2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumMy Response to History Lesson For a Young Sanders Supporter
I am posting this in response to a "history lesson" from Susan Bordo on Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-bordo-/history-lesson-for-a-youn_b_9168076.html. My response reflects things said in this blog. I guess I'm just fed-up with this drum beat.
I am "over 65" woman. I do not feeling faceless. I don't have to clench my fists when Sanders is praised.
I am not supporting him because he is "authentic". I am supporting him because he is consistent in his values, his policy plans are the ones that I support and he speaks to me about what I think is important for the future of our country. He walks the walk and that makes him "authentic".
He is not the gatekeeper of progressivism. I AM. I stand at the gate of my own decision on who and what is progressive.
I am not voting for Sanders because he is a "charismatic male politico" telling women what issues are and aren't "progressive". I cannot think of a more condescending thing to say about someone. It is as offensive to read that statement to me, a 66 year old woman, as I imagine it would be to a 24 year old.
I don't need to be lectured about women's rights. I was long a member, a protestor, and someone who marched for women's rights, civil rights, LGBT rights. I can't speak to those who boo'ed Hillary but if this person is talking about the boos she received during the debate - they came because of her "artful smears" comment. And that comment struck a chord with people in the audience. What that has to do with feminism I have no idea.
I was born in 1950. Yes the 60s were intoxicating. You know why? Because we felt we had the power to change things. And you know what - many of us did. We marched for an end to the Vietnam War. And we were empowered. Some of us took part in demonstrations after Stonewall riots. And you know what - we made a difference. We marched on Washington and our voices were heard. We converged on Washington to protest the Kent State shootings and President Richard Nixon's incursion into Cambodia and our voices were heard. We marched for Equal Rights for Women and our voices were heard. Perhaps the younger generation want to participate the way we did - and have their voices heard too?
I am not supporting Bernie because I'm charmed by his scruffy white hair. That's an incredibly patronizing thing to say and I imagine it is to a 24 year old as well. Am I charmed by his unmodulated passion? Not charmed. But excited by. Inspired by. I have a feeling 24 year olds might be as well.
I do not mistake Hillary's caution as a sign of "inauthenticity". I take her ever-changing stances on policies as a sign of inauthenticity. I don't label her "strident" and "shrill" as a way to demean her because she is a woman. Is Bernie being called "strident" and "shrill" as a way to demean him as a man?
Please do understand that 66 year old Bernie supporters and 24 year old Bernie supporters can tell the difference between a "clear message" and the complexity of governing. Please don't tell us that we shouldn't vote for Hillary JUST because she is a woman and then write a long discourse pretty much telling me that I should vote for her because she is a woman.
Please do not talk down to me - as a 66 year old woman or a 24 year old woman -- and imply that I can't understand just how complex our political system is. I think I'm fully capable of analyzing the candidates' policy positions, their histories, their personalities and making up my own mind on who and why I will support Bernie Sanders.
And, you know what? I think the 24 year olds can too.
(2,125 posts)who doesn't need a lecture, a history lesson or a threat of hell. I'm voting for Bernie because he is the best candidate to come along in decades!
Bra-vo, Nanjeanne.
(8,513 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Cassiopeia
(2,603 posts)cali
(114,904 posts)99th_Monkey
(19,326 posts)Might I suggest Camp Weathervane replace whoever's in charge of their 'outreach to women
voters' in their post NH "shakeup".
(26,549 posts)Go Vols
(5,902 posts)With backlash growing, Ms. Steinem issued a retraction on Sunday morning.
(19,326 posts)Nightjock
(1,408 posts)What a fantastic response to an insulting accusation. Thanks for posting!
(10,345 posts)m-lekktor
(3,675 posts)Kittycat
(10,493 posts)And stand right beside you holding hands in support of Bernie. Well stated.
(17,196 posts)WHEN CRABS ROAR
(3,813 posts)Blue_In_AK
(46,436 posts)CharlotteVale
(2,717 posts)cui bono
(19,926 posts)Particularly this:
Because we're constantly being told not to dream of a better life, not to think we can achieve our dreams, not to even try to get what we want and NEED. That is bullshit. You don't get anything you don't ask for or demand.
(1,894 posts)Sophiegirl
(2,338 posts)You can speak for me on this any day of the week.
Well said.
(11,994 posts)Sophiegirl
(2,338 posts)ljm2002
(10,751 posts)I say that as another 65+ female voter.
Big K&R!!!!!
(1,859 posts)Not all of us older women are voting for the .1 percent.
Good post!
Go Bernie!
(4,211 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)ybbor
(1,606 posts)I have found the injection of gender into this race offensive and disingenuous.
We need to vote for the candidate who will provide the greatest opportunity to improve our nation. I believe that to be Bernie. If he was a woman with the same ideas and conviction, aka Elizabeth Warren, then she would receive my vote.
(614 posts)that was some serious bunch of AWE SOME, GF!!
good on ya!!
and thx.
