2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumRigged System: Why The F*CK Are LOBBYISTS SuperDelegates?

RT: Why the f are lobbyists superdelegates? System is rigged.
#WhatTheyDontWantUsToKnow #BernieStrong

(14,923 posts)

(4,667 posts)They also basically write a great many laws, like for example, the ACA,
and trade agreements.
NewImproved Deal
(534 posts)...Rainbow Oligarchy.
(9,314 posts)were listed. I posted that here but got zero response. I am glad to see you are outraged too.
(3,473 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)...she actually can't win with out them, so yes it does matter, it is not having the most delegates that gets you the nomination. Oh and having lobbyist that are supporting you as superdelegates also f@cking matters because they are lobbyist that are supporting her and they are f@cking superdelegates.
(3,473 posts)they didn't get it because they're lobbyists.
(1,511 posts)That makes it better that RANKING MEMBERS are LOBBYISTS? Also how do you think they got there, it is the very corruption we hate. Also she still needs them to win.
(3,473 posts)These are the rules that were in place (and have been for decades) when BS started his campaign. It's a little late to be crying about it now.
(1,511 posts)Also you are still failing to admit you lied about her not needing them, and now you are in the whole you should have changed the rules. Also corrupt people get in to positions because they can buy their way in...have you forgotten aobu the the Hillary Victory Fund?
(3,473 posts)Right now, the only ones we're seeing changing are a few that are leaving BS and going with a winner, Secretary Clinton.
(1,511 posts)You really seem to love corruption and money in the campaign. And again you have yet to admit you were lying that she did not need them to win.
The post was on the delegates she has supporting her that are lobbyists, you responded with this line saying is doesn't matter...but sadly it does, she tried to buy the election, but could only afford part of it with the Hillary victory fund...now she has to rely on lobbyists and big money to win.
(3,473 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)SFnomad
(3,473 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)It is when Hillary opened her mouth! Boom! Mic drop!
(3,473 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)
(1,511 posts)...to talk about respect...oh and your post is still a lie.
cui bono
(19,926 posts)of politics and in this case, the Democratic Party.
But hey, your chosen one is winning so whatever, right? Doesn't matter if lobbyists bought by corporations are a deciding factor in that as long as you get to claim a win. Rah!!! Yay!!! Fuck democracy. The little people need not concern themselves with representation, who cares what the revolution was about. Government of, by and for the people? Nonsense!
(13,466 posts)SFnomad
(3,473 posts)TheFarseer
(9,547 posts)How the hell should I go about that? I'm sure if I start writing letters and run for city council, I would be able to overturn an entrenched system put in place by billionaire oligarchs and the most powerful politicians in the most powerful country in the world. When I'm done with that, I'll stop carrier from moving to Mexico by purchasing a majority of the shares in United Technologies.
I love the meme that Bernie knew the rules when he started the campaign. I guess he f#&$ed up then. He should have run for the other democratic nomination with the fair rules that make sense. Jfc. How people defend this rigged system just astounds me.
(3,473 posts)You won't get anything done just pissing and moaning about it sitting by your desk typing on your keyboard at a message board.
(9,547 posts)I'm sure if I volunteered for a campaign the system would come crashing down. It's not like I'm in a strong position to win a congressional seat. Tell me what I should do as a middle class accountant to change the democratic primary rules.
(3,473 posts)get involved and make changes. If the Sanders movement is really all they say it is, you should be able to storm the DNC and make changes. Or is the Sanders movement really just people that want to complain at rallies and on message boards and not want to really make any changes ... because then they wouldn't have anything to complain about?
(9,547 posts)I tried to help sanders win. I tried to gotv with some success. I joined wolf Pac. I wish I could be you and just declare victory by keeping money in politics and the oligarchs in charge. That would be easy!
Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)They have no shame. Win at all costs.
(16,834 posts)Who are YOU that you don't care about this fact? Unbelievable that anyone comes to the defense of this system. Not patriotic to pretend otherwise.
(9,497 posts)Nevermind.
Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)Cheese Sandwich
(9,086 posts)Just think of how much of the last 12 months we've spent talking about superdelegates.
It was used to create a perception that Hillary was nearly inevitable. It impacted voters and caucus goers.
(1,511 posts)The fact that they do not vote until the end, but so many of them came out in favor of her at the start and every new station posted it even when they say they don't count yet. These people need to be arrested or voted out of office, it is electioneering.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)it is not electioneering to support a well known democrat.
