Democratic Primaries in the Shadow of Neoliberal Capitalism
We wonder why that pesky Bernie Sanders keeps winning primaries...
This is a very good Huffpo article that makes some very good points.
Here is a good quote:
The great fear, on the left of the Democratic coalition, is that the rupture with the original Clinton list (List A) is still paper thin: and that Hillary Clinton will say radical things (from the other two lists, including List C) simply to win office. Then, when in office, she will go back to List A, triangulating with neoliberal Republicans in the manner of the first Clinton presidency. Reassuring her progressive supporters that she will not do any of this is therefore a vital task for her between now and November, because only if that reassurance is forthcoming only if the depth of her rupture with her own past is unambiguously clear will the vast majority of those mobilized by Bernie Sanders act as willing foot-soldiers in the electoral battle to save America from a Trump presidency. And she will need those foot-soldiers.
(Note: read the short article to find out what is on the 'lists' mentioned in the quotation.)
On a personal note, it's that old fear of the hard right pivot...I worry about it. Which is why I'm still for Sanders and still believe he can win the nomination, though the path is narrow and it involves an acrimonious convention. The issues Sanders is backing, though are far too important for us not to be forceful in putting them forward, even if it gets ugly, which it has. When you read the link, you'll see the blog author depicts Sanders' position as 'radical,' but it is not. The notion that helping each other is somehow radical is something we need to forcefully oppose and turn on its head. I am not radical - the radicals are the assholes in power who are systematically robbing our treasury and taking our tax dollars for profits.