2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumJohn Lauritis: Sanderistas, Unite! The Truth Is Coming (Part II)
The #LameStreamMedia wants you to believe that you are isolated, that you are alone, that there is nothing left to fight for do not believe a word of it!
You are not alone, you are not isolated,
& there is everything left to fight for!
Now, lets get into some numbers!
We Must Transform Our Strategy
When I first wrote to you all, it was about the delegate math and how it showed that we would be heading into a contested convention I wrote it because no one else was writing it & because . Despite the tricks, the medias manipulation, & everything that they could throw at us, that is still true but barely! I was worried for a moment but, just as I said in that first article, Hillary Clinton does not have the 2,383 delegates needed to clinch the nomination & we are going to Philadelphia on July 25th.
But things are going to be very different than we first thought in the beginning, I had envisioned us fighting our way to 2,026 delegates (the majority) and going into July, that way. We would have made the argument to the super-delegates that they must respect the majoritys will and, by drawing publicity to our cause, we would have publicly pressured them into joining our revolution we would have gone on to the general election and defeated Trump easily to uproarious applause !
We would have but that has all changed.
My delegate math worked so long as the race was fair and, by fair, I mean less rigged than it obviously is. But the DNC, the corporate-media, & the Clinton-Machine have been far more cunning & dishonest (& probably far more criminal) than I had anticipated there is still a way through but first we must
UNITE! ... more at link...
lauritis goes over the unsettling and disruption of the sandernista path. he points to the fact hillary does not have enough delegates, the dnc's behavior, and suggests bernie can still win at the convention....

Metric System
(6,048 posts)grossproffit
(5,591 posts)roguevalley
(40,656 posts)that didn't count because the ESTABISHMENT AP said she won before the vote was even taken. Drivel? I think not.
(58,785 posts)He filled a few sites with his name, but nobody else is talking about him. Even my name will usually get a couple hits for participating in a community service project or some such drivel.
(44,297 posts)John Lauritis was wrong from the very beginning, not because the primaries weren't "fair", but because he wasn't very smart.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)Not to be confused with The Mathematical People's Front.
(18,402 posts)Bernie Sanders himself makes it stop. And there's only one way to do that: to officially concede the election at some point, saying she won it fair and square, and to endorse Clinton (I would also say he should release his delegates to vote as they choose at the convention, but I'm sure I'll receive a lot of flak for that suggestion of common procedure).
It's not good enough to walk off the stage and say you're going to work to make sure Donald Trump is not elected. That's very weak sauce (and leaves his followers with many misguided options to use instead of voting for Clinton in November).
I will continue to think he is a man of very little moral principle until he does so.
(5,591 posts)Lord Magus
(1,999 posts)I wonder if there's enough room under the bus at that point?
(28,834 posts)We'll see if what applies to the likes of Elizabeth Warren applies to the candidate himself.
Bernie has more integrity in his fingernails than any Clinton has ever known existed ...
How dare you!
No mo ...
liberal from boston
(856 posts)Thank You Trajan--well said!!!
(14,255 posts)your good opinion. I wouldn't fling around words like "moral" and "principle", either, but that's just me. I adore irony, though.
Bernie's supporters support Bernie because of many many issues where Bernie and Hillary are pretty much diametrically opposed. So condescendingly assuming that we are personality-driven sheep who will pivot obediently to Hillary seems laughable, really.
Oh, and, you know, you can make things you don't care to read "stop" - just don't click on them!
(1,507 posts)JoePhilly
(27,787 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)[hr][font color="blue"][center]I'm always right. When I'm wrong I admit it.
So then I'm right about being wrong.[/center][/font][hr]
(13,877 posts)have some sway. Until then...it's sheer Republican red meat.
She needs to grow a pair, so to speak, and stop all this craziness her actions have preceded.
It's not up to us. It's up to her. Until then, yes, there will be those who will not be cowed into parroting her silence, denials, 5th ammendment pleas by staff and depositions by aides.
Fess up, Hillary. It's just feeding the trolls...from both sides.
(5,811 posts)The FBI's counter-terrorism unit is conducting the investigation which tells me whatever they're investigating it's not about HRC, Bill Clinton or the Clinton Foundation. And then there's this statement from sources familiar with the matter:
"Sources familiar with the inquiry have told NPR Clinton is not a target of the FBI investigation, which may extend for months." http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/01/445038117/investigating-clinton-email-server-fbi-doesnt-give-a-rip-about-politics
The only person who could've put classified information on HRC's server is the person who was given immunity. The question is who was he working for and why. While I think we will definitely win the WH and Senate, I think their findings will end up giving us the House too.
You have to realize the GOP as it exist now is a terrorist organization operating within our government for the purpose of overthrowing it.
(13,877 posts)entity that hasn't "glossed over" the "sources". When she is cleared or does what is proper...which would be clear things up herself, then let's talk. Until then, as far as I know the FBI is not a VRWC. They are not political...which is why it's not over and done with, IMO. The Foundation is a big problem and could likely extend it past November. Aides are being deposed. What is it that Democrats don't get? This is serious, not a walk in the park.
Also, the GOP as terrorists smacks a bit of hyperpolitics. This "LaLaLaLaICan'tHearYou" is frankly simplistic and blinds our party with a hubris that could be very detrimental. Immunity and depositions aren't for the heck of it. Of course, we can shame each other into silence.
It's not each other we need to be concerned with, IMO.
(5,811 posts)I'll leave it at that.
I refer to Republican in Congress as terrorists because during the IRAN Talks 47 GOP violated the LOGAN Act when they attempted to interfere with the President's negotiation of the IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL. And more recently when a group GOP congressional members requested an Iranian visa so they could inspect Iran nuclear compliance program.
(13,877 posts)Ours just do it under the cover of ... Legalized, Presumptous Empire. Oh, l I mean Defense. Both parties. Semantics, if you're a family under seige. But the the only report on that we'll have is called elections. November is coming.
And if they did bad things, which of course would not surprise me, they need to be held accountable. What a concept. Politicians, even Democrats, being held accountable.
(5,811 posts)foreign if it were not to steal their resources, obtain cheap labor and try to manipulate foreign governments to enact laws that favor the corporate bottom line - profits.
(13,877 posts)underthematrix
(5,811 posts)baubles and trinkets we buy make it all possible
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)libdem4life
(13,877 posts)5 days ends absolutely nothing. No one is swayed by opinions here. We are all Democrats with different opinions. IOW, it doesn't matter.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)leave the rest of us alone.
(10,585 posts)I especially like this part
Funny how they no longer want to "respect the majoritys will" now that their man finished 2nd...
(100,514 posts)Ace Rothstein
(3,310 posts)LuvLoogie
(7,720 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)

(1,220 posts)nothing will.
Response to hopemountain (Original post)
rjsquirrel This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,316 posts)just curious
(96,882 posts)(special guest appearance by JIM HENSON...)