African American
Related: About this forumAF-AM Group: At what point should an entertainer give him/herself up to financial servitude?
Recently, the mention of Beyonce buying a 90 mil has caused a lot of "concern" among certain DUers who feel it could have been spent on other social causes and a few that are concerned that someone could make that much money.
So my question is, at what point should Beyonce stop taking a percentage of the proceeds of her various products and start doing stuff without receiving compensation (Mhmm, I think there was a word for that.)?
Forbes places her at 340m in income this year, a chunk of which comes from her extremely successful 250mil Formation World Tour. So should she be a 240m slave, only being allowed to keep 100mil of her earned income or a modest 300m slave? How much of their hard earned income are the descendants of slaves allowed to keep in America before being cast back into servitude?
It's a serious question. I support liberal policies, but on the otherhand, the moment I'm paying more than 50% of my income in taxes, I'm going to be rallying for a huge change in direction in the party. I personally refuse to work for less than a majority of my income and frankly, it pisses me off when DU goes on a tizzy about a black performer or our president (President Obama) making exactly what the market will pay them for their services.

Billy Jingo
(77 posts)Did I stumble into an Ayn Rand forum?
(2,897 posts)Do you agree? I think coming from a history of not receiving any of it at all, 50+% of the income from our labor isn't a hard ask.
Billy Jingo
(77 posts)By the way, would it be a sliding scale? Would there be some sort of melanin test where the greater the concentration the lower the tax rate?
I pity the Dutch. Other than freckles, they are pretty much boned.
Response to Billy Jingo (Reply #3)
Post removed
Billy Jingo
(77 posts)Ah well. Enjoy your weekend.
(2,897 posts)pnwmom
(109,713 posts)because the poster didn't think tax rate should be determined by race.
(2,897 posts)Did he think that African Americans should earn a majority of the income for their services?
He said no and then went on some tangent about melanin not determining tax policy. This is a low count poster that has in multiple posts brought up the "not about melanin" excuse to dismiss the racial aspects of something. Sorry, I'm not dealing with that shit.
(109,713 posts)That isn't a racist opinion.
But the top Federal income tax rate is 39.6%. Only people with high state and local taxes might pay more than 50%.
And an entertainer like Beyonce probably takes a lot of deductions before her income is taxed.
(2,897 posts)You haven't been pulling a "melanin is not the reason" card on DU and you have a history here.
And personally that is fine, but I'm not voting for any political candidate that ultimately has me paying more than 50%+ of my income in taxes. I refuse to work for less than a majority of my income, which tbh is still vastly smaller than what a corporation would make off of my labor.
Deductions aside, Beyonce is still probably paying a much larger amount of taxes than most of us on DU combined. The state property taxes on a 90mil house purchases is probably more than what many posters pay in a year.
(109,713 posts)spends a much smaller proportion of income than the rest of us on basic expenses. So she can afford the taxes on the investments she makes.
I don't begrudge her her amazing income, but I'm also not worried about her having to pay the same tax rate as anyone else. And I think people with 90 million dollar homes should pay proportionately higher taxes. Even at 50% total income taxes (or whatever her amount is) she would still have more disposable income than the vast majority of people.
Billy Jingo
(77 posts)You are pretty sensitive.
(2,897 posts)I don't have to be affected by the words of some anonymous poster looking to get internet points to realize that they're meant to be an insult.
(34,286 posts)A lot lately - but it's same old same old.
(91,277 posts)women. it's more about resentment than it is about tax policy. just look at the complaints about money she spends on giving birth. like WTF .
if it was about tax policy they the issue would be what her position is. i doubt she has a detailed view of it but she does vote for the more liberal party under which she would pay more taxes.
another thing is they got angry when i mentioned how lower income/working class white men vote republican and are more responsible for the tax policies that favor the wealthy.
(34,286 posts)lower income/working class white men vote republican and are more responsible for the tax policies that favor the wealthy.
My take? A lot of those guys voted for Trump out of resentment he gunned up against minorities of ALL socio-economic flavors.
They believe that only THEY work hard.
Only THEY are allowed to get rich in America.
Truth be told - if the Carters had 3 kids and needed tanf and snap to get by . . .they would be just as angry.