2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumChicago Teachers Caucus Rejects Clinton Union Endorsement & Endorses Sanders!
Last edited Tue Feb 23, 2016, 10:05 AM - Edit history (1)
CORE votes to endorse Bernie Sanders... Caucus leading the Chicago Teachers Union rejects earlier Clinton 'endorsement' by the American Federation of Teachers leadership...
After a heated debate, the Caucus Of Rank-and-file Educators (CORE) of the Chicago Teachers Union voted at its February 22, 2016 regular meeting to endorse the candidacy of Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the March 15, 2015 Democratic Party primary in Illinois. The vote was overwhelming in support of Sanders (this reporter is a member of CORE and was present and voting at the meeting).
ETA. updated title so Clinton people don't have a fit. For info on this "unimportant" organization of educators:
About CORE
The Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE) is a group of dedicated teachers, retirees, Paraprofessional School Related Personnel (PSRPs), parents, community members and other champions of public education. We fight for equitable public education and hope to improve the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) so that it fights both on behalf of its members and on behalf of Chicagos students.
The principles upon which we organize are set out in the CORE Bylaws:
Member Driven Union The focus of the caucus is to respond to and represent the voice of the members.
Transparency & Accountability All actions, elections and finances shall be open to all members for inspection and as such are open to public debate and discussion within the membership. We shall aggressively seek open governance in the Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Teachers Union, and all organizations that affect public education.
Education for All CORE fights for equitable high quality education for all students and seeks to establish and maintain partnerships among parents, students, community, and labor organizations for this purpose.
Defense of Publicly Funded Public Education Whereas public education is under attack from a well-funded group of business interests, politicians, privatizers and enemies of publicly funded public education, CORE seeks to defend publicly funded public education as the last bastion of democratic expression and hope for students in all public schools across Chicago.
Strong Contract A strong Agreement between the Chicago Teachers Union and the Board of Education shall ensure that working conditions and compensation provide for optimal teaching and learning.
Really, what do here people know about education that Randi doesn't? They have a nerve preferring Sanders.

(14,023 posts)

(2,166 posts)RiverLover
(7,830 posts)Slowly but surely, the blinders are coming off. That's so fantastic.
(2,546 posts)Mika speaks the truth ... by accident... "Print journalist has transcripts!"
(5,573 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 23, 2016, 10:03 AM - Edit history (2)
I wonder if she will keep him under wraps.
And yes. It sounds like a dreadful organization. What do they know!
About CORE
The Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE) is a group of dedicated teachers, retirees, Paraprofessional School Related Personnel (PSRPs), parents, community members and other champions of public education. We fight for equitable public education and hope to improve the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) so that it fights both on behalf of its members and on behalf of Chicagos students.
The principles upon which we organize are set out in the CORE Bylaws:
Member Driven Union The focus of the caucus is to respond to and represent the voice of the members.
Transparency & Accountability All actions, elections and finances shall be open to all members for inspection and as such are open to public debate and discussion within the membership. We shall aggressively seek open governance in the Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Teachers Union, and all organizations that affect public education.
Education for All CORE fights for equitable high quality education for all students and seeks to establish and maintain partnerships among parents, students, community, and labor organizations for this purpose.
Defense of Publicly Funded Public Education Whereas public education is under attack from a well-funded group of business interests, politicians, privatizers and enemies of publicly funded public education, CORE seeks to defend publicly funded public education as the last bastion of democratic expression and hope for students in all public schools across Chicago.
Strong Contract A strong Agreement between the Chicago Teachers Union and the Board of Education shall ensure that working conditions and compensation provide for optimal teaching and learning.
(18,133 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)wolfie001
(4,020 posts)That greasy slimeball Rahm Emanuel. Right hand man to Bubba.
George II
(67,782 posts)workinclasszero
(28,270 posts)Bernie supporters wont trash with "corrupt union bosses" meme
(114,904 posts)What bullshit.
(28,270 posts)and i quote...."Bernie supporters"
All over this fuckin board since Bernies defeat in Nevada!
(332 posts)workinclasszero
(28,270 posts)Ill wait.
(5,621 posts)Harry Reid Rushed Home to Nevada to Help Rig Caucus Results for Clinton
A week before the Nevada caucuses, as new polls showed Sen. Bernie Sanders support in the state surging, Mr. Reid made a call to the head of Nevadas most powerful unionthe Culinary Workers Union in Las Vegas, which did not plan on engaging in the caucusesand influenced the unions decision. Mr. Reid also made calls to casino executives along the Las Vegas strip to ensure casino workers were given time off to join the caucuses on the strip, which was predicted to be Ms. Clintons stronghold in the state. Mr. Reids gamble paid off, with all six casino caucuses favoring Ms. Clinton over Mr. Sanders by 109 to 52.
