Hillary Clinton's Powerful Message To Young Women
Just as I felt the need to fight for childrens rights as a young woman, and just as Chrissy, Astrid and Max are waging their own fights today, young women all over this country know that the issues were fighting for in this campaign from alleviating student loan debt, to preserving access to Planned Parenthood and abortion services, to fighting for equal pay and paid leave are not theoretical.
Theyre real fights that matter to your lives. Youre out there every day doing something about them. And learning from your efforts will make me a better president.
So, I want you to know that I see you.
I see you making the drive to a clinic 200 miles away.
I see you dropping your daughter off at daycare so you can make it to class on time.
I see you making the case to your boss for a long-overdue raise, even though you may worry about speaking up for what you deserve.
Great read.