2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumBernie Sanders: Media Scrutiny of Ben Carson Is Why People Hate Politics
http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bernie-sanders-media-scrutiny-of-ben-carson-is-why-people-hate-politics/"Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders does not believe the media scrutiny Republican Ben Carson is receiving is fair game for a presidential campaign.
Appearing Sunday morning on Meet the Press, the Vermont senator said the real problems with Carsons candidacy are his positions on the issues, not anecdotes he recounted decades ago. Sanders slammed Carson for his views on climate change, Medicare, and taxes."
Did I read this wrong. Please tell me Bernie did not give Pathological Liar Ben Carson a pass on everything he lied about.
I guess Ben is not that bent out of shape about as he originally seemed
Ben Carson Thanks Biased Media for His Good Fundraising Week

(14,856 posts)is unimportant? Carson's serial lies, aggrandizing his resume are indicative of a serious character deficiency. As such they are fair game to explore. Bernie's statement is just pollyanna personified.
(6,409 posts)Perhaps Bernie is committed to treating all the candidates as if they're serious. I guess we should do that, since Carson appears to be leader of the pack right now, and we should consider his remarks as coming from a potential president. If that is the case, the media should be focusing on his record, except he doesn't have one. I guess they could talk about his career as a neurosurgeon, but how do they relate that to his run at the presidency? Since Carson is telling these stories as part of his campaign, in an effort to get us to vote for him, that's about all we have to go on, so the media look into the accuracy of these stories. Bernie is right, of course, in criticizing Carson's stand on the issues, but it's difficult to accept Carson as a serious candidate, so the media are having a little fun right now. If Carson continues to lead the pack, they'll have to get serious, but I don't think the moment has arrived.
(1,881 posts)but just classifying this as media stuff is giving a guy a pass that does not deserve on in the least. Ben Carson sets off all type of alarm bells for me. Like walking(running) the other direction is you see Ben Carson walking down the street type alarm bells.
(11,619 posts)His autobiography turns out to be fiction.
I don't get Sanders stand on this.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)If the media really looked hard at Carson, they'd find he's an unrestrained red-hater who thinks marriage equality is a socialist plot to bring down Teh American Family (tm) and the free market. All of the ultra-right is practically lock-step in believing that everything from recycling plastic to Common Core is sign of a communist plot though, so maybe the media doesn't find that worth remarking on.
(19,460 posts)Carson is a liar plain and simple.
(1,881 posts)Sanders can't "Cut, copy, & Paste" his "Focus on the issues" rule when it comes to this much like "Cut, Copy, Paste" rule when it comes to wall street and shoe horn than to world politics either.
In the case of Carson, an election in any country is a job interview. If I find red flags on your record, especially if you flat out LIE about them among other things. Your resume is going in the sheader.
(2,097 posts).. all that stuff about his West Point "scholarship" and the stuff in his house ....
The good news is that he is about to fade into obscurity. The polls next week will not be kind to him.
(12,655 posts)its not that the underlying issue(s) is unimportant. its that the media hype on these stories is taking attention away from the issues that citizens and serious candidates need to talk about.
he said in the same interview that he is sick of the media games
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)on the issues and how policies advocated for would effect the nation, then candidates having to explain their positions would make Carson appear just as foolish as Carson is now seen.
(46,179 posts)He's not interested in making it personal.
He's demonstrated that over and over and over when the media tries to get him to go after people instead of issues and positions on issues.
I don't know why this would surprise you.
It's not whether or not he has an opinion on Carson's character; it's whether or not he's willing to make that the conversation.
I'm sure you get that.
I agree that the conversation should be about issues. I think Sanders gives the electorate credit for recognizing Carson's dishonesty without his help. I think he's more interested in campaigning on issues than making the primary races about personal attacks, which is refreshing.
(1,881 posts)is the scrutiny on Carson just Media Driven like Bernie suggests?
(46,179 posts)shit-stirring on the part of the media is directed at every candidate. In every interview, the media wants to talk about personal issues, not political issues that impact the nation. The media thrives on negative campaigning.
It's simple. Sanders is going to deny the media the opportunity to do so while interviewing him. He's not going to hold back on negative attacks against one opponent while piling on another.
(1,881 posts)or the MSM as Republicans love to call it, finding facts that a candidate has a pattern of lying about not just the issues but they're past in General for no real reason is "Shit stirring"?
Let me ask you something.
Bernie aside? Should Ben Carson get a pass? Is he scrutiny free for lying about his past?
(46,179 posts)We've called the mainstream media the MSM since day one here at DU, too.
No, I don't think that Carson should get a pass. Let the media have a field day with the idiot.
I also don't think that whatever time or attention they are willing to give to Sanders' campaign should be focused on other candidates.
(1,881 posts)if this causes him to eventually drop out, have at it. The man is sick. And believe me. There is plenty of media to go around.
