2016 Postmortem
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(82 posts)South Carolina!!
That didn't take long.
(15,720 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 28, 2016, 08:13 PM - Edit history (1)
Buh bye SC!
ETA: lest there be any doubt, I strongly object to sentiments expressed in the OP, so I'm adding the sarcasm smilie I left off originally. And for the record I'm 100% grateful to SC Dems for choosing wisely in yesterday's primary. And yes the whole world is watching:
(13,685 posts)It's bad.
(15,720 posts)Alabama
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
(9,148 posts)SC voters now set the pace for the real revolution. Our First Woman President & a true loyal & proud Democrat, Hillary Clinton
We are a more fortunate nation after tonight.
Thank you SC & Thank you Hillary Clinton.
Happy Birthday Chelsea!! Great night for a party
(25,704 posts)Gothmog
(156,277 posts)SCantiGOP
(14,318 posts)in at least the last week.
I expected to see it though.
Poster probably doesn't even know, or care, that Statewide Democratic candidates average about 45% of the vote in recent elections. We do have a viable Party here, and most of my sane Republican friends are horrified by Trump and Cruz.
(156,277 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)I have black and white friends in SC.
All of them are capable of making up their own minds quite well.
We're gonna be seeing some really sour grapes around here soon,
(58,785 posts)If it makes them happy. Only among the first in a very long list of states that just don't count.
(5,591 posts)That was the last straw for some.
(14,318 posts)Clinton is winning this big because she got 86% of the African American vote. Yet the original poster here says he is "calling out racism."??
Are all of the black voters in SC among the meanest people you have ever met? This post should have been banned; it certainly should be taken down.
It is bad. Real bad.
But it's still not fair to paint the entire state with one brush.
(53,345 posts)Esp considering she was against same-sex marriage until very recently.
(32,854 posts)I first met Hillary in 1977 when I was introduced to her by my partner. They have known each other since law school and were working together on a project for President Carter.
I know everything about her history with my community and have no interest in your opinion.
(51,308 posts)Wish I could rec it.
Perfectly put.
(43,891 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)so SC may help get Hillary the nomination but it will not help her get the Presidency
(43,891 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)wyldwolf
(43,891 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)Got it.
(24,544 posts)but lily white NH with its open primary and half the number of delegates is all about TeH RevOlution!1one!
Response to Number23 (Reply #202)
Matt_R This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,544 posts)Absolutely nothing.
And the fact that most of those northern states have about 1/3 of the populations of the Southern states, as well as large numbers of minorities, makes them all the more important.
(456 posts)conservative democratic candidate in history, over the best shot we have to fixing this corrupt system.
The system that pick the wealthy over any minority?
(24,544 posts)somehow means nothing to you because she allegedly won't win them in the GE? By your logic, Sanders should have already dropped out. He won't win them either and has lost even large Northern states as well.
Your argument is nonsensical.
Response to Number23 (Reply #359)
Matt_R This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Number23 (Reply #359)
Matt_R This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,544 posts)I have never laughed so hard as I have the last few days reading these mindless posts.
And winning by 1 point makes all the difference in the delegate count which is the only thing that matters now. Losing a 40 point lead and winning by 20 is still a big assed, butt whipping win. And she won multiple states tonight by over 30 points.
Response to Number23 (Reply #362)
Matt_R This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,544 posts)That's okay. I'm sure most of the folks reading your posts in this thread don't know either.
(96,907 posts)is president of everyone, including those who didn't vote for them
If we start to write off states that we don't think will vote for us, then why would they?
(4,716 posts)The whole point of elections/and Democratic Underground is to get our candidate into the White House.
(1,495 posts)then texas or Loiusiana. PBO only lost SC by like 7-9 points.
(4,507 posts)the Democratic party would be FUCKED without the incredible loyalty the black population has consistently shown, election after election.
No group is more loyal or reliable - the black vote is the very backbone of this party.
They damn well should have a hefty say in who the nominee is.
Because any nominee of ours wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell without the black vote.
(11,746 posts)And I am proud to be part.of that party!
(6,604 posts)brush
(58,290 posts)Democrats won in both '08 and '12.
But we're talking about the primary and getting enough delegates to get the nomination so your post means nothing.
Our nominee, most likely Clinton now given today's result in SC, will win with or without SC in the general just like Obama did.
(56,125 posts)Where has he been for the past eight years?
Oh excuse me that's President Barack Obama. I guess that tells us where's he's been.
(45,850 posts)eta it was 12.5% of the eligible Democratic voters yes she won but there apparently wasn't much enthusiasm
(56,125 posts)PatrynXX
(5,668 posts)go figure
(7,603 posts)why do they resent Hillary's 50 state campaign?