(1,745 posts)like the candidate we support.
Well articulated, Nanjeanne!
Lazy Daisy
(928 posts)My thoughts too. I turned 50 last year and support Bernie.
Not the Carly Fiorina is great (god help us if she gets to even take a tour of the White House) but at least she's not going around saying vote for me because I'm a woman. For pete's sake Hillary, stop it. You're making us look weak.
(24,324 posts)I am 72, male, and went through that same period.... So I know what of you speak.. although you were much more active than I was...
Bravo !!!
And WHO in the world is this Susan Bordo??
My goodness..
(15,472 posts)orpupilofnature57
(15,472 posts)Gloria Steinman would of been better to say " She's my age ,so I have to vote for her " .
(10,519 posts)I can understand the desire of women to have a woman for President, I would like to see all barriers come down, true equality. But if I were a woman who seriously longed for a woman President, I would still want that woman to be a great President! It would be terrible for the first woman President to have a Presidency like that of "W." Would any woman want the first woman President to set a horrible precedent? Hillary is not the one! She, like almost all current Washington politicians, is beholden to wealthy Donors. To her credit, she has been better at the game than most of the men, but its still not much to brag about that she took in more bribe money (campaign contributions) than anyone else!
She is a notorious liar and so phony she even uses fake accents when addressing crowds from certain regions. How can you trust someone who is not even genuine in how she speaks?
(10,287 posts)It was alerted on and locked
The jury took it that i was claiming hillary literally physically spat on young people as that waz the alerters claim
Im glad im not the only one who sees how deeply this verse applies
(15,472 posts)I've been here 12 yrs and have been Hid, Banned and Kicked out more in the last 6 months, than 12 yrs before which was a whopping 2 .
(39,215 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)
young women and older women!
Perfectly said.
(11,903 posts)gelatinous cube
(50 posts)You're right about the 24 years and younger group: we definitely know our political system, and we know why we support Bernie over Hillary.
(22 posts)Many men are backing Bernie because he gets things done. He has a perfect record of supporting the middle and lower class citizens. Hilliary on the other hand is all over the map. She's against things one day, and something else the next day. She cannot be trusted.
(886 posts)H2O Man
(75,971 posts)Beautiful.
Uncle Joe
(60,350 posts)Thanks for the thread, Nanjeanne.
(28,260 posts)Perfect response.
(14,358 posts)she is a woman ("But don't vote for her just because she is a woman"
I read it on that thread and came over here to rec your letter.
Thank you for putting into words so much of what my reaction was to that "history lesson"
(1,890 posts)As a 59 year old feminist I couldn't agree more.
(1,145 posts)and you point out what many supporters of Bernie Sanders have noticed about Hillary and her supporters: They never make the case for her candidacy based on her record and policy ideas, only that Bernie's supporters are too stupid, young and naïve to know what's best for them. Her surrogates and supporters are insulting vast swaths of their potential voters and they can't seem to stop themselves.
I will be thrilled and celebrate just as hard as anyone when this country finally breaks the presidential glass ceiling, but I hope it is someone who's policies have greater appeal and inspiration across the generations (I'd love to see Elizabeth Warren or Barbara Lee run someday).
(4,797 posts)I don't understand why so many of Hillary's supporters seem to think condescension and stereotyping are the way to win people over to her side.
(29,104 posts)I'd still like to compliment you on a well-crafted statement of why you're supporting Sanders. I am dismayed that things have gotten so venomous between Clinton and Bernie supporters, here at DU. Like you, I have fond memories of the 60's---it was a much better time in so many ways. Again, my compliments on your post.
(5,471 posts)stage left
(3,030 posts)I'm 67 and I agree with every word you said.
mountain grammy
(27,443 posts)Thank you. I just had this conversation with my husband.
Marty McGraw
(1,024 posts)To 'Bern your Bras' These days....
(23,156 posts)The Hillary supporters constantly talk about how she's fought for women and children, and I see precious little proof of that. She was on record as trying to push through Universal Health Care at the beginning of Bill's first term, but after that failed, I can't recall her going out there trying again. And I'm not aware that she has a strong record pushing for that ever since. Oh, and she's recently said that single payer will "never, ever pass." How supportive is that?
And as Secretary of State she happily bombed women and children in other countries, and is making it clear right now that as President she'd cheerfully continue doing the same. Supportive of women and children? Really?
(45,251 posts)Me, too.
What a noive they have!
ms liberty
(9,904 posts)K&R
(50,983 posts)BigMin28
(1,540 posts)I am 53, and have spent my adult life watching the Democratic party go further and further right. I am sick of the lies. I am all in for Bernie. Also my mother, and my daughter who is 33. Hillary Clinton hasn't represented most Americans for a long time, if ever, and I don't believe she will if elected.
(11,546 posts)we won't be talked down to, disregarded or guilt tripped into voting for someone who we do not relate to feel is the wrong person for the job.
