2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThey're interrupting Panetta now...
I DESPISE these people!!!
Strip them of their credentials!

(11,641 posts)War mongers are the worst form of humanity.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Native
(6,891 posts)one_voice
(20,043 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)Something else now.
(43,884 posts)I think. Like Pres Trump would accomplish that. Morons.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)Liberal_Stalwart71
(20,450 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)Their disruptions rob us of the opportunity to listen to these wonderful speakers.
(1,446 posts)Why do you want more war???
(1,632 posts)They are idiots
liberal N proud
(61,032 posts)And not vote for someone else.
(889 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)RonniePudding
(889 posts)nolabear
(43,447 posts)Seriously? Now they've switched from Bernie to someone who wants to continue the delusion?
(22,871 posts)They're idiots.
(1,632 posts)And the sane delegates are actually having to shout, "USA" to drown them out. What a disgrace at our national convention.
(18,876 posts)why not chant that at the RNC?
(6,891 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)obamanut2012
(28,230 posts)JFC
Expecting Rain
(811 posts)DCBob
(24,689 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)Don't they know that the speakers only have 5 minutes? No one wants to hear them!
(26,314 posts)Some listening and acting the past couple or three decades would have either mitigated or negated this reaction.
If people cared about unity and being stronger together before it was time for the pep rally and votes it would come a lot easier when the time came.
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)fun n serious
(4,451 posts)They're only there to disrupt. They want to be thrown out so they have something else to complain about.
This is sad
(15,805 posts)If they want to protest war, pay for a permit and go march outside the nearest military base. They're stupidly shooting themselves in the foot on national TV and alienating the Democrats they need. Great job, Bernie!
(28,270 posts)unitedwethrive
(2,010 posts)more harm than good? The only place they can hope to get support is within the Democratic Party, why burn bridges?!
(26,314 posts)available.
It's been pretty sparse at best for more than 20 years.
Patience is in shorter supply than even current events indicate. For every one that has boiled over there are many more simmering pretty hard now and then many more that aren't boiling at all yet that are on the same page ideologically but still have faith and when those flip they can flip hard straight to radicalized and then reason becomes fairly ineffective.
It is also getting thinner on room to even use fear to motivate because it losses it's value when after the "winning" it is straight off to meeting the criminally insane, wicked, and treasonous "in the middle", "looking forward" on off the rails criminality, and worse implementing some of their evil schemes with a little lip stick or different rhetoric.
If they are what we say they are during the elections and are what we say they are with their agenda and obstruction then if we aren't on Operation: Obliteration then we have insane responses to existential threats to life, liberty, and broad prosperity.
(12,516 posts)in my long life have opposed war. The man they sre booing is partly responsible for the current militaristic policies were our soldiers and drone warfare sre creating more terrorists every day.
There is no greater proof of how far right our party is willing to go. We have always been and always will be opposed to military expansion.
I salute these Democrats.