2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumBernie waited for Hillary but she turned and walked away! That felt horrible!
All said good night and Bernie waited for Hillary to continue speaking to another, then she turned and walked away. You could see it was deliberate and it looked horrible!
(14,677 posts)hopemountain
(3,919 posts)opponent because the manner and attitude can work in favor of the opponent - as pointed out by david axelrod during his summary at the end of the cnn debate redux program.
(13,190 posts)The fuck!!
(3,160 posts)ViseGrip
(3,133 posts)CorporatistNation
(2,546 posts)There should be no surprise here. Hillary is PISSED!!! Because she got "caught" lying on several occasions principally about her absurd criticisms from the RIGHT about Bernie's Health Care plan, guns, and lying about Wall Street. She got exposed and she IS PISSED!!!!
(33,688 posts)That's exactly who snd what she is.
(29,798 posts)I'd love to know how many time "hillary speaking fees" was googled.
But she is entitled. Besides, her private jet was probably waiting for her.
(2,546 posts)!
(5,208 posts)DURHAM D
(32,861 posts)tk2kewl
(18,133 posts)demmiblue
(37,900 posts)I can't think of any other reason why one would condone rude behavior.
Green Forest
(232 posts)Good.
(1,400 posts)See....
(522 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)...basically.
(44,171 posts)Green Forest
(232 posts)Logical
(22,457 posts)Green Forest
(232 posts)Really.
(8,175 posts)Did you like Obama? Could you even imagine him ever acting this way?
All through the debate she was glaring and rude, especially to Bernie, whiile O'Malley and Bernie were polite (even when disputing her) in voice and manner.
She can be an asshole at times (which you clearly seem to enjoy) and that's why so many people really don't want to see her in the white house. We want people with courtesy and compassion, like Obama and Bernie. She says she can get people to work together? When she treats them like that? Nope! She is not a uniter. she is power hungry and thinks she can force her will on people. She hates it when people stand up to her like Bernie did tonight.
Marty McGraw
(1,024 posts)where necessitates. Sometime though a little of standing somebody up to the wall LBJ style couldn't hurt.
(2,546 posts)How can someone bring people together when she acts like a 14 year old high school girl. Further evidence denoting her less than adequate character as a person much less a President! K and R!
(3,795 posts)that she will not be president and able to behave so rudely and classlessly with foreign leaders. Wonder if she did/had done that as SOS?
(12,685 posts)tokenlib
(4,186 posts)earthside
(6,960 posts)I had to go tend to some business and missed the very end.
Well, that demonstrates that Hillary knows that Sen. Sanders clearly won this debate.
(3,160 posts)in_cog_ni_to
(41,600 posts)I cannot wait until February 1st. He's going to win in a landslide....then she'll have a reason to pout.
(5,128 posts)pa28
(6,145 posts)Losing your nomination twice in a row when you did everything right and followed all the rules has got to be tough.
(972 posts)The seven emotional stages of grief are usually understood to be shock or disbelief, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression, and acceptance/hope. Symptoms of grief can be emotional, physical, social, or religious in nature.
(7,419 posts)That's not what I saw. I saw lots of lies, "evolving" and 3rd Way/DLC policies.
(6,145 posts)Unfortunately for her it's not "right" this year.
Misunderstood. I'm a little slow at times...
(6,145 posts)This was a good night for Bernie.
Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)Unless you mean, "TO the right."
(13,877 posts)nc4bo
(17,651 posts)And HRH is not amused.
Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)gwheezie
(3,580 posts)Seriously what is wrong with some of you? I saw her and Bernie during one of the breaks walk over to him smiling and put her hand out to him.
They looked pretty cordial to me.
(22,457 posts)greiner3
(5,214 posts)In olden times shaking with the right hand (a right handed man takes just that longer to stick a knife into you so an empty hand signifies that person will not stab you at least until your back is turned. BTW she may have been "cordial"to that moment but after he trounced her and 'wounded' her she offered no promises to the stabbing in the future.
(3,580 posts)I think ya'll are reading too much into this.
cui bono
(19,926 posts)This is about Hillary being exceptionally rude and unprofessional.
(9,463 posts)JRLeft
(7,010 posts)left-of-center2012
(34,195 posts)Skwmom
(12,685 posts)jalan48
(14,579 posts)navarth
(5,927 posts)but I agree it was a really, really good debate for Bernie.
Any one of these three would be better than the Reptilians. Obviously I prefer Bernie. I also felt that my second choice, Martin O'Malley, really made a dent tonight. And he sure was patient with the way Lester and Mrs. Greenspan ignored him.
(4,280 posts)polichick
(37,626 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)I've looked and can't find it.
(3,133 posts)talking. I can't help out because I cut my cord.