I would love to hear from men who are voting for Bernie. They MUST be tired of the whole "Bernie bro" thing!
(53,235 posts)wendylaroux
(2,925 posts)great post!!!
Martin Eden
(13,667 posts)My hat is off to Allison Glennon.
(9,992 posts)passiveporcupine
(8,175 posts)I applaud her. Thanks Nanjeanne for posting this.
(12,647 posts)ozone_man
(4,825 posts)Thank you!
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Marty McGraw
(1,024 posts)Admiral Loinpresser
(3,859 posts)Dem_in_Nebr.
(315 posts)What you said!
Don 63 y/o
(1,066 posts)I will certainly credit you, it would just be for my FB page. I have been deflecting all these arguments over and over and you have said it better than I have yet.
At 48 I'm in between you and the 24 year old.
(5,471 posts)SpookyCat
(1,066 posts)kenfrequed
(7,865 posts)Love this whole piece!
(12,928 posts)There is a special place in heaven for women like you.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)eggman67
(837 posts)You rock!
(9,298 posts)deeply appreciates and agrees with the sentiments expressed in the OP.
(27,275 posts)The very serious people can keep insulting their voters, if they choose. I've been insulted enough. Sanders gets my vote because I know we deserve a much better governmemt for the 99%. We've been a steady diet of lies about the power and purpose of government for 30+ years, and it is time for this country to actually progess. Democrats can continue to peddle incrementalism all they want, but we do have the ability to make wars and corporate bailouts happen quickly. Why can't we have that urgency for things that actually benefit the people?
(3,919 posts)a 63 year old feminist and woman of color. your entire post is perfection. i stand with you. and, yes, young people are our future and should be respected no matter their age.
marble falls
(62,717 posts)represents me because I know who he is and he knows who I am.
I am very disheartened by Hillary's being forced to tack left.
(2,872 posts)Very well said..
(19,729 posts)I don't need a history lesson either. I've been following Washington politics since LBJ. But Bordo's piece wasn't really about that at all. It was just the reheated old canards we've been subjected to since 2008. I fully understand the sexism thrown at Hillary since the 80's in Arkansas and I'm behind her 100% on those issues. Always have been. She and I are aligned on many issues, but not on the issues I think are most important for the future right now....the buying of our democracy and economic justice.
It's not superficial bullshit or sexism or gender that's driving Bernie's campaign for me, Nanjeanne and 24 year olds and many others. It's policy, dammit! Why Bordo can't seem to grasp that, I simply don't know. Incrementalism and trying to work with the crazies on the other side has failed now for 8 years. 4 more years of failed strategy are not going to work either and that's NOT what our country needs.
(72,631 posts)NoMoreRepugs
(10,739 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Gregorian
(23,867 posts)Beautiful
(18,318 posts)myrna minx
(22,772 posts)prairierose
(2,147 posts)and I started supporting Sanders before he declared. I was one of those people who wrote to him and signed petitions asking him to run.
But as someone else in this thread said , following Bernie, we feel that we have a chance to participate and influence what might happen in the future. The DLC, by all of their many names, and the Clintons, have made it perfectly clear over the years that they do not care what the people have to say, they are going to listen to and work for the oligarchs and we, the people do not matter.
But Bernie tells us that we do matter. He cares what we think and he tells us that he wants and needs our help to make the changes we so desperately need in this country. He tells us that he understands the problems that we have and he has specific policy ideas to make change. Bernie talks about actual change not promises of maybe, trying to make change later, at some indeterminate time in the future.
Thanks for your very clear and articulate post Nanjeanne.
(29,503 posts)MisterP
(23,730 posts)it reminds me of the last nonentity to pop out of nowhere and lecture us, Sady Doyle
(5,471 posts)She has some nerve writing a letter about how she feels about the very special Hillary Clinton.
And people wonder why Clinton and her supporters seem condescending.
(23,730 posts)Nanjeanne
(5,471 posts)nolabels
(13,133 posts)Seems like i have been trying to warn people what these corporate type fools have been doing for the last ten years or so here at DU. I have learned a lot about it and so many other things hanging around here btw. Well anyway, finally we have this candidate that's been saying corporate rule is bad thing it seems for the last thirty years and people are starting to really get it. It doesn't take any special equipment to get this stuff, just an ear or two and a willingness to listen.
Tribalism or any other types of grouping is not really even needed, just some common sense to look and see what we are really up against.
Bernie says they are now going to throw the kitchen sink at us all. I would say they have gone a lot farther long ago. They exported the kitchen sink factory quite awhile ago and are now throwing the kitchen sinks at us by the boatload. They wished they would have put us all under earlier with all those hurls, but, alas, it didn't work. The battle has just been ratcheted up and it is US that is putting the heat them now. They don't appear to fairing as well as would as have been expected. Keep pushing, because everybody is counting on everybody else to push too