2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumBanana Republicans monkey around with emails : FBI Violations of Fourth Amendment -- Again
In getting the new Clinton emails, did the FBI violate the Constitution?Raw Story : 30 OCT 2016 AT 14:22 ET
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In his letter, Comey says the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that may be pertinent to Hillary Clintons use of a personal email server during her tenure as secretary of state although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant,
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The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution states that no search warrant can be issued unless it particularly describes the place to be searched and the things to be seized. Did the warrant for Weiners laptop particularly describe emails sent to or received by Abedin while working at the State Department as material that could be seized as evidence of the alleged sexting crime? That seems highly unlikely.
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Indeed, why were federal agents looking at any emails belonging to the suspects estranged spouse? Surely the FBI didnt think Abedin was involved in the alleged sexting crime.
The agents might make the implausible claim that they saw Abedins emails inadvertently when looking for evidence related to the sexting crime. the FBI could have sought a new search warrant for specific Abedin messages, swearing to a federal judge that there was probable cause those particular emails were evidence of a crime
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there is clear evidence that the FBI regularly and deliberately oversteps constitutional boundaries with regard to Americans email messages.
In one case now pending in New Jersey, the FBI went completely beyond the limits of a search warrant to download the entire contents of a lawyers cellphone. Incredibly, federal prosecutors in that case are telling a federal judge they can legally keep and use the downloaded data even if the judge rules it was obtained in violation of the Constitution.
In New York City, federal court records reveal the government obtained another search warrant that clearly violated the Fourth Amendment. That one ordered Microsoft to turn over the entire contents of a web-based email account and authorized email by email review.
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Last spring, a bipartisan bill was introduced in Congress that would . . . create a National Commission on Security and Technology Challenges including experts from many sectors such as law enforcement, the technology industry, the intelligence community, and the privacy and civil liberties communities. The commission would review the laws about warrants for digital data and recommend changes in how they should be used.
That effort followed the FBIs ill-advised attempt to get a court order forcing Apple to create and give to the government software eliminating the user privacy and security features of the iPhone.
In the wake of this weeks new evidence of further overstepping by the FBI, passing this bill should be one of the first tasks for Congress when it reconvenes after the election.

Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)WHY THE FUCK does the FBI need to see every fucking email that Huma Abedin received, and why the FUCK does this possibly affect the presidential election? This whole email thing is fucked beyond words, all due to fucking Republicans and their fucking stupid Benghjazi investigation, which they already fucking admitted was just about damaging Hillary for the presidential campaign.
(1,254 posts)Semantics are key to this firestorm. People keep referring to these emails as evidence. At this juncture, they are NOT evidence. Even the FBI and Comey's letter do not refer to this material as evidence. They don't even know if any emails are EVIDENCE. They have YET to determine IF there IS evidence. Some media are putting the cart BEFORE the horse! These emails are not evidence until they are reviewed by the FBI. Upon FINDING any emails that support a crime, THOSE emails will be ENTERED INTO COURT as the BASIS for an INDICTMENT. Only then can the emails be presented/described as EVIDENCE. Don't let some BIASED media color/lead by semantics. At best right now, the FBI is conducting a fishing expedition. NO EVIDENCE HAS BEEN found, let alone entered into a court case. Look how Trump is trying to mislead voters with rhetoric and semantics!
(146,707 posts)That bill will die if not acted on by conclusion of this current session of Congress during a lame duck session. Otherwise they have to start all over with the new Congress that gets sworn in January 2017.