(9,866 posts)..find the end part but can't get it to come up. Thanx anyway.
(3,366 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 20, 2016, 12:11 PM - Edit history (1)
Go to 30 seconds inhttp://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2016/01/18/did-hillary-avoid-shaking-hands-bernie-after-democrat-debate
(12,655 posts)wow. entitled and pissed off. if i say any more i will get a hide.
no doubt that was a snub. she even looked at him.
(9,866 posts)..moment in this video and all I saw on screen at the end was Chuck, Alan Greenspan's wife, and DWS. Do you have a sense of the minute marks this snub occurred in?
(12,655 posts)comment #35 is the video. the commenter gave the mark..inhink around 2.50 something its in the comment thhough with the video
it goes back to the candidates after todd talks
(12,655 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 18, 2016, 03:38 PM - Edit history (1)
forgot the link
2.50.20 mark
(4,280 posts)I'm glad no one here can see the dumb mistakes I make on my iPhone! We all do it!!
(12,655 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)Very helpful!
Now that I've seen itit does look like it was a deliberate snub and he knew it too. Unpleasant.
(12,655 posts)ecstatic
(34,573 posts)You're assuming he was waiting for her, and assuming she purposely snubbed him. Let's not jump to conclusions!
(3,133 posts)He was standing there waiting for her to finish, she of course knows the etiquette. This really shows you who she is. Along with being a mother who sent her daughter out to lie. She lied about that again tonight as well, along with saying she is now for 'single payer'. Did you hear that? Anyone catch that?
Hillary is now for single payer? She needs to be asked about this answer that she gave.
(24,596 posts)They'll use anything they can against her.
(9,497 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)
for who won tonight.
(12,882 posts)Those DAMNED Bernie folks - voting and voting and voting and voting and..... Hope they vote like that in IA and NH !!!! And of course, the HRC faithful would NEVER vote more than once. Nooooooooooooooooooooo.....
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)for Bernie supporters to participate in.
(66,066 posts)Slate poll: BS 85%; HC 12%; MOM 2%.
2nd link poll: BS 94.59%; HC 3.89%; MOM 1.52%
4th link poll: BS 94.35%; HC 3.81%; MOM 1.84%
(4,280 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)....this isn't Chicago.
BTW, I voted 10 times for Clinton and then got tired and realized that it was idiotic to continue.
Note: how many of those "polls" said they were unscientific?
(9,298 posts)because I tried voting for Bernie twice on the Time poll. It was at 71,645 after I voted once and remained at that number afterward.
cui bono
(19,926 posts).
(29,120 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)
.haven't you?
Just because it looks like you can log out and in and "vote" again, and the screen lets you do thatdoesn't mean your repeat votes are actually countedbecause of cookies.
They recognize you and your vote and don't count it over and over again.
Marty McGraw
(1,024 posts)can tell their browser to gobble all them cookies if it has been behaving the way it should.
but I highly doubt this was the case for the majority of the surveyed.
(31,935 posts)try it for yourself!
(14,358 posts)view of their political commentator immediately afterward.
(3,133 posts)dsc
(52,737 posts)how dare she forget that.
Ridiculous isn't it?
(3,160 posts)DisgustipatedinCA
(12,530 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)....but bottom line she was 10X more polite to him than he was to her.
(6,699 posts)I guess I missed something. I wasn't impressed by her desperation and her feigning anger and domination with her answers. Shawdy.
(3,133 posts)Hulk
(6,699 posts)That's why I switched over to fox (get it piped in with cable down here in central Mexico.). I can't stand to listen to chuckie, ms greenspan, or any of the other corporate whores tell me what I should think.
I expect propaganda bull shit from fox. Never disappointed.
George II
(67,782 posts)Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)Tory influenced
(4,023 posts)Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)Still In Wisconsin
(4,450 posts)That is all.
(30,335 posts)The nonsense one reads here is astounding........
Response to Beacool (Reply #71)
Post removed
(6,476 posts)Response to Beacool (Reply #71)
Douglas Carpenter This message was self-deleted by its author.
Gene Debs
(582 posts)aren't mutually exclusive.
(27,509 posts)I was juror 2, 3, or 4.
Automated Message
AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Results of your Jury Service
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On Sun Jan 17, 2016, 10:09 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Hillary Clinton is a loathsome human being.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Over the top insult of a Dem, no attempt to address an issue, just hate.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Sun Jan 17, 2016, 10:17 PM, and the Jury voted 2-5 to LEAVE IT.
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Explanation: No explanation given
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Explanation: Poster is expressing an opinion. Alerter had the opportunity to challenge the statement and offer a different point of view. Things get heated on DU during primary season. I've seen much worse.