(2,565 posts)Where she can't win in the general election.
(7,603 posts)An article announcing a nationwide kick off.
(2,565 posts)Clinton's should well be aware of THAT.
(7,603 posts)representative working for the campaign. So far, her execution has her ahead in the primary in delegates, super delegates, and the popular vote.
(2,565 posts)Just "having an office" doesn't mean she is really trying.
She gave up on New Hampshire.. she put in a show, but had changed her whole message aimed towards South Carolina.
She has chosen a red state strategy and hopes she will do well enough on Super Tuesday to dampen the later states Sanders will win (like California).
Either way, she can't win the general election.
Did not take long did it? He's gonna have to write up 12 of these on Super Tuesday.
(16,916 posts)full of confederate flag waving bigots, never votes Democratic, yet we pretend it's an important state for our primary purposes. Stupid.
(27,985 posts)Nonhlanhla
(2,074 posts)which are majority white states?
Given that the majority of whites vote Republican, and Dems only win elections if racial/ethnic minorities vote for them, Iowa and NH are even more ridiculous.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)Nonhlanhla
(2,074 posts)I don't really care which states go first. My point is a simple one: complaining that SC should not go early because they are not majority Dem, is silly given the fact that the two very first states are not at all representative of the Dem Party as a whole. Nevada is more representative.
(156,277 posts)Why are Iowa and New Hampshire representative of anything?
(4,507 posts)the Democratic party would be FUCKED without the incredible loyalty the black population has consistently shown, election after election.
No group is more loyal or reliable - the black vote is the very backbone of this party.
They damn well should have a hefty say in who the nominee is.
Because any nominee of ours wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell without the black vote.
So there's every reason that states where black voters are well represented should play a heavy role in our primary process.
Your post is really poor.
(7,321 posts)If the majority of the population of South Carolina is Black and Democratic party loyalists, why do they keep electing Repukes up and down the ticket over these past several decades?
(4,507 posts)and I'd like to know whether or not you support the message of the OP.
As of 2000, SC's black population represented 30% of the population (69% of the population is white). How do you not know this?
(7,321 posts)level of significance in the Democratic Party campaign.
Indeed, South Carolina should NOT be considered more important than say, California for instance, one of the most demographically diverse states in the entire country.
But hey, whatever. If you're a South Carolinian, enjoy your victory and don't get nasty with me. I'm not your target here.
(4,507 posts)nm
(6,852 posts)The state is 68.3% white 27.8% black.
The majority of the Democratic Party primary is black because the party in the south is majority black.
(7,321 posts)As we always have in the past, we shall continue to put South Carolina in the Republican column in the G.E. in advance of the General Elections, cuz that's how South Carolina rolls, until Whites are no longer a majority, there.
Side note:
I've often said in recent years, that progressives should have made a point decades ago to populate en masse the Southern and Midwestern states, and produce at least a half dozen children to ensure a progressive society/culture for later decades. We blew it by being concerned of over populating the planet and it's impact on the environment and ecosystems. When in fact, Conservative Corporatist/Capitalist has done more harm to the environment and our society as over these decades than any amount of environmentally-conscience children/adults would have.
i still think it's a good idea. it would take 21 years before we'd actually see the needed demographic changes in the electorate in these "Red States" required to flip the south once and for all..
if only.
(44,862 posts)Its the only thing that makes sense.
But if I'm wrong, I'm curious to know whether you live in a midwestern or southern state and if not, why haven't you moved (lead by example) and if so, how many children do you have?
(1,364 posts)My Dem brother moved down there in the mid '70's. Right now he would be rolling over in his grave, if he were not in an urn, to see his children and their spouses all voting Rethuglican. It's gotta be something in the water.
(14,318 posts)But comprise about 60% if Dem voters
(7,321 posts)But not so much during the General in terms of campaigning there as far as the Democratic party is concerned, I would imagine.
Thanks for that stats!
Response to jsmirman (Reply #114)
passiveporcupine This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,507 posts)from people being so unbelievably thick tonight?
Response to jsmirman (Reply #176)
passiveporcupine This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,507 posts)I can't do this.
You're not helping your candidate, that's all I'll say.
Response to jsmirman (Reply #190)
passiveporcupine This message was self-deleted by its author.
(32,886 posts)wtf?
(44,862 posts)confederate flag waving bigots, I'm not sure what the point of your post is. That only Democrats in states that historically (or recently?) voted for Democrats for President should have a say in who the party's nominee is?
