2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIs the Hillary Campaign trying to win back OH and ensure Florida goes blue?
Or is it too late?
Are there campaign speeches planned? GOTV? Ads? Is the RNC just slamming the hell out of the airwaves to get this shift? I'm not sure I fully understand how so many swing states became so competitive in these last couple of weeks. I'm also wondering what is being done to try to turn the tide. Is Ohio a lost cause? Is Iowa a lost cause?
(56,368 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)Botany
(72,850 posts)Trump has 0 chance in Ohio.
(5,811 posts)Farmgirl1961
(1,643 posts)I am sincere in asking this question. Perhaps it is true that the polling is faulty; I sure hope so. I hear the MSM meme and see on several polling websites that Ohio is light red. So I ask in earnest what activities are going on in Ohio, and in other swing states that are now leaning toward Trump -- how to ensure they go blue.
(14,481 posts)And was told I was a troll! It sounds like they are trolling you and me? You ask a significant question and they try to tear people down.
If they think Hillary has this, better get real! It going down to wire!
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/as-trump-rises-in-battleground-states-clinton-moves-to-block-his-path-to-270
(1,643 posts)and wondering if Ohio and/or Iowa were a "lost cause"...
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)But currently not close enough for the ground game to matter.
The race has changed several times already. Very volatile electorate.
Another with less than 200 posts spreading doom and gloom. Funny we have all these 'new' posters who sort of sound like some who left after the primary.
(14,881 posts)I have a LOT more than 200 posts.
(71,036 posts)Just saw another poster spreading doom and gloom. I have no desire to criticize the campaign at this point and demoralize voters...I don't trust those who seem bent on this sort of thing.
(10,252 posts)I saw a question, which was: what's the Clinton campaign doing in 2 specific states? I have no problem with this question. I don't experience it as gloom & doom. I experience it as a warning to not get complacent.
Sometimes it is so hard to get an accurate read with all the wacky polls. I'm in Oregon and far away from the ground game in these battleground states. I'm inspired to do whatever I can to help and also stay informed. I'm relying on other DU members to help inform me about what's going on elsewhere.
(34,051 posts)They will put you in touch with precinct captains who could use an extra voice.
Me - I'm driving folks to the polls in the state next door.
(71,036 posts)I once took a month long vacation for saying pretty much the same thing during the primary...lucky for you I am not so touchy...however, I still see no point.
(1,643 posts)Hillary had a slight uptick on Nate Silver 538. But with several swing state in play, how can these poll numbers start to get back up to a more comfortable margin?
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)You don't need to live in a swing state to help there. Contact the campaign and they can train you make calls to likely voters. If you have a cell phone, long distance is free. I'm sure they would be grateful for the help.
If you wonder what will change things - just go look in the mirror.
(1,643 posts)I know, I know -- Oregon is already blue. I will definitely consider contacting the campaigning and get myself trained to make calls in a critical swing state. I'm out of town for the next couple of days and will do it when I get back. Is it through the HRC campaign/website?
One of the issues I have is that I'm on PST versus EST or CST, so the timing can be a bit tricky.
(3,814 posts)start pounding a harder message, box Trump in (like they're doing with the birther issue), and if she wins the debates and makes him look like the fool he is.
Remember, the current stretch of polls are reflective of a low point in her campaign.
The fundamentals and the trendline still shows her with the electoral advantage in this race.
She has many more paths to victory than Trump does, who essentially must win every swing state to have a chance.
Obama will help her to re-assemble the Obama coalition, and if she does this, game over.
Also immigrants and latinos are turning out in force to vote against Trump, and this will help her in FL, which if she wins, she will be the next president, even if Trump wins OH.
Latino vote will sink Trump in Florida - Univision
(1,643 posts)I sure hope that the Latino vote will sink Trump in Florida.
I sure hope that Obama wil help her to re-assemble the Obama coalition.
I know that the fundamentals and trendline are still in her favor but Trump and gang are ruthless and relentless - a friggin' bunch of crooks. I also worry that if the numbers get 'close enough', it's much easier to steal the election through voter disenfranchisement.
(3,814 posts)The final two weeks or so of the election are in some ways a replay of the convention, where the biggest stars for each party are on full display.
As we saw, the Dems have alot of star-power (a sitting president, a former president, their families, etc) while the GOP convention was a freak show, and is divided, where even big establishment GOP figures refuse to endorse their nominee.
Hillary got a stronger and longer post-convention bounce than Trump got, and if a similar dynamic plays out in the final weeks of the election, Hillary will be the next president easily.
(51,122 posts)vadermike
(1,421 posts)FL is going back our way IA may be gone OH will be close but im not sure ,, we look great in PA... VA too CO is close we should hold it and NH But this is a scary election
(2,577 posts)Let's see just this past weekend--Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Chelsea Clinton were all barnstorming Ohio. Hillary has 54 offices in Ohio, and they are busting butt and have been since early summer. The Clinton campaign is taking Ohio very seriously and working very hard.
(1,643 posts)Do you know if either the POTUS or FLOTUS are planning to do any campaigning in Ohio or other swing states?
(2,577 posts)And blasted Trump's socks off. It got lots of coverage. We'll see more of both of them between now and November. Joe Biden is also on the trail.
(1,643 posts)I was wondering more about Ohio...and Florida...and maybe Iowa???
(36,974 posts)Don't despair. Things are swinging back out way!
