2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTrump tweeting this AM: "...there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day."
Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!
He is doubling down on this claim.
(9,048 posts)The monster lives.
(18,124 posts)Last edited Mon Oct 17, 2016, 12:12 PM - Edit history (1)
they besides following the altright conspiracy handbook, are also following the early nazi handdbook to create doubt and confusion. Couple that with their pathetic attempts to have us fear their 'brownshirt' open carry cowards and they are miscalculating and are setting themselves to get blowback that will make a Catagory 5 hurricane feel like a minor windy day. That blowback will be determined by people in long lines refuting, hate, bigotry, racism, misogyny, zenophobia and ignorance.
They are fucking cowards carrying guns openly to instill fear but they can't understand that they are messing with decent critical thinking americans that won't take their shit. We for the last almost 8 years have had relative peace, an expansion of jobs, a good start on affordable national health care and we are not dealing with a major economic Depressiopn or recession. Nor is there a loss or lack of general pride in ones country, yes there are areas to be worked on, but they do not pose a problem large enough to take ones mind off of the dangers of the new nazi party posed by their leadership and fuhrer.
People show courage please. I will, barring my natural death, I'm 68, will be out bright and early, or maybe I'll let these nazi couch potatoes get organized and out their caves and do it early or late afternoon, but goddamit I will be at my polling place. STANDUPTOTHESECLOWNS!!!!
liberal N proud
(61,001 posts)NC GOP party rep says "completed absentee ballots may have been destroyed" in firebombing.
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)Is that proper storage of completed ballots?
Sounds highly unlikely.
(12,928 posts)Sorry for the reposts, but I am dropping this into every conversation of this I find. I have direct experience with the handling of absentee ballots and the counting of election day returns
There is ZERO chance of absentee ballots or any other ballots being in a field office. Absentee ballots are sent into and handled by the County Board of Election at the County Court House Building , wherever that may be in relation to any field office in the country. I know this because I used to work for the CBOE in New Jersey.
So... not only is that bullshit... it is ignorant bullshit and no anyone who has ever worked an election would know that.
So... claiming there were ballots in the office is a YUGE signal to me that this is a false flag intended to whip up a base ignorant of how ballots are actually collected and counted. It is also symptomatic of the lazy and complicit media, who almost certainly know better.
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)I appreciate the good information.
(47,209 posts)Zoonart
(12,928 posts)Absentee ballots are not filled out in person. They are requested by mail and delivered back to the BOE by mail. There is no such thing as a walk-in absentee ballot.
(47,209 posts)Know a person who went to the hospital and got people to fill them out. Then somewhere between that and the mailbox someone would count them. He'd get credit for doing it with higher ups. But then again this town was the last great text book case of voter fraud in the country. Literally in law school text books.
(12,928 posts)Never heard of this, but if it were done that way to reach out to the elderly in nursing homes,
he would had to have been employed by the county, for purposes of accountability.
In this case we are talking about a candidates field office- having nothing to do with the government and federal election processes and THATt is an impossibility.
If anyone is printing out ballots and distributing them through a candidates field office they are going to jail.
(47,209 posts)He filled out ones for people who could not write or speak. I'm certain he only turned in ones voting a certain way too. This town also pressured teachers into making GOTV calls from their offices. Had people in large buildings throwing bulk mail in the garbage. It's a mess.
(12,928 posts)SECTION 7-13-771. Voting by handicapped and elderly electors who cannot enter the polling place or cannot stand in line to vote.
(A) Any elector who, because of physical handicap or age, cannot enter the polling place in the precinct in which he is registered to vote, or is unable to stand in line to vote, may vote outside that polling place in the closest available parking area utilizing the vehicle in which he has been driven, or has driven to the polls.
(B) When the managers are informed that a handicapped or elderly voter cannot enter the polling place or cannot stand in line to vote, the voter's identification required by Section 7-13-710 must be presented to the managers who must verify that the voter is eligible to vote. Upon verification of the voter's eligibility, two managers shall take the poll list and the voter's ballot to the voter in his vehicle outside the polling place. The managers shall notify any poll watchers present who, at their discretion, may accompany the managers as observers. Where the polling place uses machines for the purposes of voting, the poll managers must use the ballots provided under Sections 7-13-1470 or 7-13-1870 for those voters who cannot enter the polling place.
(C) No person other than the voter is permitted in the vehicle in which the voter is casting his ballot unless the voter is entitled to assistance as provided in Section 7-13-770.
(D) After the voter has voted his ballot, he must fold it so that the secrecy of the ballot is preserved and return it to the managers waiting outside the vehicle. The managers shall carry the ballot to the ballot box, taking care not to violate the secrecy of the ballot, and after detaching the stub, deposit the ballot in the ballot box.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 407, Section 1, eff May 12, 1986.
SECTION 7-13-780. Designation of voters who may receive assistance.
Only those persons who are unable to read or write or who are physically unable or incapacitated from preparing a ballot or voting shall be entitled to receive assistance of any kind in voting.