(28,270 posts)a democrat, make a fucking phone call to another democrat, to help another democrat!
The man should be horsewhipped!!!!
ALERT THE MEDIA somebody! Oh the humanity!!!
So now all unions are run by corrupt bosses????
You people are sad as hell.
(5,621 posts)The Culinary union was going to sit out the caucus, but after Reid called they were told to go. The other union bosses were also able to negotiate to get their members time off.
And, the biggest problem with the caucuses is that the very people who really need to be heard (no union) can't be, because THEY can't get off work or they'll lose their jobs.
But, keep up the sarcasm, it suits Hillary, and turns off Bernie supporters. I'm voting for a person, not against.
(213 posts)and union bosses, who may have voted differently, can see how union members are voting. The bosses may, in fact, be precinct captains. How is this not intimidation? If you fear for your job, can you vote freely in front of your boss? This does not seem democratic to me.
(22,146 posts)Leaving that out followed by the attempted sarcasm that neglects that obvious excluded fact torpedoes your argument and (minimally) lowers your credibility on this topic.
An honest debate is the best debate.
(1,890 posts)If you are ok with Harry Reid helping Hillary after declaring that he was "neutral" that's your business. However, conflating this fact to then say that Sanders supporters are saying that all unions are run by corrupt bosses is disingenuous.
(28,270 posts)All this anti union sentiment is getting out to the states that haven't held their primaries yet.
People are seeing exactly which campaign its coming from, have no doubt!
(4,532 posts)They are bullied into endorsing the establishment candidate. For fear of losing delegates
(1,947 posts)to send John Lewis out there to slander Bernie, it wasn't enough to send Heurta out there with lies of "English only" You now need to claim that we are anti-union, when in fact we are the pro-union supporters. The candidate I support never was on a board of Wal-mart. the candidate I support didn't support NAFTA. The candidate I support did not until recently stop supporting the TPP, which would hurt workers. What issue does your candidate have that isn't both sided? The anti- union sentiment is being noted by union workers across America. they believe it comes from the Hillary camp and her record would suggest that. In my town the plumbers and laborer's local members support Bernie, but guess who leadership supports? Deal with the fact it is actually your candidate who is bad for workers of all dynamics, she wants to start negotiating from the bottom dollar price, this is yet another example of her poor judgment and negotiating skills. The union members would rather support someone like FDR than someone who liked TPP until a few months ago.
Peace Patriot
(24,010 posts)...that I identified during the Bush junta, as follows:
Whatever they say, the opposite is true. And whatever they accuse others of doing, they are doing or planning to do.
It was a pretty reliable rule-of-thumb for figuring out the truth of things from the Bushwhacks. And it's turning out to be a useful rule-of-thumb for Clinton supporters as well.
It used to be called "the Big Lie." Just reverse something (i.e., "war is peace"

Clinton really is anti-union, anti-worker, anti-poor people (black, brown, white or other), and anti-middle class, if her previous actions and those of her husband--which, as far as we know, she fully supported-- are any guide, and if her current associations and donors are any guide.
Jobs FLOODED out of the country and we saw U.S. communities--the poor, the black and brown most of all--decimated by NAFTA, doubly decimated by Clinton welfare "reform," and triply decimated by the corrupt, murderous, failed U.S. "war on drugs" and mass incarceration in frigging private prisons!
Meanwhile, pals of the Clintons made money hand over fist with all these Clinton POLICIES. Every job taken out of the country, to cheap labor markets abroad, made the uber-rich richer, and depressed wages here, making yet more money for the uber-rich. Some of their uber-rich pals made out like bandits on the mortgage fraud and the Great Recession--partially induced by Bill getting rid of the New Deal "Glass-Steagall" regulations--while African-American communities lost half their wealth, and tens of thousands of ordinary people were thrown out of their homes. Then they made out like bandits again with trillions of dollars in bailout money--OUR tax money!
So, what do Clinton supporters do? They try to make BERNIE SANDERS--who has strongly opposed "free trade for the rich"--look anti-union! They try to make BERNIE SANDERS--who actually has a documented record in the civil rights movement, and has supported civil rights and economic fairness all his life--look like a white racist, with goddamn lies and dirty tricks!
It's "the Big Lie" technique. Sick. Nasty. And incredibly irresponsible.
(710 posts)workinclasszero
(28,270 posts)If they pick Bernie, they are a great and wonderful union.
If they pick Hillary well obviously its due to corrupt union bosses, etc.
Does that about cover it.
(710 posts)When the actual rank and file get to vote on who they union endorses its fair.
The issue that I and most Bernie supports andsom unikn members have has been thr string of endoresements for HRC with little to no input from the rank and file members...
If the vote for HRC, then so be it. But to force it upon uniin members because the leadership is in bed with HRC and the Democratic political establishment is outrageous and undemocratic.