(5,434 posts)ground game and Trump has none, alone can make a 1% difference.
Wonder if polling models account for that?
we can do it
(12,805 posts)alcibiades_mystery
(36,437 posts)leebaba1992
(53 posts)On morning star. If this keeps up then Ohio will be in play
(1,421 posts)This are they reputable ?
(22,240 posts)post link.
(1,421 posts)Imagine OH being totally gone as Hillary campaign is working it hard with surrogates and 54 offices But that article scares me it sounds like the campaign believes OH is too far gone ? Or am o misreading ?
(3,814 posts)much more diverse (has several cities) than IA, which is probably a lost cause.
And Hillary has consistently held leads in OH, aside from the past week or two which were a low point in the campaign.
As long as H/Dems get their game back on track, imo, she should win OH.
I also just can't see H losing Florida, latino turnout will be higher than normal.
And if she wins FL she is the next president easily.
Response to Farmgirl1961 (Original post)
Loki Liesmith This message was self-deleted by its author.
Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)NT
(24,633 posts)Take a chill pill and enjoy what's left of the weekend.
(1,421 posts)I agree but what makes you think that about OH ? I hope you are right !!
(36,437 posts)Laying it on a little thick today, bud. You only need one "I'm very worried, but I hope it goes OK" reply per "We're losing" thread. More than that and folks might start wondering.
(11,617 posts)These guys won't stop. Probably because they're getting paid.
(36,437 posts)I love the ones that joined in October or November 2012. They obviously came here to crow about a Romney victory, and they must have been simmering for four fucking years! Clown ass behavior. By the way, ahem, October 5, 2012 for that one.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)lol
(97,011 posts)Gothmog
(156,662 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)directly connected but Sam Wang has Hillary at 87% Bayesian prob. of winning the GE now (an uptick)
(2,205 posts)They are Even and Hillary will pick this state up...
I know about Ohio demographics internally... see below..
(20,677 posts)and the polls following it are out.
(71,036 posts)I live in Cortland...between Warren and Youngstown...about an hour out of Pittsburgh and Cleveland. We have quite a few Hillary signs now and more telling... the two neighbors on my street have taken down their Trump signs.
(100,451 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,513 posts)Hillary is running a 50-state campaign. She is taking nothing - and no state - for granted, just as she did in the primaries and she and her team will be working their hearts out everywhere.
Please try these remedies and then sign up with your local Dem party to help elect not just Hillary, but down-ticket candidates as well.
(30,481 posts)Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)I suggest you read about the electoral college. And no, despite the polls some which did not even poll Cuyahoga country (Cleveland) and used only those above the age of 50, Ohio is not lost. I live in Ohio. And as I have tried to point out, Bush barely won (or did he?) with the old electoral map which depended on Ohio and Florida...since then the map has changed. The Dems start with about 240 electoral votes and need only a couple of states to win...and I highly doubt the orange Cheeto will run the table. So despite all the heavy lifting for Trump by the media ( I will never forgive them) and the so-called BOB voters (self-centered voters who don't give a damn about those who would be harmed by a Trump presidency)...certainly not followers of Sen. Sanders, Donald Trump will lose and badly in my opinion. He is racist scum and so are his followers...deplorable in all ways.
(71,036 posts)spreading doom and gloom? well, well.
liberal N proud
(61,004 posts)Skoods
(341 posts)What? The first debate hasn't even happened. You guys and gals are overreacting to a few polls. Look at the swing just last week. It proved it can and probably will swing again.
On the Road
(20,783 posts)I am not sure the shift in polling is being adequately addressed.
There is plenty of time for that, but what worries me is that Clinton seems to be attempting to make gains by embracing the Sanders contingent rather than independents and conservative Democrats. That strategy does not usually work in swing states.
(71,036 posts)say it is exactly the opposite...and who have a fit if it appears that Clinton is moving right....this is bullshit anyway because Clinton is going to win and there is no crisis, no need to panic...I must grab my fainting couch for all the angst.
(109,654 posts)Yes, she's working hard in those states, but the critical state is Pennsylvania. Without Pennsylvania, he has almost no chance.
we can do it
(12,805 posts)MyNameGoesHere
(7,638 posts)I suggest we all go to the nearest suicide booth and bail out now.
I could use my Sky glue and glue the sky together, again,
(1,643 posts)I have sparse internet today. Nate Silver 538 website is driving me nuts. Hillary tracked up a bit and now is back down... What the hell is going on there?
Where do the gains need to be made to get those prediction numbers back up?
(22,240 posts)has her back up to 88% Bayesian.
(10,893 posts)on OH and FL already after one good-ish week of polls for Trump? The debates haven't even started.
(15,262 posts)More like Trump wished he could win Florida and Ohio. Nader isn't running, thew greens nominated a wacko, Johnson is taking voters from Trump, the demographic has shifted in favor of the Dems, and then there is Trump, single handedly polarizing whole groups to vote against him because he hates them.
Where have you been? Let me guess, in front of a T-V.
(1,643 posts)I go to several different websites. I check the MSN with a grain of salt, then go to Daily Kis, TMP, come to DU and see what folks are saying. The past week the electoral map had some significant shifts in swing states, which prompted my question. But yeah, I can see I was in a pessimist mood when I framed it. That wasn't my intention. What I really want to know, from folks living in these critical swing states, is what you are hearing and seeing.