Ben Carson: ‘My Father Jor-El Sent Me To Earth From Kypton When I Was A Small Child’
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by BooScout (a host of the 2016 Postmortem forum).

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has been saying a lot of wild things lately, but none seems to be as wild as a claim he just made at a campaign stop in New Hampshire.
While speaking to a group at a senior citizens home in Manchester, NH, he just made a claim that seems to have come straight out of the Superman comics.
He said:
I had a tumultuous childhood and upbringing. There was a lot that I had to overcome significant obstacles to get to where I am today. For instance, my father Jor-El sent me to Earth from Kypton when I was a small child. That was very difficult for me. I had to leave my birth planet and come to a new place and try to fit in and thrive.
There was also a time when I worked a short while at a newspaper called the Daily Planet, and I thought who better to write for a paper called the Daily Planet than a man who came from a different one.