If that's your point, why not just say it. There are western states that had nothing to do with the confederacy that vote repub most of the time. Presumably, you think the Democrats in those states shouldn't get a say?
Not a big fan of Dean's 50-state strategy, I guess.
(12,448 posts)That was completely expected.
(5 posts)We blacks aren't stupid. We ain't slaves no more. You NEED us to win. Keep talking your crap. It's gonna be you who loses.
(11,746 posts)PatrynXX
(5,668 posts)SC will throw Hillary under the bus and right fast
(38,538 posts)Hortensis
(58,785 posts)CreekDog
(46,192 posts)23. Yeah, and it is time to do this
Everyone needs to come to grips with the fact that the privileged white male has been very, very good for this society. That thru that privilege our human society have great things upon which our easy lives' rest. Our unions and our work ethic have resulted in all of us living like only the few kings and queens did 100 years ago.
I am a wm and I'm proud and privileged.
52. My opinion
Since our society is making progress and slowly dropping the wall of privilege, or glass ceiling, the society as a whole will improve. Be better.
But it is what it is and we can thank the wm, as a whole, for producing the easy life we now enjoy. The US and Europe have it very, very good historically, and imo, it has to do with the affirmative action the wm embraced and made good with.
Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)"MIRT believes this is a sock puppet account created to circumvent temporary suspension"
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)OTOH, inflating it into the game-changer of all time is equally silly.
(17,505 posts)It's still early in the process.
Let Hillary and her supporters enjoy their victory in SC.
It's the only victory in SC Hillary will ever have.
(7,318 posts)She was expected to win SC and she will. Am just waiting patiently until Bernie's states come in to play
(4,255 posts)Response to themaguffin (Reply #200)
themaguffin This message was self-deleted by its author.
(64,935 posts)There aren't many left. Hillary is even leading in Massachusetts.
(30,481 posts)Here's why we should ignore SC vote
Exit polls from SC show 19% want more progress, the other 81% are happy with the way things are or want to go backward.
1% of the under 30 crowd voted and it's probably because they are scared.
Forget SC, it is among the most backwards of states with some of the meanest people I have ever met. It is not far from being a slave state again, only the federal government keeps it from doing so.
SC retains the Master/servant style of population. Hillary represents the master class well, with her riches and standing. Bernie, being Jewish and a white male has three strikes against him.
The poor people of that state have my utmost sympathy. They have been beaten down and oppressed for so long they don't know what's up.
Rose Siding
(32,624 posts)To any AA reading this, to any South Carolinian, I'm on this board but I denounce and condemn this op. The recs are a judgement on this "community".
I'm so sorry you ever had to see it, sorry that anyone, would say such ugly things. The things said are obscene and hateful. No temporal loss of a primary justify them.
I'm just sorry.
(30,481 posts)Thankfully there are many from all groups who condemn it. Your words are kind and I have to believe represent the sentiment of a majority of posters.
Rose Siding
(32,624 posts)when I stopped to think about what this op actually said.
This is Wille Mae and the young woman is a Clinton volunteer who took her to her polling place today. Wille Mae voted for Hillary. She's 93 and hasn't missed an election.
She went to segregated schools her whole life. She thinks women have come a long way, but need equal pay.
This is target of the op. These women.
Yeah. Pretty messed up.
(14,318 posts)than I was when I spent election day 1972 back in my home district (they wouldn't let college students vote where they went to school) driving voters, mainly elderly black folks, to the polls.
I got home after a 12 hour day exhausted and, since my marginal vehicle didn't even have a radio, didn't find out until I walked into my apartment that they had called the election for Nixon about 7:30. Still, I was glad I had done my part for the Democratic Party in South Carolina.
Very heartening to see this picture and think about what it represents, especially since Dems are much more marginalized in SC now than they were in 1972.
Thanks for the post.
(1,772 posts)dismissive and offensive.
(13,685 posts)Oh, there's some good people there. It's not totally a wasteland, but as far as representing the future and the Democratic party? Well, just ignore that.
(156,277 posts)The first two states were Iowa and New Hampshire each with 90+% white voting populations. How are these states representative of the base of the Democratic party?
(14,318 posts)Donald Trump says, "They're bringing in drugs, they're rapists...but some of them are good people."
You don't get to walk back bigoted comments. Re-read the original post, where he talks about the meanest people he's ever seen.
This was really the most disgusting post I've ever read on here that wasn't removed and banned immediately.
(12,689 posts)Someone clearly is comfort talking...
(22,871 posts)your utter contempt.
(13,685 posts)They have been oppressed for centuries. SC just did take down the confederate flag. That says a lot about the oppression, eh?