(1,511 posts)Also private people are just as liable when it involves an election...anyone can electioneer...just some like Bill are better at it.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)it is not illegal for the SDs to declare their allegiance before a primary has started
(1,511 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)Noun 1. electioneering - persuasion of voters in a political campaign
electioneering - persuasion of voters in a political campaign
canvassing, bell ringing
persuasion, suasion - the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action
Explain to me how loading the election at the start in a concerted effort when superdelegates are supposed to vote at the is not attempting to persuade voters...thus the very meaning of electioneering. The use of paid media to get the narrative across, and the fact that a vote from a single superdelegate has the value of +20,000 voters each is more than enough to prove it. My point of the post was that I am sure some laws were broken, and it would be amazing if someone tried to sue the DNC.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)bahrbearian
(13,466 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)She has shown she is good a basically rigging a system and abusing power.
(1,511 posts)...seem like two good ones, bribery with the victory fund, perhaps several finance ones as well with the laundering of it. Electioneering doesn't carry the heaviest fines, but I think bribery would kick in as well when you show how many superdelegates were paid off.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)CrispyQ
(38,997 posts)but I give a vote of no confidence in HRC's assertion that she will try to reverse Citizen's United.
How Hillary Clinton Bought the Loyalty of 33 State Democratic Parties
Collusion between the Clinton campaign and the DNC allowed Hillary Clinton to buy the loyalty of 33 state Democratic parties last summer. Montana was one of those states. It sold itself for $64,100.
The Super Delegates now defying democracy with their insistent refusal to change their votes to Sanders in spite of a handful of overwhelming Clinton primary losses in their own states, were arguably part of that deal.
In August 2015, at the Democratic Party convention in Minneapolis, 33 democratic state parties made deals with the Hillary Clinton campaign and a joint fundraising entity called The Hillary Victory Fund. The deal allowed many of her core billionaire and inner circle individual donors to run the maximum amounts of money allowed through those state parties to the Hillary Victory Fund in New York and the DNC in Washington.
The idea was to increase how much one could personally donate to Hillary by taking advantage of the Supreme Court ruling 2014, McCutcheon v FEC, that knocked down a cap on aggregate limits as to how much a donor could give to a federal campaign in a year. It thus eliminated the ceiling on amounts spent by a single donor to a presidential candidate.
In other words, a single donor, by giving $10,000 a year to each signatory state could legally give an extra $330,000 a year for two years to the Hillary Victory Fund. For each donor, this raised their individual legal cap on the Presidential campaign to $660,000 if given in both 2015 and 2016. And to one million, three hundred and 20 thousand dollars if an equal amount were also donated in their spouses name.
~more at link
Scroll to the bottom of the article to see which states are in on this deal. Colorado is on the list. We have 12 Super Delegates & Sanders won the vote by 60%, yet to date, 9 of 12 of our SDs are for Clinton.
(1,511 posts)They seemed to have skirted so many rules and laws that I would be a good lawyer could hit them on many things from electioneering to laundering. I hope some one does and it destroys the bad apples in our parties...and our fellow HRC supports sober up when they see how bad it really is.
(4,667 posts)Also, lobbyists are very heavily reprezsented in the TiSA talks in Geneva and at the TTIP talks in Brussels. there are 6000 of them there.
Kelvin Mace
(17,469 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)reformist2
(9,841 posts)Oh no, that had NOTHING to do with it!
(2,064 posts)and she'll need their money in 2020 to fend off primary challengers on her Left and the GOP in the GE.
So she'll reliably do their bidding for the length of her term(s). The little people will just have to make the best of it.
(1,511 posts)That is so odd they are supporting Hillary, she has nothing in common with them.
(12,685 posts)Maybe because it no longer works for the people.
(45,251 posts)The institution of super delegates is highly undemocratic.
(4,453 posts)I had no idea it was this bad.
(10,559 posts)xloadiex
(628 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,208 posts)Last edited Sun May 1, 2016, 12:12 AM - Edit history (2)
At one corner of the triangle are interest groups (constituencies). These are the powerful interest's groups that influence Congressional votes in their favor and can sufficiently influence the re-election of a member of Congress in return for supporting their programs. At another corner sit members of Congress who also seek to align themselves with a constituency for political and electoral support. These congressional members support legislation that advances the interest group's agenda. Occupying the third corner of the triangle are bureaucrats, who are often pressured by the same powerful interest groups their agency is designated to regulate. The result is a three-way, stable alliance that is sometimes called a sub-government because of its durability, impregnability, and power to determine policy.