(28,270 posts)The union members FREELY ELECTED their leadership to carry out their wishes!!!!!
(47,803 posts)It is possible to support a leader while disagreeing with them on some matters.
(28,270 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 23, 2016, 11:22 AM - Edit history (1)
in no way constitutes CORRUPTION!
If the members don't like what their leaders have done they can again freely vote to throw them out!
And again...this is in no way CORRUPT! Its called DEMOCRACY! Ever heard of it? Why do Bernie fans hate the democratic process so much???
I don't get it?
(3,865 posts)Only condescending jerks use the phrase "you people "
(2,872 posts)JonLeibowitz
(6,282 posts)VulgarPoet
(2,872 posts)
(10,493 posts)They elect them to negotiate and speak on issues, not take their voice away on who they as a collective wish to endorse. An individual or elite group may come to a different decision than rank and file for matters like that. Which is why GOOd union bosses send out polls and collect data. It's also why they collect data on key issues like contract negotiation, so that when they do speak for them - they know they have their full backing and support.
Something YOU PEOPLE keep forgetting. Maybe this is why our political system is so fucked up.
(3,212 posts)nt
"These people" certainly do rise to the expectations of what Republicans expect from unions.
(12,882 posts)in several different unions during my working years. Our union leaders would hold meetings where they listened to what the members wanted before they went to negotiating or endorsing. I think that's how democracy's 'sposed to work.
(19,460 posts)monicaangela
(1,508 posts)It appears the teachers, members of this union have spoken. They would rather not have Hillary as President.
(72,631 posts)
(1,115 posts)I just wanted to post something positive. Cali's post (above)
was super. I am Bernie all the way. I am still chuckling.
Go Chicago Teachers! Cali lit a fire LOL!
(1,443 posts)They made a wise choice.
Generic Other
(29,019 posts)They never asked the rank and file how we felt. Guess this explains why!
(10,493 posts)Whether you support Bernie or HRC. Your voice matters, and you should have had a say.
(11,250 posts)~BERNIE~
(3,795 posts)Chicago1980
(1,968 posts)Wanting more money when both the city and state are strapped.
The state more than likely will be going for Clinton anyway.
(114,904 posts)Chicago1980
(1,968 posts)Thanks
(10,056 posts)Why? Is it because favors are done to those that fall in line?
Is that the angle you really want to work?
(14,923 posts)

(1,680 posts)kgnu_fan
(3,021 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)out of a union that has 30,000 members. Headline is a joke.
(5,573 posts)Let's see there was Randi and ..., how many others?
(22,871 posts)to their web page,you don't even have to be a union member to join.
(5,573 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)Nanjeanne
(5,573 posts)Kittycat
(10,493 posts)Hillary's paid speaking event at Rauner's old firm.
(608 posts)If you aren't a member, you join to become a member. Could you have meant 'don't have to be a teacher' to become a member of their union?
(22,871 posts)the Caucus Of Rank-and-file Educators. They are not the Chicago Teachers Union.
(42,862 posts)
Reminds me of PFJ vs JFP and such.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Blus4u
(608 posts)K & R
(7,865 posts)I am glad that some of the unions are actually looking at the records of the candidates and where they have stood in the past.
(45,850 posts)turbinetree
(25,565 posts)Honk-----------------for a political revolution Bernie 2016
Feel the Bern
Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)And I am totally for Sanders ( tried to persuade my own NYC AFT caucus to do what CORE just did).
What's the story w. this, though:
>>> What was not taken was a vote, that had earlier been discussed by not decided, to call for a special meeting of the union's 800-member House of Delegates prior to the March 15 Illinois voting.>>>>
Why not put it to a vote of the "official" CTU ?
(4,213 posts)dr60omg
(283 posts)Randi Weingarden wants a cabinet position. I am livid that people like Gutierrez over Jesus "Cjuy" Garcia that ought to say a great deal.
I am glad there is a group in Chicago standing up to this neoliberal dismantling of public education which Randi seems to favor ....
Unions need to wrest support from people like her ... it is about the members and if the rank and file do not show up to help Clinton but do what the National Nurses Union did ... Sanders can win
(6,551 posts)Size matters.
(5,573 posts)You might want to read the following about how instrumental the group is and was in beating back Rahms horrible plans for Chicago schools.
This is so typical of Clinton and her supporters. If it's not "establishment" it means nothing. They don't care if an organization stand for progressive values, real education reform, etc. they would rather stand with Arne Duncan than the teachers and other educators fighting for their children. This is your Democratic Party folks. So sad to see a real democratic organization belittled when they stand for what used to be the party's values.
Oh and I bet the organization is larger than the 120 ppl or 75% of the Union Board who voted to endorse Clinton.
(348 posts)JimDandy
(7,318 posts)They probably were a lttle tickled by the coincidence.
