2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHuma Abedin is a class act
Fuck Anthony Weiner.
Don't you dare try to tie his weirdo shit to her.

(27,128 posts)shit-canned him when he first started sexting.
I rather doubt this most recent incident is simply his second go-around at this. I'm guessing this man has been singularly unfaithful all along.
At least she's finally dumping him.
(7,906 posts)and once again, it has nothing to do with her.
(27,128 posts)such a jerk makes you wonder about her own decision making.
Sensible people understand when something has gone south and bail out.
I'm speaking from a certain amount of experience. While my life was not at all in the public sphere, when I found out my now ex was seeing someone else it was the end of the marriage. Period. I didn't go around making excuses. More people should be this pragmatic.
(7,906 posts)My mother was in an abusive relationship.
It's not quite as easy as you portray it to be.
(42,862 posts)splat
(2,340 posts)She loved the guy, they had a great relationship when they were together, he promised to quit this.
"Carlos Danger" had a life of his own, though.

(27,128 posts)when you should recognize it's an abusive relationship, or it's one that doesn't benefit you in any way.
Here's my experience along these lines: My father was an alcoholic. Over the years he became more abusive. When I was fourteen my mother packed up the five kids still at home (oldest brother was away in the army by then) and moved us from northern NYS to Tucson, Arizona. She understood quite clearly that she had to get away. It was the best possible thing she could have done for us.
Many years later when I was married, and in an intact and good marriage, with two young children, I understood better than ever how much courage it must have taken my mother to leave my father. For all his faults, he was always employed. Yes, he drank, and yes he was steadily getting worse, but there were all those young children. She was a nurse, and she'd gone back to work full time when I was about 8 years old. I'm in the middle of the family, with two younger brothers, one younger sister, who range down to six years younger. She worked an evening shift, Dad worked a day shift, so there was always a parent at home, although over the years the male parent was less and less reliable.
I recall her telling me about when she told her own mother she was going to leave my dad. "Please tell me you're going to take the children with you," my grandmother said. "Of course," Mom said. It never occurred to her to leave us behind. And even though she was a nurse and knew she could find employment wherever we went, this was the early 1960s, and nurses didn't make very much money then. She took as many extra shifts as she could, and when I got a Saturday babysitting job, I spent that money on food for the family. I'd have the mom of the girls I babysat stop at the grocery store when she drove me home. She was astonished I'd spend the money that way. I couldn't imagine spending the money on myself when we needed food so desperately.
Enough about my history. I'm trying to emphasize that women need to live for themselves. Someone like Huma Abedn isn't in anyway trapped in a marriage because she has no way of supporting herself, which is all the more reason to call her out on this. I am glad she's finally shit-canned Anthony Weiner. Ending a marriage is never easy, as I well know from personal experience. And perhaps it's a whole lot harder when you're in the public eye, as I never was. But Weiner is a creep, an idiot, a jerk, and Abedn deserves better. No one should ever stay married to someone who behaves like that.
(7,906 posts)I'm not going to speak for Huma, but your thought process is dangerous, reckless and irrational for women everywhere.
(27,128 posts)Are you suggesting women shouldn't have independent lives of their own?
(257 posts)You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. It's like you saying you support freedom, but then turn around and criticize someone for using their freedom. Huma Abedin is an independent woman. She can stay if she wants. She can leave. It's her prerogative and no one but her knows why she chooses what she chose. She has no obligation to explain/defend her actions to you. Or me.
People who really support women's independence don't bitch when women actually exercise it.
R B Garr
(17,518 posts)with her first child, as is the case with Huma. Huma was married a fairly short time and she was pregnant. Your mother had 3 more children and gave your father years of her life before she finally left. That's the usual trajectory. People have dreams, and it takes awhile for the reality to finally set in that they are shattered beyond hope.
(42,549 posts)I took some time to understand why women stay in abusive relationships. My mother for instance. I didn't understand for a long time. Shall I think less of her for staying? Think she's somehow "weak"? Less of a person? A person who has less "class"?
Given your admirable mother, how in the world shall I think of mine? She remained married to that motherfucker until he died last year.
Now with no more detail than that, tell me, what opinion do you think I should have regarding my mother?
(4,035 posts)The most dangerous time for any woman in an abusive relationship is when she is either pregnant or leaving. That is the most dangerous thing many a woman does, leaving an abusive man. On Sunday, a 37-year old woman and her 12-year old son was gunned down near where I live - she had an appointment to go to a woman's shelter on Monday, she just wanted to celebrate her son's twelfth birthday with the family first. After the party, her almost ex-husband shot and killed her and the boy, and then turned his gun on himself. He'd gotten wind of her plans to leave him.
So, to cavalierly claim that all women in abusive relationships need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and leave their abuser is incredibly cruel and dangerous. Not to mention anti-progressive. We need to increase help options for women, we need to build more shelters (and add shelters for abused men) and tighten laws with regards to guns, restraining orders, and the leaking of personal information (for example, Wikileaks should be damned to hell and back for releasing personal information of thousands of women in Turkey.)