An iron triangle can result in the passing of very narrow, pork-barrel policies that benefit a small segment of the population. The interests of the agency's constituency (the interest groups) are met, while the needs of consumers (which may be the general public) are passed over. That public administration may result in benefiting a small segment of the public in this way may be viewed as problematic for the popular concept of democracy if the general welfare of all citizens is sacrificed for very specific interests. This is especially so if the legislation passed neglects or reverses the original purpose for which the agency was established. Some maintain that such arrangements are consonant with (and are natural outgrowths of) the democratic process, since they frequently involve a majority block of voters implementing their will through their representatives in government.
(57,936 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)raouldukelives
(5,178 posts)One can believe or disbelieve that corporations are twisting and distorting the will of the people.
Once one believes they are, and then freely chooses to still assist in those ends for personal profit, it becomes an event of self-actualization. One that separates those who take seriously the mantle of democracy and the present and futures of the poor and disadvantaged or one who stands firmly with the desires of multinational corporations and the worlds elite.
And that is fine, it is a free country, but it surely denies one the moniker of being considered pro-democracy. If it doesn't, then nothing does.
(9,841 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)but we're not supposed to question the DNC.
(4,775 posts)Says so much with just a glance.
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)and... Y'all would not complain if they supported Bernie! Tell the truth.
(10,622 posts)artislife
(9,497 posts)
(10,622 posts)fun n serious
(4,451 posts)What I said is true. I have seen y'all here on DU say you would want him to e the nominee at all and any cost.. including unethical shenanigans.
(29,537 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)That would be like saying why does Congress have a vote that counts more than ours.
(18,115 posts)We elect representatives to represent us in voting for bills.
We vote directly for the nominee, super delegates' votes are severely weighted. And they get to vote twice.
(53,544 posts)Automatic delegates vote the same number of times as the pledged delegates. They don't even vote as individuals. The chair of each state delegation reports the combined votes from their state.
Voters are not actually voting for the nominee. Based on election results they are voting on state convention delegates in most states that go to the state convention. Those state convention delegates then vote for national convention delegates that are pledged specifically for a candidate based on election results.
Automatic delegates are also weighted no better than the pledged delegates.
Those positions are based on Democratic members of Congress and Governors. For the DNC members the positions are based on each state having a position for state chair and vice chair. About 116 with territories included. 200 members are allocated proportionally by population amongst the states with a minimum of 2 members.
The elected members give states more weight that is based on their number in their state. That is proportional in that manner.
The only group that receives the same number of automatic delegates are the two top party leaders in each state.
Pledged delegates are allocated proportionally based on election results for Democratic nominee for the past 3 elections and average of electoral votes for same period.
(18,115 posts)Super delegates comprise 15% of the total delegate pool at the convention.
They vote irrespective of any measure, people's choice, state results, etc. their vote is unfettered discretion. It is not like voting for a bill, the supers vote outside of the nomination process as carry out by the individual voters.
Super delegates do get to vote twice. Once as an individual with the rest of us. Then again, with their super-weighted vote at the convention as a super delegate.
(1,511 posts)...using money to gain undue influence and power is ethical? Perhaps I need to retake my classes on ethics.
(11,945 posts)Dustlawyer
(10,519 posts)I don't know why that is so hard to understand? We want to change this corrupt shit! Hillary isn't going to do a damn thing about it.
This is why Bernie calls for a political revolution, or haven't you heard. This is a MOVEMENT, not just a Primary. We aren't going away after this election, no matter what. The problems of our rigged elections and the wash of money floating in Washington will still be there, but we will be working to end it. If she beats Trump she will end up proving our point, too bad we will be much worse off.
me b zola
(19,053 posts)...Look at the cartoon that you have posted in your sig line.
(10,622 posts)Judging by the replies so far it appears not nearly as well known as I had thought.
Thanks for posting!
(30,481 posts)onenote
(44,922 posts)He also lobbies for a labor union (the CWA).
(10,336 posts)
(41,187 posts)season. Even Hillary supporters can see this. They just won't admit it.