(22,871 posts)racists to vote? Your OP is a perfect example of this:
(30,481 posts)And voting against the current of the system in their own state. Standing up, taking art, and going the exact opposite direction you are claiming.
Some of what you say rings very true. The connection itself is offensive and not accurate.
(27,985 posts)yardwork
(64,935 posts)The racist condescension in these posts is just incredible.
(32,886 posts)The disgusting and outright crazy posts here are ridiculous.
(5,591 posts)Unbelievable.
(2,760 posts)I should be surprised, but I'm not
(13,685 posts)Do you understand what that means? It represented master/slave history.
(62,511 posts)KelleyD
(277 posts)firebrand80
(2,760 posts)hobbit709
(41,694 posts)Truer words were never spoken.
Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)Clinton did well here.
I'm shocked.
(10,565 posts)tammywammy
(26,582 posts)LexVegas
(6,615 posts)kstewart33
(6,551 posts)He's tried his hardest to spur young people to join the Revolution in South Carolina. The young people responded by not voting.
And they're afraid? Of what? Bernie's platform and electability?
Or much more likely, is it because they behaved like most young people do, and so they did not vote.
Your trashing an entire state because evidently voters did not support your candidate, is priceless. Of the worst kind.
(15,720 posts)On the eve of South Carolinas Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) spoke in a mostly empty gymnasium at the historically black Claflin University in Orangeburg.
link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-south-carolina-bill-clinton_us_56d1d0b8e4b0871f60eb9d9e
(13,685 posts)SC deserves reparations for slavery.
(24,853 posts)kstewart33
(6,551 posts)Texas and the South are conservative, rarely resulting in big Democratic wins.
I grew up in the South. I get frustrated with the conservatism and especially racism in the South, but I stop far short of stereotyping states as ignorant, back woods and so forth, simply because they don't support candidates that I do.
The situation and the makeup of these states is far more complex than the stereotypes that I'm reading tonight on this forum.
(20,618 posts)You are easily, by far, the funniest poster on DU!
I salute you!
(62,511 posts)Would appreciate the jury results. Baffling.
(43,668 posts)This is just sad.
(4,569 posts)Disgusting........
On Sat Feb 27, 2016, 03:58 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Here's why we should ignore SC vote
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Personally insults an entire state and their Democratic voters.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sat Feb 27, 2016, 04:06 PM, and the Jury voted 2-5 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Feel The Bern......Of being hidden for insulting thousands of Democratic voters
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: What a stupid alert.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: SC is not a blue state, it's generally backward and full of racists. Facts are facts.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I have relatives in SC and travel extensively there. I have yet to meet a mean South Carolinian.
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(26,582 posts)☹
(44,273 posts)Juror #3 should be brought to the attention of Admins.
(277 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)their blatantly bigoted shit wasn't hidden by an obviously biased jury. Maybe.
Rose Siding
(32,624 posts)They look around and see wow a majority is down with this crap. Then comes the imagined internet requirement to go further, become more outrageous.
The devolution of values may be the lasting residual of the revolution.
(4,507 posts)but I guess it's good that it remain as a testament to just how badly some have lost the plot.
That is a delete your account worthy post. Just really disgraceful, ugly stuff.
McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)HereSince1628
(36,063 posts)That's the way it works.
If your candidate doesn't win, better luck in the downstream contests.
If your candidate does win, congratulations, see you in the contests downstream.
(24,689 posts)Sorry... the media, the campaigns and the voters on Super Tuesday wont ignore it.... because its big.
(1,385 posts)But I'll let it stand in all its glorious stupidity.
(27,953 posts)It's just.....
(4,143 posts)Tuesday results as well?????
(18,402 posts)That's all I have to say about this shocking post. Except that my husband is a white Jewish male born and bred in South Carolina. He's a strong Hillary supporter (after being a strong Obama supporter in 2008 and 2012). Doesn't live there anymore, but still.
Really???!? I can't even ... The ugliness is too much for me.
(64,935 posts)It's one of the most blatantly bigoted things I've seen on DU. Posters have been banned for far less.
Not cool at all.
(154,021 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)On today, when you say that, it can only mean one thing. You are looking to ignore the same group of voters that the GOP ignores. In doing so, you are talking about destroying lives for decades more.
You see, the adults in the room will not ignore the results today. In '08 it went 54 to 45 McCaine. You want to ignore the group that the republicans ignore in that state? Hell no. They are going to deliver SC to the Democratic Party in the next decade because Republicans are ignore them and destroying a lot of their opportunity along the way.