(4,840 posts)who is going to watch the kid when she's at work. If you disband your partnership that consideration becomes more problematic. Huma obviously can no longer entrust that responsibility to Anthony. A lot of parents don't want to entrust watching their kid to just any person and so it can indeed be a trap even when they can support themselves.
(58,785 posts)of one that Wiener would be a good Trump surrogate for debate prep. Apparently the guy's very sharp and can be redoubtable when he keeps his clothes on.
(71,038 posts)They have a child together. I married as a teen and was divoced by the time I was 21 ...met my soul mate a few years later. I had a child with my first husband and let me tell you, kids who have divorced parents suffer. Maybe it was for the child and if so good for her ...she did the best she could. Why should you care or judge her for what is a personal decision? Or is this a proxy situation? The primary is over.
(20,450 posts)There are many reasons why women remain in an abusive relationship.
He's the asshole. She isn't.
Just stop with the misogyny, please.
Response to PoindexterOglethorpe (Reply #5)
MichiganVote This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,613 posts)Talk about a tragic flaw. He had to resign his seat in Congress (where he was a very effective, very progressive legislator). Then he ran for NYC mayor and was leading until he did it and was caught again. And finally this incident. and as you noted, Lord knows how many times he was sending selfies of his crotch to other women. He seems to be obsessive-compulsive in his sexting.
(7,906 posts)I'm happy that you have rightfully called Anthony the ass that he is, but I also noticed how you neglected to give support to Huma.
I'm sure it was an oversight on your part.
(16,613 posts)And never look back at Tony "the Weiner " Weiner.
(7,906 posts)
(9,460 posts)second time he was Carlos Danger and he used that name for the third time too - how dumb can you be?
(5,811 posts)her relationship with her husband is none of our business. and I hate that I'm even responding to your comment but I had to because no one can say when someone should leave or stay in a relationship. I'm sure like me, you were in relationships everyone said you shouldn't be in. But no one can tell an adult when to let a thing go. That's completely up to the adults involved.
My guess is Huma didn't leave him over texting his junk to other adults. Sometimes you gotta let a fool be a fool.
Huma left his ass because their son was in one of his sexting pics. And on that note the MF had to go. And all I can say to that is she's a fantastic woman and mother.
I'm so glad Hillary has Huma and Cheryl Mills because she never ever has to worry about them putting her business on front street or stabbing her in the back. To me, both women walk on water right beside Hillary.
(23,292 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)it doesn't speak to a lack of classiness
(8,541 posts)Jamaal510
(10,893 posts)how AW would still be able to show his face in public after all this. And of course, it should come as no surprise that the Caterpillar Hair campaign tried to tie this to Clinton and her judgment. She has no control over Weiner deciding to be a pervert and Abedin being married to him for a while, but that didn't stop Caterpillar Hair. Nope.
(7,906 posts)Not only does Hillary have nothing to do with this, Huma doesn't either.
Anthony owns this on his own.
(1,779 posts)For all of his brilliance on so many issues, Huma cannot let her life, and her son's life, be tied to Anthony's self-destructive behaviors.
Sad but only Anthony is to blame.
(7,906 posts)Huma, on the other hand, has always been classy, and has always been brilliant.
(60,094 posts)Frankly, while it is clear she is a very trust aide of Clinton's and a dear friend, there is nothing I know that would lead me to say she is brilliant. This does not mean she isn't, but I can not think of anything she ever did that could be used to make that case.
(71,038 posts)karynnj
(60,094 posts)This may subject to what you see as "brilliant". Having worked at a research company with many people who actually were well known in their fields -- and having heard people like Arno Penzias speak, I do expect a high level of creativity as well as intelligence.
I would label scientists, who discovered new principles; musicians who wrote exquisite music; playwrights who wrote plays enjoyed by millions - sometimes long after they died; an artist who works capture his/her subject in a new way; authors who wrote books that changed the discussion on some issue or other; statesmen who negotiated deals for very hard to solve problems; legislators and staff who crafted complex legislation that made life better.
Huma Abedin is obviously a very good, organized manager who is capable of being a top aide -- note, she has not been the chief of staff. That is a job where diligence, organization and competence are much more important than creativity. Various accounts describe her as very loyal, very competent, very stylish and very close to Clinton. All VERY important for a top STAFF position, where those strengths are needed.
So, it depends on how you use the word --- and that seems to range from the usage of my British friend who will often say "that is brilliant" to indicate that she thinks something is cool to what I described as a superlative that very very few people meet.
(71,038 posts)KMOD
(7,906 posts)has described her as such.
Who cares what your opinion is.
(60,094 posts)I seriously doubt that ... and of the ones who do, how many are currying favor with someone likely to be very powerful
There are many people in DC who may deserve to be called brilliant, from all the things attributed to her, I saw no evidence of anything that comes close to brilliance.
(20,680 posts)the THREE times married Donald J Philanderer ?
(50,032 posts)In "Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump" by Harry Hurt III (447 p. W W Norton & Co Inc.), the author reported that Donald Trump demanded that Ivana accept that he was going to liberally philander as part of their marriage and it was a "take it or leave it" deal. Trump insisted he had to have extramarital affairs in order to have his successful business. (In other words, he could make more deals if there was the impression that he was a successful sexual impresario.)