(10,336 posts)after the whole Brock-blocking fiasco and being juried into submission, and getting a MIRT review, they won and I had to give it up. I've switched to GE mode. And for me- and, this is just me, I really think the various and sundry disenfranchisement shemes and scams really will leave a stain, and now I finally understand why Republicans always accuse us of voting dead people.
(41,187 posts)until after the Convention.
(44,922 posts)morningfog
(18,115 posts)Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)Ugly, isn't it?
Government of, by, and for the 1%.
They know this isn't even slightly ok, and they do it anyway. No doubt a Clinton cabinet and Executive Branch would be filled with the same folks. What could go wrong?
(53,544 posts)And the information is not entirely true with your posting.
Joanne Dowdell is not with NewsCorp. Which leads to what is not true about the others.
(14,923 posts)Senior Vice President Global Government Affairs at News Corp
Washington, District Of ColumbiaGovernment Relations
(4,563 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)There are 714 automatic delegates.
20 are Distinguished Party Leaders
21 are Governors
47 are Senators
193 are Representatives
434 are DNC members
DNC members come from various backgrounds.
So out of 434 DNC members only 5 are identified as lobbyists in your post.
Tonio Burgos does not show any lobbying for Pfizer since 2000 according to OpenSecrets. Joanne Dow
Sunlight Foundation identified only 18 members as lobbyists. Out of 714 only 18 are lobbyists. The definition for "a lot of the superdelegates are paid lobbyists" must have changed.
The Intercept only identified 9 as lobbyists and not all of them are lobbyists.
ABC claims there are 67 lobbyists but fails to identify them.
(4,733 posts)Will have sealed our fate for decades.
Makes me sick to my stomach.
(53,544 posts)BTW this will be decided on the first ballot.
(14,807 posts)that have fooled the public into thinking they actually work for the people.
That also explains why they are so stupid on other issues. They were never "funded" because they knew anything about anything else. They are just there to work for their Corporations.
(5,811 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)The cry of the free marketeer.
(14,807 posts)And I buy used or sustainable produced. And you?????
(3,017 posts)One of the corrupt cops was asked at a public hearing how he viewed his paycheck from the police department ($600 and change per week in the late 80's/early 90's) relative to the paycheck he got from drug dealers he was protecting and working with ($8000 per week). He said he sometimes forgot to pick up his police paycheck. They asked him whether he considered himself as working for the police department or for drug dealers. He thought a minute, consulted with his attorney, then said "Both."
(14,807 posts)davidn3600
(6,342 posts)shanti
(21,723 posts)aspirant
(3,533 posts)felix_numinous
(5,198 posts)The people are kept out of the loop. HRC supporters would fail a civics test, none seem to know or care what a democracy should be, and that is sad, and scary.
(70,576 posts)democrank
(11,250 posts)Our Oligarchic system is one reason we need grassroots activism.
(9,841 posts)Reminds me of the saying, "there's never just one rat."
The super-delegates need to go.
(10,336 posts)come along and try to splain you.
(1,122 posts)Superdelegates are human beings who get to have more than one voteone, as a private citizen and resident of their own home state (or District of Columbia); two, as a superdelegate of the Democratic Party.
This should not be permitted. Continuation of this, from the Democratic Party, is a dishonest policy.
(51,076 posts)Oh thats right, you already said that, mybad
(53,475 posts)After all, Hillary is a woman, so any criticism of her - regardless of how fair and honest it is - means the critic hates women.
Read it right here on DU.
(23,949 posts)Citizens United Supporting Hillary.
I bet it won't be overturned by any HRC appointee to the SC.
(4,558 posts)Emily Giske - Elected Democratic National Committee member for the GLBT caucus.
Tonio Burgos - Elected DNC member from New Jersey, and member of the national Hispanic Caucus.
Joanne Dowdell - Elected DNC member from New Hampshire, Superdelegate in 2008 and 2012 for President Obama.
Bill Shaheen - Elected DNC member from New Hampshire.
Jeff Berman - Elected DNC member, and was also known as a mastermind behind President Obama's own super delegate run in 2008.
Perhaps you might be able to point me to the outrage posts in 2008 about Jeff being a Lobbyist? Searching the old site, they seem strangely absent.
Do we really want to go down this road? As few Superdelegates have gone in for Bernie, they are most definitely not without their own issues that could be cherry picked.
(4,733 posts)Be corporate lobbyists.