By the way. MSM is being now used by those who hate scrutinized. (See recent republican debate)
(46,179 posts)"by those who hate scrutiny?""
Republicans have always called the MSM the "liberal media," and have been warning their acolytes not to listen to it, while they bought it up and controlled it, for decades now.
(1,881 posts)On that point we obviously agree. The real media or MSM what have you is pre-opinion tv, radio, The Young Turks (How do you call the winners and losers of a debate when you already pledged your loyalty to Bernie Sanders. Its like Katy Perry giving her opinion on who won).
Dan Rather to me was one of the last standard bearers of that. I miss real news. I tend to watch Al Jazeera and BBC more than anything else for real reporting.
(3,649 posts)Is that the media could scrutinize Carson on other things besides his personal life. We all agree the Carson is off the reservation, but what will ultimately be important if (god forbid) he were ever elected is his positions on the issues.
(21,115 posts)Thats funny...
(3,649 posts)You who supports the candidate that on over 40 separate occasions publicly supported the TPP only to change her stance a week before the first debate?
(21,115 posts)Wonder why?
Sanders just "changed his mind" and became a Democrat....
(3,649 posts)VanillaRhapsody
(21,115 posts)msrizzo
(796 posts)The way Bernie phrased it leaves himself open to the embarrassment of Carson potentially saying "See Bernie Sanders is on my side." Hopefully, Carson is too demented to do that since he hates all liberals.
(3,649 posts)Can't show camaraderie with "Teh Socialist"
(15,558 posts)I'm not sticking up for that loon Carson, but isn't most political scrutiny media driven?
(1,881 posts)One size does not fit all. In this case, its an issue. And glossing over it as nothing but a "Media Driven" issue is bullshit. That's the way it comes off. I would imagine he really would not believe that. But I'm not a mind reader.
Ron Green
(9,853 posts)politics and representative democracy. It probably will not succeed, but I'm glad he's making the effort.
This election is a great big ol' test for America, and we are probably going to fail it. What a bunch of dumbasses we are.
(21,115 posts)SMDH!
Maybe Sanders has some skeletons in the closet after all. Its the only explanation for this...
Ron Green
(9,853 posts)voting.
For you to equate whatever "skeletons" Bernie might have in his closet with his calling out the media for their bullshit entertainment points makes me look at bit askance at you as well.
(307,131 posts)http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1251&pid=782417
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
"Maybe sanders has some skeletons in the closet after all"- would this post fly if someone said it about Hillary? Whether one agrees with sanders or not, its not fair to make ugly insinuations about the guy just because he is urging the media to focus on issues. And it doesn't belong here.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sun Nov 8, 2015, 06:17 PM, and the Jury voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT.
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Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Oh, it's quite "fair".. this is politics not Bean Bags as the saying goes. Besides I was thinking the same thing.. Why is Bernie doing this?.. this is the Issue.. carson's damn lying. Not a good thing, Bernie.. to be covered up.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: VR needs to step away from the keyboard for a bit
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Yes, this post would fly if it was about Hillary. And I disagree with Bernie. Media scrutiny of Ben Carson is what is NEEDED in politics. If the media were like this on EVERY candidate, the country as a whole would make more informed decisions. Post is OK. -Dr.H.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Yes, this post would fly if it were about Hillary. This is a silly alert.
(15,429 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)What a disingenuous op, Bernie has always been issue driven and constantly calls out the media for their obsession with scandals.
By implying that Bernie is giving Carson a pass on lying you're behaving like the tabloid journalists who try to turn everything a candidate says into a gotcha moment.
Aha! Bernie really fucked up now!!!
(1,881 posts)but do you often gloss over ops? I asked the question a few times already. Maybe scroll up and take your time reading my opinions on this op again scottie.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)You're desperately trying to find a valid reason to criticize Bernie and you failed. You may convince a few HC supporters that Bernie have Carson a "pass" but the rest of us know how this game is played.
Better luck next time.
Oh and welcome to DU!
(1,881 posts)You saw the title, saw my sig, and assumed this was just an attack on Bernie. You came up with an extremely simplistic response.
I don't need luck, but thanks for that and the invite.
And better luck next time reading an OP.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Obvious poster is obvious.
You get a cookie for trying so hard to pretend this was a legitimate question.

(1,881 posts)That I hurt your feelings on the post. And sorry it took so long for you to read it and still get it wrong.
You know if the Royals swung and missed this much they would have never won the World Series.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Like I said, better luck next time.
You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Response to beam me up scottie (Reply #43)
Post removed
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Keep practicing, maybe someday you'll sink to the level of your fellow Hillary supporters on DU who claim Bernie is Israel's #1 shill, a racist, gun nut, scheming little sneak, scumbag, pandering phony braggart with some kind of emotional instability, tool for the NRA, Republican man with his head between women's legs, who protects the minutemen militia, pedophiles, racist cops, has rape fantasies, thinks that orgasms prevent cancer and is supported by Stormfront.