I want a more just society. That doesn't happen by ignoring POC who are fighting. Don't ignore them, join them. The state will turn slowly. Don't take a stand that will in turn promote further oppressive policies. Do the exact opposite of ignore. Join the fight.
(26,117 posts)First: we shouldn't ignore other voters
Second: that's some pretty racist shit you're saying about an entire state
(21,210 posts)that we should ignore the results.
(27,985 posts)giftedgirl77
(4,713 posts)That's rational.
Metric System
(6,048 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)So far, for Sanders, there was a tie in Iowa (at most), a narrow-ish loss in Nevada and a decisive win in NH. Now Hillary will have a decisive win too, just like her almost unkinown challenger. Big deal.
No hand-wringing, no despair, no complacency, no perseverating. Just keep volunteering and donating and let the campaign do the rest.
(1,545 posts)Maybe some Sanders folks will finally see the dark side of their movement that we've been trying to tell them about.
(21,210 posts)of our support and voices.
Starry Messenger
(32,375 posts)Exit polls from SC show 19% want more progress, the other 81% are happy with the way things are or want to go backward.
1% of the under 30 crowd voted and it's probably because they are scared.
Forget SC, it is among the most backwards of states with some of the meanest people I have ever met. It is not far from being a slave state again, only the federal government keeps it from doing so.
SC retains the Master/servant style of population. Hillary represents the master class well, with her riches and standing. Bernie, being Jewish and a white male has three strikes against him.
The poor people of that state have my utmost sympathy. They have been beaten down and oppressed for so long they don't know what's up.
(4,035 posts)Even if what RobertEarl is saying is right (but it isn't, it's incredibly racist), Bernie wouldn't have three strikes against him. He is white and male, and racists like white men. His only strike would be that he is Jewish, which would be a strike against him, but then Hillary would have a strike against her too, because she is a woman. To paraphrase Elizabeth Bennet, so far they are equal.
The dismissal of democratic voters as "not knowing what's up" is racists, just like Sanders had his unfortunate "you're smarter than that", i.e., you're smarter than the huge voting block who went for Hillary - when that huge voting block is majority black = racism. RobertEarl is saying racist things here, like his master did in his concession speech.
(27,835 posts)... because Hillary is about to win it - BIG time!
You could have just posted that, instead of being ignorant and offensive.
If the exit polls show 81% of voters being happy with the way things are, that doesn't bode well for Bernie's "The People want a Revolution" meme, does it?
And why would the under-30 crowd be scared? Scared of what? What happened to all of those young first-time voters who were going to come out in droves for Bernie? I didn't hear Bernie qualify that by saying "except in some states".
(44,273 posts)they shouldn't have any say in determining who becomes the Democratic nominee.
Is that really what you're saying?
So, poster, which states should determine who the Democratic nominee is?
(9,263 posts)...they will be saying the same on NY primary...Illinois primary....California primary..But hey look at we did in New Hampshire..
(13,685 posts)And the nomination.
But as far as winning red states? Hillary has them.
(5,591 posts)redstateblues
(10,565 posts)jsmirman
(4,507 posts)she is very popular here and for good reason. Because despite being initially skeptical - I know I was - she turned out to be a great senator and a great representative of our proud state.
(156,277 posts)Sanders is not polling well in California according to the latest polls that I have seen http://www.field.com/fieldpollonline/subscribers/Rls2522.pdf By the time California rolls around, the process will be over. Again with proportionate voting, it will be hard to catch Clinton after Super Tuesday. Losing California by 11 points is not a great way to become the nominee.
(27,835 posts)... that he's going to win all 50 states!!!
How's that working out so far?
(34,582 posts)And I would bet dollars to donuts that, had he won SC, you would be trumpeting what a great victory is was.
(13,685 posts)It would have pretty much sealed Hillary's fate.
But those of us who know SC never expected that given all the establishment weight against Bernie, did he stand a chance there. Or most any other red state. They're red for a reason, right?
(20,618 posts)yardwork
(64,935 posts)The red voters - Republicans - aren't invited to vote in the Democratic primary. Maybe you didn't know that.
(44,862 posts)ignorance. Which is the nicest thing that can be said about his post.
(64,935 posts)w4rma
(31,700 posts)South Carolina Democratic voters are political losers. They probably sabotage their best politicians for not being neoliberal enough.
They have elected exactly zero statewide Democrats. They have 6 Republicans in the U.S. House and Clyburn is the *only* Democratic Representative.
Their state legislature is either Super Majority or near-Super Majority Republican.
(13,685 posts)SC doesn't like the Democratic party. Because LBJ gave the southerners too many free civil rights.