(4,558 posts)Here's a few right off the top:
Erin Bilbray Kohn (DNC) - Here's one of Sanders star supporters.. and a lobbyist.
Troy Jackson (DNC) - Rated 100% by the NRA. Was also endorsed by the NRA. even moveon.org was pulling against him, but Sanders has embraced his NRA approved fellow.
Paul G Kirk (Democratic Leadership) - American lawyer, politician, and .... lobbyist. a Pharmaceutical lobbyist for Sullivan & Worcester, representing pharmaceutical companies Hoechst and Aventis.
And was on the board of the insurance and investment firm, the Hartford Financial Services Group.
Shall we condemn?
(4,733 posts)reformist2
(9,841 posts)Everyone should get to be a delegate in the same way, by being voted in by the people. Because that's what it means to be Democratic, right?
(34,845 posts)

[hr][font color="blue"][center]If you're not committed to anything, you're just taking up space.
Gregory Peck, Mirage (1965)[/center][/font][hr]
(4,733 posts)B Calm
(28,762 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)You are so vested in being proved right that you fail to even challenge yourself about your assumptions.
Here you've picked a handful of 'bad' lobbyists and tried to make it out as if that's all there is.
But the NAACP is a lobbying group. So is the ACLU. And Amnesty International. Human Rights Campaign. The Sierra Group. National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
Are you honestly trying to get people to believe that only 'bad' lobbying groups have Democratic Party superdelegate representatives? Did you even bother to look into that?
My guess is no.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]If you're not committed to anything, you're just taking up space.
Gregory Peck, Mirage (1965)[/center][/font][hr]
(51,558 posts)BernieforPres2016
(3,017 posts)Howard Dean, Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle and Christopher Dodd are all now lobbyists.
Here is a link to an article on a few other notable lobbyist superdelegates:
<Bill Shaheen is married to Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire, and he also runs a law firm that's lobbied on behalf of the American Council of Life Insurers, which lobbies on behalf of 300 health insurance companies that represent 90 percent of US health insurance assets.>
<Jill Alper, Minyon Moore and Maria Cardona are all officials at Dewey Square Group, which is a lobbying group that worked to undermine health reform efforts back in 2009.
Dewey Square Group is also on retainer by pro-Clinton Super PACs like Priorities USA Action and David Brock's Correct the Record.>
No wonder we will "never, ever" have a single payer health care system.
<And then there's Jennifer Cunningham.
She's the managing director of SKDKnickerbocker, a political consulting firm that has worked to get tax cuts for overseas earnings, to weaken rules for for-profit colleges and to undermine Michelle Obama's nutrition guidelines for children's food products.>
Here's a link to a complete list of the 2016 Democratic superdelegates:
A thoroughly corrupt party and process is going to produce a thoroughly corrupt candidate, not surprisingly.
(8,846 posts)We've already been eaten.
(8,846 posts)99Forever
(14,524 posts)And have the fucking audacity to call taking a legitimate, moral, and honest stand against the clear and obvious bribery and cronyism the Clintons are neck deep into, "tantrums" and "sour grapes."
Hillary's supporters are either wilfully morally blind, morally bankrupt, or just not very grounded in reality.
Uncle Joe
(60,615 posts)Thanks for the thread, Segami.
(5,400 posts)
Ferd Berfel
(3,687 posts)geez, have a little sympathy.
re: Thomas Franks in his new book http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1251&pid=1874869
B Calm
(28,762 posts)NorthCarolina
(11,197 posts)ViseGrip
(3,133 posts)and lobbying is the super delegate process. How is this legal?
(4,213 posts)tonyt53
(5,737 posts)You should actually know the bios of those people before you start passing it along as fact. The only female you have listed lead the push the passage of New Yorks marriage equality law in 2011 and is vice chair of the NY state DNC. Uh oh, Bernie-ites busted again.
(54,770 posts)Obviously, many are, but not all. Heck even the Boy and Girl Scouts hire lobbyists.
(1,166 posts)Tarc
(10,585 posts)to his side? Because he's he savior and the only one who can beat Trump in the fall?
Is this a strategy to woo them to your side, Segami, to vote for Sanders even if he loses the pledged delegate count?
(14,274 posts)Civil rights leaders, religious leaders, democratic party leaders, labor union leaders, super delegates, and even celebrities don't count if they support Clinton. But they count double if they support Sanders.