.
(46,935 posts)in interview with People??? Here? On a Democratic board and you take issue with it being posted here.
(45,251 posts)in the primary, Autumn. I don't get why something like that would surprise you. And you claim to support Bernie!! Get a clue, woman!
(46,935 posts)praise Hillary or anyone running in the primary other than Saint Bernie He Of The Unholy Supporters and Other People Who Decline To Support Hillary Clinton When The Election Is Still A Full Year Away . Wow, try typing that while holding a glass of wine.
I love President Gore.
(45,251 posts)A guy who was going to vote for the first time in 2000 called me from St. Louis, offering to vote for Gore there, where it might matter, if I would vote for Nader in Boston, where it wouldn't matter at all. I turned him down, perhaps stupidly.
(45,319 posts)It's also a story about Al Gore, a Democratic former VP, talking about the primary. What the fuck is the problem with that, randys1? Ist Al Gore verbotten?
(16,286 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)That's the only way I can explain, like I said elsewhere, the absolutely unhinged HATE displayed here for not just Sen. Sanders but his supporters, who are apparently the worst group of humans to ever ooze from the skim of an algae-covered pond.
(16,286 posts)the GOP because they will cause death and destruction.
I call this the "big picture"
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)our eventual nominee win in the general?
(16,286 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Who is "promoting the dont vote" here?
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)support for Bernie! I almost can't believe I missed it! Link?
(16,286 posts)Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)". . .our opinion of an individual is not based on what he thinks of himself . . ."
(5,402 posts)Have you donated to his campaign?
(16,286 posts)Android3.14
(5,402 posts)You are the expert.
(45,251 posts)FYI: Randys1 has always claimed that supports, and works, for Senator Sanders.
(29,798 posts)indulging our fixation with acting as thought police suppressing every real and imaginary criticism against Hillary is how of all us Bernie supporters spend our waking hours.
(45,251 posts)Hepburn
(21,054 posts)Holy smoke...a new and entirely odd-ball meaning for the word "demean."
Who knew...
(45,251 posts)pretend that Hillary has already defeated Sanders and O'Malley to win the primary and endorse her for the general.
As a Bernie supporter just like randys1, that makes perfect sense to me!
(45,251 posts)randys1
(16,286 posts)Look, dont waste your time with me.
I AM THE one on RECORD supporting Bernie and Hillary for the greater good.
I know why I am here.
Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)You are not alone.
(14,449 posts)That is really the bottom line. I don't hold it against him. I do think he is yesturday though which is why some don't care if he endorsed or not.
(17,196 posts)be bragging.
Yep, some who now bitterly complain would be "gloat" personified.
And no one can gloat better than them.
Response to randys1 (Reply #3)
Doctor_J This message was self-deleted by its author.
ish of the hammer
(444 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)They're known as "Bernie supporters."
(18,458 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)pales in comparison to that all-important Katy Perry endorsement, does it not?
(3,160 posts)that's gonna swing it for me.
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)FlatBaroque
(3,160 posts)yardwork
(65,082 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Boy, that's a head-scratcher. I wonder who it will be?
(26,795 posts)Which would be an improvement since she often is in reverse.
(19,786 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)[URL=.html][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
(45,251 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)jeff47
(26,549 posts)Response to Segami (Original post)
Skidmore This message was self-deleted by its author.
(46,935 posts)No reason at all to wade into and endorse this early. Every time I see or hear him I mourn for what should have been.
a recovering politician
(30,481 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)Autumn
(46,935 posts)That picture sent me into a rage for a week because that SOB had his feet on President Gore's desk. I raged at everyone I knew over that.
(28,749 posts)Bush was such an ass.
(3,186 posts)But more than anything, I was just sad for our country when I saw it.
Kind of like this kitty...
(46,935 posts)he made me sad
(3,186 posts)kelliekat44
(7,759 posts)1monster
(11,027 posts)the last word. Where was he to take the fight? The only legal option would have been to ask them to reconsider(fat chance!). Any other step would have been insurrection.
(7,661 posts)never did like Al, now I understand why.
(45,251 posts)Warner, et al. He may have pulled away once he won lost in 2000, but it seemed to me he was willing to ride that horse as far as it would take him. Of course, we will never know what his Presidency would have been like--though many posters claim to know.
(7,661 posts)under the bus so he "evolved"
(45,251 posts)Roadhouse Mixer
(7 posts)He will be endorsing Hillary.
(3,675 posts)should have no problem endorsing Hillary Clinton.
Roadhouse Mixer
(7 posts)Just like McCain and Palin. A relative nobody until chosen as a vp candidate, both were awful choices, both let the position go to their heads. Both went on to prove they were lunatics.
(12,126 posts)He's a very smart political wonk - he gets what's happening here.
Oh, what could have been...
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)He may just want to stay the hell out of it.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)you seem tense about this.
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)Why should I be tense about it? I'm not a Hillary supporter.
If Gore endorsed someone before the nomination in '08, his decision not to endorse anyone now is far more significant than it would be if he'd also said, "It's too early," back in '08. That goes double if he endorsed HRC before Obama won the nomination.