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Explanation: Until the nomination process is over people are allowed to express opinions about the candidates freely, unless there was a rule change I missed.
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(1,017 posts)Do they allow multiple reports ?
(3,133 posts)DFW
(56,977 posts)I wonder what was behind that?
(15,480 posts)Hillary has remained unable to grasp the reality/possibility of being videotaped just about anywhere.
(56,977 posts)Maybe something happened during a break backstage? They seemed cordial in the middle. I'll bet something was said that none of us know about.
(615 posts)Although I will say it wouldn't surprise me, even though perceptions can be different. People aren't supposed to get in her way.
If she was upset about being called out about her and Chelsea's coordinated lies about Bernie's health care plan, I have no sympathy for her. She shouldn't have made them.
I look at the debate reports tonight, and it's clear they're pissed off about something. Hillary lying for a week or the real support for Sanders, that will bulldoze the media in IA and NH?
(7,908 posts)of the race for that impertinence.
Ugh, just ugh.
(22,491 posts)What makes me sad and wary is that for reasons I don't fully understand I can read and see and hear the thinly veiled thread of what is underlying Mrs. Clinton's words, demeanor and smiles. Unfortunately what I am picking up is mostly a tremendous desire to be President, and it is not really for the right reasons. It to me is almost as if she is putting on being a politician I mistrust as if she were applying make up. I see her fear of losing, and again it's not for reasons that serve the country.
And I specifically saw her dislike of Mr. Sanders and her realization that he bested her in honesty and charisma when she disregarded him callously at the end.
I will vote for Mrs. Clinton, if it comes to that. But first I will vote for Bernie with great hope.
(3,133 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)And her attacks make her just look more vile.
(11,945 posts)Lately I've been wondering what home life was like for the family.
(15,480 posts)I realize they'd lose their government jobs/pensions if they spoke out, but I hope they are each keeping diaries and writing personal memoirs to be released after their deaths.
(14,274 posts)Manufacturing outrage over things like handshake-gate or bathroom-gate is indeed incredibly immature. DU used to be better than this.
(74 posts)The video posted flips back and forth between Todd and the candidates - you do realize it's very possible, and likely, that Bernie and Hillary shook hands BEFORE walking from behind the podiums to meet with the moderators? In fact, Bernie doesn't even appear to be waiting for Hillary, rather waiting to shake hands with Andrea AFTER Hillary.
Do you actually have evidence to corroborate this attack or is it based off of assumptions?
complain jane
(4,302 posts)I'm interested in seeing too...
(74 posts)Around 2:50 - there is no evidence of Hillary "snubbing" Bernie. It's really odd to see over a hundred responses cheering for something that is based completely on illogical assumptions:
complain jane
(4,302 posts)is anybody's guess.
(51,375 posts)She was the anointed one who had already been fitted for the crown and I'm sure she's in a state of shock half the time.
(73,771 posts)ViseGrip
(3,133 posts)Some on Hillary's team didn't like it either. They hoped no one really noticed, as the debate was over. I want people to notice, the type of character she is and the rest of the family.
See 'parents send out daughter to lie'.
Bernie went to her after O'Malley, and after Hillary shook O'Malley's hand and began talking to someone else. Bernie stood there and waited for her to finish her conversation, to shake her hand. She clearly turned away, knowing he was there, waiting. Many here saw it too.
It speaks to a type of nastiness, and the people are fed up. Another negative action by Hillary.
(14,274 posts)Haters are going to hate no matter what. They will make up handshake-gate and bathroom-gate and even try to blame Hillary herself for another campaign trying to steal her campaign data.
Yet she handles it all flawlessly.
(3,133 posts)I'm for free speech. Your only answer to this snub that many saw is that I'm a hater?
You're a hater based on your ugly words. Not mine.
(8,267 posts)
On Mon Jan 18, 2016, 04:37 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Why do you call me a 'hater'? I hate NO ONE in this world. You are a blog hack.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
"Blog hack" is an uncalled for insult
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Jan 18, 2016, 04:49 PM, and the Jury voted 0-7 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: so is hater
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Oh FFS.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: SMDH...
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
Someone will be unable to alert again for a wee while...
(8,267 posts)Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
(Snort, giggle, snicker, guffaw!!!)
You just keep telling yourself that, frog.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)But we all know it's her turn.
I certainly hope her flameout is spectacular and send a message to the turd way.
(2,125 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,463 posts)from Republicans.
(67,112 posts)GoneOffShore
(17,661 posts)riversedge
(73,771 posts)Nedsdag
(2,437 posts)"No She Can't!"
(5,420 posts)walking away and acting like she never heard of them. Promises? what promises?
(14,524 posts)Still acting like a high school mean girl.
Very fucking "presidential" Hillary.