Hunter hires law firm amid campaign review
After months of questions about personal use of campaign funds, Rep. Duncan Hunters campaign committee has hired a law firm that specializes in political law, according to financial reports released Friday.
Hunter, R-Alpine, has already reimbursed his campaign account for $12,000 of expenses he identified as personal or mistaken on campaign finance reports, including video games, oral surgery, private school tuition, a garage door and unspecified items at a Coronado surf shop.
Federal law does not allow use of campaign funds for personal expenses, to protect against contributors such as defense contractors from having undue influence on someone like Hunter, who is on the House Armed Services Committee.
The San Diego Union-Tribune first reported on the expenditures in April, when the Federal Election Commission sent the campaign a letter questioning payments to Hunters childrens private school and a video game website.
This slimeball is Trump's House Leadership Committee co-chair.