(16,581 posts)CAMPAIGN '08
Gore backs Obama; Clinton takes a hit
June 17, 2008|From the Washington Post
DETROIT Former Vice President Al Gore stepped forward to endorse Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for president on Monday night -- an attention-grabbing event that came as no surprise but renewed the speculation about whether they might form a joint ticket.
Obama's first campaign appearance with Gore, at the Joe Louis Arena in downtown Detroit, came after Gore announced his support in a blog item on his website, AlGore.com. In the item, Gore said he would "do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States."
"The outcome of this election will affect the future of our planet," Gore said Monday night.
(2,960 posts)tularetom
(23,664 posts)When he threw in the towel on the Florida recount and helped usher in the most disastrous 8 years in American political history.
Although I should have seen it coming when he chose Joe Loserman as a running mate.
I don't think there is a lot of love lost between Al Gore and the Clintons, and I think the selection of Loserman, who thought of Bill Clinton as an immoral scumbag (the only thing I ever agreed with him on), as VP candidate.
However, whether I care or not, Gore's silence on endorsements speaks volumes.
(70,437 posts)bvar22
(39,909 posts)The Congressional Black Caucus from the House entered the Senate chambers to protest the certification of the vote.
ALL they needed was ONE, SINGLE Democratic Senator to side with them....
and not a single Democratic Senator stood for the Congressional Black Caucus.
Al Gore himself graveled them down and had them removed from the room.
That was IT for me and Al Gore.
(45,850 posts)under the bus with thee
Bread and Circus
(9,454 posts)Spazito
(55,027 posts)and only endorsed President Obama after Hillary Clinton suspended her campaign.
He is simply being consistent in remaining neutral during the Primaries, imo.
(7,358 posts)riversedge
(73,903 posts)DCBob
(24,689 posts)Why is that?
(5,066 posts)which gives him some respect from me.afterall he endorsed howard dean in 2003.
(14,601 posts)Just not sure, maybe. Maybe a partial one, whatever.
Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)after getting burnt in 2004.
Obama was in constant contact with him and really wanted his endorsement early. Gore declined but left open the possibility to endorse to save the party if the primary went down a wretched path of no return.
You can read this as an indictment or as a continuation of his stance in 2008.
(58,724 posts)Being his former running mate and all.
(10,345 posts)that the inconvenient truth for Hillary supporters is that he'll endorse the man that said climate change is our greatest threat.
(3,544 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)Hillary's environmental consciousness is not evident to the naked eye.
(3,544 posts)He's gonna laugh his ass off at all these early endorsements of Hillary when he picks Bernie and WINS. He lines up much better with Bernie.
Actually, if you think about it, ANYONE in the political world that has already publicly supported Hillary, are fools. It's way to early to commit. 357 days to go
(54,258 posts)The dude wanted his 24-hour Climate Change Telethon to be the news, not who he endorses.
(4,825 posts)So I wonder if Al Gore was listening.
(72,631 posts)Yeah... If ya wanna save the planet, Hillary is not your gal.
(2,074 posts)or "Al Gore declines to endorse Martin O'Malley.: All possible headlines to the same non-endorsement of ANYONE.
Why are there 4 threads on this non-issue?
I love Al Gore - wanted him to run last time. But it's clear that he's lost the taste for politics.
(6,145 posts)I wonder if that has something to do with his reluctance to endorse her?
(7,006 posts)Once Close to Clinton, Gore Keeps a Distance
Published: October 20, 2000
After eight years together, here is the state of the relationship between President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore: Mr. Gore won't pick up the phone. He doesn't call, and Mr. Clinton doesn't know why.
Until the recent crisis in the Middle East, the two had spoken only a handful of times since the week of this summer's Democratic convention.
Mr. Clinton is both hurt by the personal rebuff and bewildered as to why his political heir won't come to him for the advice he is itching to give -- advice the president feels the candidate needs, according to two friends who have discussed this with Mr. Clinton recently.
Yep, probably....
(109,658 posts)Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)Be careful, don't walk away and turn your back to her, and never, ever, under any circumstances, say anything bad about her.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)chillfactor
(7,694 posts)So?
Walk away
(9,494 posts)BSers must be pretty desperate if Al Gore not endorsing anyone is super fantastic good news to them.
In fact....it is really kind of sad.
(5,400 posts)Thank you, Vice President Gore. You make me proud to be part of the majority that voted for you.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)saidsimplesimon
(7,888 posts)according to a post from one of her supporters include Elizabeth Warren, Julian and Joaquin Castro or Martin O'Malley.
imho, Senator Warren and either of the Castro brothers have great potential to be excellent future Presidential candidates in their own right. Why would they allow themselves to be shelved into a slot as VP?
After Senator Sanders wins at least 2 of the 5 first primaries, I think his choice for the slot will emerge.
Go get'm sweet peas, we need a win in NH and beyond for Senator Sanders.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)see on DU always has to be checked out thoroughly.
There is ZERO reason to endorse a proven liar.
question everything
(49,386 posts)Neither could be president while Bill Clinton was the first Democrat, since FDR, to serve two full terms. Kennedy had his revenge by persuading an unknown freshman Senator to run, and Gore... by withholding his endorsement from another Clinton and publicize it.
Sad and pathetic.
(30,058 posts)and not that Gore DECLINES to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. Let's be truthful here, it easy material to read.