(31,700 posts)RobertEarl
(13,685 posts)SC has all electronic voting systems. Meaning no or very little paper for the ballots. These e-vote machines, you may remember, are what favored the bush 2004 selection and in most every other state have been trashed in favor of paper ballots.
(31,700 posts)Hillary Clinton pushed for them in the "Help America Vote Act".
(13,685 posts)Democrats don't have power in SC. So there is no way they can get the proper voting apparatus.
Basically, the establishment likes to be able to count the votes.
(31,700 posts)Democrats in South Carolina could work with the conservative voters to try to get rid of black box voting.
(15,509 posts)We all know the real reason for the sour grapes.
South Carolina Democratic primary live updates: Hillary Clinton looks to deliver a decisive win
Your candidate will show class when he concedes. You should emulate his example.
(156,277 posts)Gothmog
(156,277 posts)I am shocked that this post survived an alert.
(2,074 posts)Response to RobertEarl (Original post)
rbrnmw This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,316 posts)Hit a triple
(9,527 posts)God is this post offensive and uninformed. Thankfully you don't speak for Sanders.
(31,700 posts)the South Carolina primary. Clinton won those ideologies among black folks. Sanders edged out moderates to win among white folks and won liberals by 2 to 1.
The Traveler
(5,632 posts)I mean no disrespect but, Great Scott! Was alcohol involved in the crafting of this post?
I understand frustration. You and I know from history and long experience that Clinton rhetoric is quite distinct from Clinton action. I predict that a second Clinton administration will just allow and/or enable more social and economic injustice on the black voters of South Carolina and, well, everywhere else.
But to suggest we ignore the voters and their decision is not only disrespectful and rude ... it is freaking stupid. Why did we lose South Carolina? BECAUSE WE FAILED TO MAKE OUR CASE!
And we had a strong case. So ... how did we fail? How did we fail these people? Because we DID fail them. Surely, we can blame some of it on lies, damn lies, disinformation, denial and sleaze coming out of the Clinton campaign folk, the army of lobbyists and surrogates, and many of her supporters. But I have to believe that we can penetrate that fog. And we failed to do so here. We need to attune ourselves to these voters, so they can hear us ... and so we can hear them.
Let's not let frustration or disappointment take us of our message and purpose. We're fighting for the means to better this country and elevate its people. This was always going to be an uphill battle against the machine, and we may well lose this round. Sanders may well lose the nomination, though losing SC provides no guarantee of that doom. He may well win this thing, too. We're not done yet.
But Sanders losing the nomination doesn't mean this revolution is over. And it doesn't mean we can't reach through the fog of triangulation and gather people to our cause. But we won't accomplish that by issuing pronouncements about "master/slave" relationships. The black voters of South Carolina perceived it to be in their interests to vote for Ms. Clinton. Of course, I believe firmly they were wrong. There are lessons for this movement and the Sanders campaign in this outcome. Let us be humans, use our minds and hearts, learn, and apply our acquired understanding.
(9,606 posts)"We should ignore the results of the Super Tuesday votes because blah-blah-blah..."
(11,618 posts)Flying Squirrel
(3,041 posts)Zynx
(21,328 posts)You can't just ignore states with a constituency that is vital to the party. You just assume that they don't know what they're doing because they don't accept your agenda and instead accept a perfectly progressive agenda that isn't just your brand.
You can't do that. I'm sorry. That's no way to build a party.
(58,724 posts)If so - wow.
brer cat
(26,612 posts)JimDandy
(7,318 posts)Delete this crap. Sanders supporter here.
(10,786 posts)yeoman's work to depress the vote and especially the youth vote today and in the foreseeable future!
The never ending mantra of Hillary's inevitability and "No We Can't" won the day! Other than the people who always vote Democratic out of habit, everyone stayed home.
The best future hope of the Democratic party now doesn't give shit about the political process because they know it is just as rigged as the economy if not moreso. Thanks, Clinton supporters for doing your part to ensure the triumph of oligarchy over the insidious threat of democracy!
(20,411 posts)Tarc
(10,581 posts)"not far from being a slave state again" ?
"Hillary represents the master class well..." ?
Wow, not to subtle on the undertones there, eh?
(20,411 posts)JimDandy
(7,318 posts)I see many of the Sander's supporters on this thread condemning this post. The Admin should remove this poster immediately.
(20,411 posts)JimDandy
(7,318 posts)Asked the admin to review it.
(64,935 posts)DrDan
(20,411 posts)redstateblues
(10,565 posts)As a red state Democrat I am offended that you think don't think my vote counts. Losing sucks-you are a sore loser!
(148,150 posts)Just like the starfish...
