2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumCalifornia woman accusing Donald Trump of rape when she was 13 cancels press conference amid threats
California woman accusing Donald Trump of raping her when she was 13 cancels press conference amid threatsNew York Daily News
The anonymous woman behind a lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of raping her when she was an underage teen said she was too scared to go public with her allegations.
The California plaintiff, known only as Jane Doe, was scheduled to break her silence in a Wednesday press conference, but backed out at the last minute.
"Jane Doe has received numerous threats today, as have all the Trump accusers that I have represented, said the womans attorney, Lisa Bloom.
She is living in fear. She has decided that she is too afraid to show her face. She has been here all day, ready to do it, but unfortunately, she's in terrible fear. So we're going to have to reschedule. I apologize to all of you who came."
. . .
Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trumps sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed, the plaintiff said in an affidavit.
p.s. If this was already posted by someone earlier, apologies for the duplication.
Addendum 4 November:
In answer to anyone who thinks this is a fake story (!?) here is a link to Snopes:

(30,508 posts)that listed both her name and the name of her witness.
Maybe not enough to give those who wish to do her harm a lead on where to find her... but it was out.
I think she should go ahead and have the press conference and bring her witnesses plus the people she told right after this happened. On the other hand, the Trumpanzees would scare me a little too (witness the cop shooter in Ohio).
I'm more than willing to believe that Donald is a pedophile. No normal dad talks about their daughter like he did about Ivanka when she hit puberty.
(20,035 posts)I could barely get my dad to look over the top of his glasses when my mom made me try on a new outfit.
I should been born a football.... he looked at footballs...
My dear old dad.
(783 posts)and it makes them easy prey for the wrong kind of attention.
That doesn't sound like what happened in the Jane Doe case though.
(783 posts)On the other hand, "Trumpanzees" is good terminology, did you coin that or is it common parlance I just hadn't seen?
The one I saw recently and liked a lot was "Banana Republicans". Oh, the two are related - so maybe both new.
But about that link . . . If her identity is already online, you can't hurt anything much by posting the link here.
I know she's being represented now by the same woman who is representing all the Trump sex victims, Lisa Bloom, as mentioned for example in the story at this LINK : http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/she-is-living-in-fear-attorney-lisa-bloom-explains-press-conference-cancellation-by-trump-rape-accuser/
(30,508 posts)I could dig it up (out of my browsing history) but I am very reluctant to post it anywhere. If she is really in fear of her life, I wouldn't want to give out anything that would increase that fear. Besides, its entirely possible that the name was an alias (not designated as such) and could lead other individuals to harassment because they share the same name.
I'm sure that "Trumpanzees" and Trumpeteers and Trumpanistas and all similar have been used both here and other sites. I won't claim any credit. Banana Republicans and Trumpazees would go together.
(6,891 posts)who she is this whole time.
(67 posts)In the first place, the details of her statement never made sense to me. The plaintiff claims that she went to NY by bus unaccompanied at the age of 13 to become a model. Does that seem likely to you?
In the original filing in California, the woman's name was given as Katie Johnson. For a long time, the story was forgotten. During this period of quiesence, two people publicized the tale:
1. Robert Morrow, the former writing partner of Roger Stone (the dirty trickster who is Trump's best friend), and
2. Miami gossip columnist Joseph Lambiet, who has used Roger Stone as a source.
Those two details, in and of themselves, lead me to suspect that this tale is one of Stone's famous dirty tricks. I even suspect that the name "Katie Johnson" was one of Stone's little jokes; Obama had an attractive aide named Katie Johnson who just happened to be the same age as the woman making the claims against Trump.
Follow this link...
...and you will see that the Katie story has attracted a rather astonishing crowd of oddballs, including the bizarre far-rightist Steve Baer, not to mention a fantasist named Norm Lubow.
It is true that Jeffrey Epstein and Trump were once friends. However, Miami-Dade detective Mike Fisten investigated the Epstein case, interviewing hundreds of witnesses, and found no indication that Donald Trump ever participated in any activity involving the underaged. (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/07/21/trump-rape-accusers-turn-on-each-other.html.)
All in all, I think that this whole strange affair is some sort of trick, although we can't yet divine the purpose. Perhaps the idea was to send discredit Clinton supporters by sending them down a false trail.
(30,508 posts)Given that one way to discredit the Trump sexual assault accusers is to bring forth an even more horrific criminal act accuser and then expose her as a fake.
Dan Rather and the TANG letters come to mind (how fast they all were to discover the type writer used couldn't possibly have produced the letter at the time it was claimed to have been written).
This is how a "true scandal" can get buried by planted (but fake) evidence.
The amazing thing to me is how many significant scandals (tax returns, using his foundation to pay personal and/or business expenses - self dealing, bringing in underage girls on tourist visas to work as models in the US, use of sub-contractors that hired non documented workers to build his buildings, use of Chinese steel products and buying a vast majority of his hotel property furnishings from foreign manufacturers, etc, etc.) have been discovered, documented by the press, and forgotten within a few days.
All of these scandals (and the tape with Billy Bush and the 11 or 12 sexual assault accusers and the other creepy tapes of him "hitting on" underage girls) would have terminated any other politician.
Remember "hiking the Appellation Trail" dude... and that was just an affair with consenting adult. Trump had at least one very public affair while still married to wife 1.
But none of this bothers the Trumpazees even one banana bit.
These people scream "lock her up" because Hillary had government email on her own server (not illegal or even against the rules at the time) and 3 emails had "confidential" information in them, and that was not properly marked as "confidential" (btw, confidential is the lowest form of classification of "classified documents". And those 3 documents have never been proven to have been leaked or hacked or in any way given to people without the clearance to see those documents. That's it.
I really don't understand my country any more.
(6,258 posts)whatever made up scandal over and over and the press just covers him saying stuff all the time. There is no left spokesperson ranting about Trump true scandals on air so it's not being repeated over and over again. The left just doesn't attack. I think it's because when they do the press turns it back on them and says things like "they're just being partisan."
(51,587 posts)Native
(6,891 posts)ColemanMaskell
(783 posts)Here is one link to the Snopes write-up on the recent news:
(27,630 posts)DeminPennswoods
(16,505 posts)She could be getting threats such as "once we find out who you are, we will (use your imagination) you".
She could be getting threats indirectly from people contacting Lisa Bloom's office.
You don't have to know the person's real name to make these kind of threats.
(6,891 posts)DeminPennswoods
(16,505 posts)I'm sure his friends know as well. The silver lining is that should anyone try and hurt the victim, the cops will know the first people to suspect.