But for now at least your providing much needed entertainment.
(1,881 posts)Fox news spin.....Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhht.
As for entertaining, thanks!
But, I can never reach your "Minion with clown hair" level. (That smile does not do your portrait justice)
Look, I obviously struck a nerve , but your "Issues"
are not my problem. But good luck with those too along with your obviously "Fine Comprehension" on things.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Apparently they're too ignorant to know the difference between a Democratic socialist and a Communist.
Here's the graphic, it's hillaryous, no?
This is why I can't take you guys seriously, you don't even know when you're being pwned, you just keep flinging insults and never realize that everyone is laughing at you.
(1,881 posts)I'll never realize it, cause I can't hear them.
Be we are getting of topic, aren't we?
I wrote an OP, you got emotional (see your million other posts to me on this topic alone), and you still don't understand. But hey at this point pride is more important. Why cloud the issue with facts?
All I can do is tell you to read the OP again or have someone else explain it to you.
But if you want to stalking errrr.... bothering me about a point I've made over and over again, nothing I can do.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)And claiming I got emotional when I've been nothing but rational?
If you believe replying to your posts is "stalking" then you don't know the meaning of the word.
My goodness, I've certainly upset you, haven't I?
Tsk, what a shame you can't focus on the issues without the personal attacks.
(1,881 posts)"Trigger fingers turn to twitter fingers"
You'll get a pulitzer one day
I'm sure your not desperate enough to get the last word.... oh wait.
Predictable. lol
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
I'll go with laughing my ass off.
You are hillaryous, MrWendel!

Keep trying to offend, you'll get it eventually.
You get a cookie for your sincere effort!

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Well, welcome to DU.
(45,319 posts)to take his time away from issues to slam Carson personally when the media will to that anyway.
(97,424 posts)information about himself as part of the campaign, it does become part of the election.
With that logic, Palin's ignorance would have remained untouched, and thank goodness it didn't
(1,881 posts)still_one
(97,424 posts)really question his emotional stability as a person wanting to be President
(3,118 posts)Which is by focusing all their attention on Carson, the OTHER candidates are getting passes on their past.
Trump and Bush, personally, love the fact that the media is focusing on Carson - The more negative attention he gets, the less they get.
(12,958 posts)Why is that so hard for Hillary supporters to understand?
(21,115 posts)AgingAmerican
(12,958 posts)Is 'swinging and missing'.
(21,115 posts)
(12,958 posts)...hands the opposition a lifeline?
Right wing thinking.
I think he's trying to set a standard that he will apply to himself - when and if any of his personal issues become front page news.
(31,028 posts)It may seem unfair to go after Carson's weird stories, but people REALLY need to know what kind of person he is.
If he's a pathological liar, or if he is psychotic, or if he is so wrapped up in religion that he can't see straight, it's better to know now than when he's negotiating with foreign powers, or when his finger is lingering on The Button.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I dont think there is a whole hell of a lot of danger that the corporate media is gonna all of a sudden go "shit, bernie sanders told us to stop flogging the ratings bishop and talk about actual issues, so lets do that"
(135,425 posts)Not everyone is a good fit for the Presidency.
It bothers me that this guy has a house full of "I Love MEEEEE" pictures everywhere. It makes me believe he has narcissistic tendencies. His obsession with Jesus is strange, too. The fact that he lies--something I never would have known without media coverage--about weird shit like stabbing people, getting a scholarship to West Point, and hitting mama with a hammer is stuff that I think informs a decision about this guy.
The media did a GREAT job of showing us that this guy is not ready for prime time, and a fucking kook.
Good for the media.
Bernie is dead wrong on this one.
(12,504 posts)....That supports the need to address climate change. Shouldn't we know of a candidate believes in 6000 year old earth, shouldn't the nation know if a candidate decides that a theocracy is a grand idea?
All of these background ideas will shape the presidency, and the people should know. When that candidate publishes a book and embellishes the truth of their youth, you betcha all bets are off.
(13,340 posts)Cha
(307,131 posts)Oh boofuckinghoo.. the birther shite was not true but carson's Lies? Another story. Freaking dangerous sociopath.
Birther story 'not even close' to media scrutiny he faces
Ben Carson says the investigation and rumors into President Obamas birth certificate are not even close to the media scrutiny that his GOP presidential campaign has faced.
I have not seen that with anyone else, Carson said in an interview broadcast on NBCs Meet the Press on Sunday. If you can show me where thats happened with someone else, I will take that statement back.
He then dismissed notions that Obama or President Bill Clinton faced comparable vetting in their respective campaigns.
Carson said the biased media are trying to take him down because he poses a threat to the secular progressive movement.
Im a very big threat because you know they can look at the polling data, they can tell that Im the candidate whos most likely to beat Hillary Clinton, he said. They see that and they worry.
bullshite, he'll take it back If you can show me where thats happened with someone else, I will take that statement back.