(13,685 posts)SC has some of the worst nuke facilities in the US. Savannah River leads the list in SC. And there is another rather large nuclear waste dump in the state.
(148,150 posts)That must account for Hillary's massive win in SC. Yeah... That's the ticket.
(13,685 posts)Radiation is good for you. And it's all handled safely and securely for the 10,000 years they say they are keeping it.
But one does have to wonder: Why 10,000 years and why do they have to keep it safe for that long?
(11,833 posts)for themselves.
(34,569 posts)DrDan
(20,411 posts)what his supporters are saying about the more "backward" parts of the U.S.
(11,234 posts)ecstatic
(34,569 posts)Racist undertones. Completely tasteless!
(4,507 posts)vile.
(24,544 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)post saying that is why they recc'd.
(3,922 posts)Off with the mask...on with the hood.
(1,385 posts)Clinton is winning the white vote in SC 53-47.
There it is! Blow out....
(148,150 posts)wait...really? How embarrassing...
(8,043 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)ACRRUATELY asseSessed the issuees and with reason and sounD logic, have made the best poSissble decision for themselves, tHeir communiteees and thEir families!111One
(27,985 posts)Andy823
(11,535 posts)And some here try and say the don't exist!
I think you and everyone of your fellow bros who recd this thread, should head on over to Trumps campaign, I hear they need volunteers.
(277 posts)SidDithers
(44,273 posts)that's what we've been told over and over and over and over and over.
(156,277 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)the delegate math. And most of the 53 from SC will belong to Hillary Clinton after tonight.
(168 posts)Even with the Democratic Establishment & Mainstream Media (which to listen to them btw, has South Carolina now as "the second coming" for a state that hasn't gone Democratic since 1976?) is supporting her but it's not showing in the GE Polls.
The Democratic Voters are a "Big Tent" of different groups & if one group "stays at home" they will not win the General Election.
Everybody already knows Hillary & she is not overall liked, but Sanders generates more & more enthusiasm as people get to know him & has the possibility to bring all these groups together to win.
Mark my words, if she is the nominee she will lose by a landslide because she will not be able to differentiate herself from the Republican Candidate.
And that side will have the enthusiasm.
(8,175 posts)Forget SC, it is among the most backwards of states with some of the meanest people I have ever met. It is not far from being a slave state again, only the federal government keeps it from doing so.
I had a good friend I worked with in Colorado. Wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but a good friend and a nice person. I was sort of her protector. She and her boyfriend moved to SC, and a few years later I was getting some pretty ugly e-mails from her. I never challenged her on it. I just figured what the hell, I can't fight with the climate down there, and defriended her. Just stopped replying.
(5,668 posts)Pretty much a tell tail usually how things go. fraid the young are all enamored by Trump in that State. thats a write off state. no chance of Hillary winning that one at all. Pure Trump. I expected nothing less it was just would he get least get 25 % and looks like he did that. That ain't bad in my book for a state she expected a total win.
Response to RobertEarl (Original post)
Post removed
(13,685 posts)I live in the deep south. I have lost a lot of friends who hate me because I campaigned, on the streets, for Barack Obama, 2008.
And have rejected many a person as a friend because they were racists. Thanks, and have a nice day, jsmirman.
(4,507 posts)just gross.
(306,135 posts)GoneFishin
(5,217 posts)Gothmog
(156,277 posts)Milliesmom
(493 posts)It is the only primary Hillary has won, Bernie won once and now Hillary, Iowa was a virtual tie and Nevada was very close. Both Iowa and Nevada had some odd things going on there, but Bernie decided not to waste his time and energy on them. Bernie knew he was going to lose SC and put his time in other places, he said he would be very pleased if he won 20 % and 15 % would be even better.
(12,046 posts)81% still support Barack Obama... I guess you think they are too stupid to realize that your opinion is the only one. You should be ashamed of this post.
Don Draper
(187 posts)Against their self interests. Let's just hope that the blue states vote for the real progressive; Bernie sanders. He is the only one who can beat trump in the GE. A vote for Hillary in the primary is like a vote for trump for president .
(20,411 posts)redstateblues
(10,565 posts)DrDan
(20,411 posts)CreekDog
(46,192 posts)I'm voting for Hillary because I think she has the best chance of beating Trump or the others.
what the heck is wrong with you coming here with 156 posts to tell the Hillary supporters they are voting for Trump?
what credibility do you have on the subject?
(6,437 posts)Has just been confirmed by this OP.
(20,317 posts)No one expected SC to go for Sanders. He's not going to win every state, and that's fine. People should vote for whomever they consider to be the best candidate.
Congratulations to Hillary Clinton on her SC win.