No other provisions are made under the law. Any other elderly or infirm voter must request a mail in ballot. Now... if this guy was sent by a particular party to "Help" these folks fill in their ballots... then that is voter fraud.
liberal N proud
(61,001 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)obvious and stinking of desperation.
(72,827 posts)The ballots should be in three places
1) In the mail either coming or going
2) With the voter
3) @ the County BOE
This does not pass my smell test.
(28,270 posts)I hope someone brought this to the attention of the proper authorities.
Bad Thoughts
(2,610 posts)TheCowsCameHome
(40,223 posts)and in just over three weeks he won't matter, anyway.
(72,827 posts)Don is gonna get somebody or a group of people killed, hurt, and or in jail pushing
this crap.
(58,724 posts)Since his people will believe it.
(72,827 posts).... Muslim or has Muslim ties.
Don sells to "the crazies."
(23,196 posts)Cha
(306,210 posts)advertise their voter fraud. thanks trump lol
(15,262 posts)Trump is not only paranoid, but he is turning himself into a laughing stock for the whole world. Sadly, this behavior fits incipient dementia rather perfectly. Donald is now irrational.
(72,827 posts)Bombed out Berlin outside his bunker as the Soviet troops close in.
(10,252 posts)People around the world are following this election. Governments not so friendly to us are reporting about it. When Trump repeatedly makes claims that our elections are rigged, it reflects badly on the USA. People around the world will believe his claims. This is insulting and damaging to the honor and prestige of our country. Not that Donald Trump gives a rat's raw ass about his country.
Telling lies, spreading false rumors is very bad karma and harmful, because it increases the delusion and confusion in others. And shame on the MSM for repeating and spreading this claim.
(18,876 posts)Trump is truly doing damage to our Democratic Republic with his words.
(23,118 posts)so here is his justification.
(58,724 posts)It is insane to see these tweets this morning.
(23,118 posts)ward. Anyone who thinks Trump is mentally stable is in need of help too.
(12,269 posts)or grabbing their crotch.
I'd even say that what GW did to Merkel was more acceptable than a crotch grab. Not that it was right, but even I can't imaging George grabbing someone's crotch, even if he was sloshed.
(12,890 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)And he would say that he won in spite of the fraud.
That's basically what he said with the primaries (that it was rigged against him, but he won anyway).
Renew Deal
(83,286 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)is suppress voter turnout by making people afraid to actually vote Nov 8. It is an obvious strategy that mark my words, WILL FAIL!!!!! Only those walking around with their guns showing trying to intimidate Americans into not voting are the real cowards of this society and WE AREN'T!!!!!!
(20,999 posts)...a MASSIVE electoral ass kicking... the only way he can rationalize this epic loss to his "followers" is that somehow they've been cheated, and that dark forces are working against them. He really has no other options, unless he wants to come clean and own up to all his crap, produce his tax returns and explain his ties to Putin and Russia. And we know, THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
(58,724 posts)And his followers?
Assuming they (and he) all believe that the election was stolen from them via cheating.
(20,999 posts)...in other words, about as loose of a cannon as they come. Don't forget the allegations of him raping a 13-year old, plus the current sexual battery allegations, with more to come...
The only thing tRump had/has of any value is his tRump brand, which has taken a severe beating this election cycle. He's going to have to do something to recharge and rejuvenate the brand. As fate would have it, serial sexual abuser and noted misogynist pig, Roger <spit> Ailes, the pudgy Viper himself, has just been sent packing by the Murdoch boys, who always despised Ailes and his brand of "news." That set of circumstances certainly lends itself to business opportunity in the guise of a tRump News Network aimed specifically at the type of voter tRump attracts: heavy on conspiracy, heavy on situational pity and ultra-low on actual, non-biased information. Picture Faux News with HEAVY Alex Jones overtones, and just the right amount of Breitbart thrown in for good measure. They'll already have their first eight years in the tank with their "All Hillary All HATE, 24/7."
As for his followers and the claims of cheating: Overall, that's a GOP problem. They created it, they nurtured it, they own it. The GOP needs to repudiate the claims of electoral fraud in the strongest, clearest terms, with absolutely no mixed message. There are many good people in the GOP, principled people, people who truly do love this country and realize the madman they facilitated would wantonly destroy America, if it put money in his pocket.
(61,408 posts)Do you have witnesses? Do you have evidence? Do you have sworn affidavits?
(58,724 posts)And specifically mentioned Philly and Chicago.
(61,408 posts)Golden Toad said so!
(15,262 posts)BlueProgressive
(229 posts)I've been out of the loop...
(15,262 posts)sinkingfeeling
(53,445 posts)being done? The only questionable thing I've heard about is the GOP claim that completed absentee ballots were destroyed in their burnt office.
(58,724 posts)He says people vote multiple times and/or vote under the names of dead people.
(53,445 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)His name is Donald Fucking Trump.
(25,509 posts)because he's a fucking idiot..
(229 posts)There MUST be voter fraud---
there can't possibly be that many people
actually voting for HIM.