(4,280 posts)Iwillnevergiveup
(9,298 posts)Began my teaching career at McCorkle School, at State and 33rd. Fond memories of my union rep and mentor. She was instrumental in my decision to stay with teaching.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Jefferson23
(30,099 posts)our own party. Open your eyes folks, this is not going to go away even if she wins.
(72,153 posts)and everything to do w sticking it to rahm.
(5,573 posts)TIME TO PANIC
(1,894 posts)
(66,179 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,615 posts)Thanks for the thread, Nanjeanne.
(18,402 posts)from the prestigious Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, Hillary Clinton is leading Bernie Sanders 55% to 32% in the City of Chicago (with 13% undecided there). She is leading him 63% to 23% among non-white voters (with 14% undecided). Even if he were to pick up all of the undecided votes in Chicago, or among non-white voters, his percentage would not exceed hers. The primary is in 3 weeks.
(5,573 posts)frazzled
(18,402 posts)I simply pointed out that an endorsement from a caucus within a union has a very uphill battle in erasing Clinton's apparent commanding lead in the Illinois primary, given the only polling data available for this state.
Isn't it the Sanders's side that is always saying endorsements don't matter?
(5,573 posts)General voters very much. Unless it's a celebrity someone loves. I think grass roots organizations can help get out the vote.
(4,377 posts)PatrickforO
(15,160 posts)leftcoastmountains
(2,968 posts)Orange Butterfly
(205 posts)Go Bernie!
We are with you.
(1,508 posts)This is excellent. I am so happy this has happened. BTW: Welcome to DU.
Orange Butterfly
(205 posts)So glad to be here MonicaAngela
Thanks for the welcome.
I feel at home as I see this is a Pro-Bernie site and interracial.
(1,508 posts)And yes, this is a Pro Bernie site, however we also have some who are Pro Hillary, which is fine too. I prefer Bernie!
(34,845 posts)
[hr][font color="blue"][center]There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it.
(39,451 posts)in a presidential primary?
Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)To quote Biden, that's "a big fucking deal"! To me, at least.
Go teachers!
(4,558 posts)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign_endorsements%2C_2016
Current US Cabinet members:
Hillary: 4
Bernie: 0
Current Governors:
Hillary: 12
Bernie: 0
Current US Senators:
Hillary: 39
Bernie: 0 (Extra sad considering this is and has been his work place for decades)
Current US Representatives:
Hillary: 159
Bernie: 3
Hillary: Some huge number (got tired of scrolling up and down)
Bernie: 9
Hillary: 24
Bernie: 5
and on.. and on.. and on..
I think the only endorsement group that she doesn't completely dominate in is "Voice artists and musicians"
Hillary: 96
Bernie: 152
So, tell me again how Bernie's very admirable and very ambitious list of campaign promises are anything but a lie? Maybe a well intentioned lie, but unless he's completely ignorant of how Congress works, or what the next congress is shaping up to look like.. It's a work of pure fiction and false hope.
He's working with a Senate that, even those in his party aren't feeling the Bern. He's working with a House of Representatives where even those in his party aren't feeling the Bern. DNC? Not feeling the Bern.
(14,390 posts)All it does is confirm how broken and rigged the whole Washington game is.
How many of those endorsements were long before the Bernie surge, or even before he announced he would run? Or even in the first weeks after that? She was the "Inevitable One". She was/is going to be, if not their boss, then someone with a lot of say over endorsing their proposals, visiting their constituents, in other words being one of the few that did NOT endorse her would mean almost certainly being ostracized by the White House, and maybe more important the DNC ie. Hillary's Ace in the Hole. If this list was remotely reflective of these reps constituents, and were done today, it would may be much closer, even if still leaning establishment. Although the establishment machine is so damn powerful, and repercussions so damaging to a political career, that it takes a brave soul, wearing a D, that would publicly thumb their nose at the Democrat's Royal Family. I admire those few that voted for the "outsider" regardless.
And a few Union bosses also looking to curry favour (with the projected President) over the interests of their members. Sure.
The only group you mention that has no blowback to worry about are the ones that overwhelmingly support Sanders. Just to nail the point down.
(421 posts)A lot of us are really pissed the so called leadership came out early and endorsed Clinton. She absolutely does not have majority support of teachers.
(5,573 posts)CharlotteVale
(2,717 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)dr60omg
(283 posts)Members have a vote rather than what was done by the AFT they vote for Sanders. As does the rank and file even when their elected union heads vote for Clinton and dictate to the members what to do. See for example the National Nurses Union which is the largest female-centric union in the nation.
The FEDERATION is neutral until after the elections but I would venture a guess that there will not be much knocking on doors etc this campaign season for Clinton, there may be volunteers for down ballot races.
(18,791 posts)Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Fairgo
(1,571 posts)if she releases the transcripts.
Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)About this "unimportant" organization of educators.