(51,691 posts)LibDemAlways
(15,139 posts)anyone with a D after his or her name has any chance whatsoever of winning South Carolina in November? Not even the most ardent Hillary supporter could possibly be that delusional.
Congrats to Hillary on her win, though, and let's see how both candidates do when pitted against each other in the big states that are reliably Dem and the swing states where the election will be won or lost.
(2,983 posts)I am a 100%, fanatical Bernie supporter, but I strongly disagree that we should ignore this vote. A large number of African Americans came out to vote for Clinton today - we should consider that, and consider how we might appeal to them on a wider scale.
Also... not far from being a slave state again? Do you have some kind of evidence/data to support that assertion? The Master/servant style of population... again, evidence/data? You understand that a lot of people have problems with those statements, right? You understand why a large number of people, particularly African Americans, will find them deeply offensive?
The poor always have my utmost sympathy and empathy, as I am one of them. However, let's not pretend that a whole heck of a lot of poor people didn't vote for Clinton today. We should ask ourselves why. We should ask ourselves what we can do, moving forward, to appeal more strongly to black voters, latino voters, to every kind of voter in this Country.
We can learn even more from our defeats than from our victories, let's not ignore the things we learned in SC today. Every vote counts. Even those we disagree with.
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)Second, why would the OP poster disrespect Lincoln's memory by marginalizing African Americans ? Second, doesn't this sound eerily familiar to the Republican's strategy ? Disregard the minority vote and hope that enough white people in other states will elect your candidate ? Shameful.
(8,337 posts)that is a really horrible op-ed.
Generalizing an entire state in this way is just ridiculous.
(23,791 posts)Hillary Clinton was a known person who they all knew by name recognition.
(6,852 posts)... figuring out why Bernie has trouble getting African-Americans to vote for him.
(6,960 posts)a transplant by marriage. It was culture shock when I first moved here from DC, especially politically where I found people brainwashed and frankly, ignorant of history. The south went repuke after LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act. And today many remain what I call congenital repukes.
So what about the Dems... a minority for sure and yes, POCs comprise a large part of that minority though we are only 27% of the state population per the 2010 census. And yet so many of my brethren are uninformed, misinformed and responsive to suggestions from pastors and local AA pols, many of whom were/are in the tank for HRC.
As an older woman of color, I am dismayed that many of my peers/friends on both sides of the color line were/are for HRC solely because she's a woman. When I have pointed out how she sure fought repukes with her IWR and bankruptcy bill votes OR her support of the Glass-Steagall reversal and welfare deform as well as her tenure at State that left Honduras, Libya and Syria all messes, I have been met with blank, so-what stares! I have tried talking about the TPP, the Keystone pipeline, Monsanto, fracking, etc... same reaction. Or worse, I have gotten the: I don't care about politics/I don't want to talk about politics response. What?!
These are not dumb people... some are professional women who are exceptionally, bright and talented in their fields. Yet, they are remarkably uninformed about HRC's record, listen to TV news for political information, and are amnestic about the 2008 primary campaign. I have reached a point where I think America is truly doomed and that the nation deserves the devolved 'leadership' choices that the moneyed powers offer. Only when the bottom falls out and chaos abounds will sheeple wake up... too late
I will continue to support Bernie no matter what and will write his name in the general as I cannot vote for the not-so-lesser of two evils. In the general, it really won't matter in this deep RED state.
I will add two asides. I would not paint with a broad brush and characterize the people here as mean. Quite the contrary, there truly are some wonderful people here, but the state can (some people, members of the legislature, etc.) be backward; hence the oft stated other 'motto': Thank God for Mississippi!
(168 posts)of this state as the "gold standard" in the Presidential Election Primaries?
Sounds like it's being pushed a little too much for some reason.
(13,685 posts)And they are a little mean. Especially to those who don't toe their line. Like me?
I was so happy for SC people when they took down that damn flag. You can see my post in the SC forum/group. That flag stuff just goes to show how much meanness there is, imo.
Thank you for your kind reply. You have shown real class. More than I that's for sure! Good luck down here.
(2,931 posts)You should make a version of this post into its own OP.
PM Martin
(2,660 posts)Berniebros can piss and moan all they want, but ignoring the base of the party will end Bernie's campaign.
(168 posts)We're all one "Big Tent" that wins when everybody is involved for a TRUE DEMOCRAT from thee bases together....
But's let's get back to you....
Please tell us how Bernie is ignoring the Black Base of the Party?
(7,169 posts)jillan
(39,451 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)And only the federal government keeping them from it."
I've read some dumb race baiting shit on this board. But congrats you win the prize.